WTB world's cheapest 14 inch or better laptop or Chromebook for a broke friend

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Jan 18, 2006
I can buy a new Chromebook for under $150.00. I would prefer to spend less on this site for a used real laptop or a "better" Chrombook. This is for a friend that can't afford a laptop and is only using it for email and browsing, not even Netflix. I am assuming $25.00 shipping costs unless you get a deal.
Going to NC 27604.
Does not have to be upgradeable to Win 11 but that would be nice. Maybe an obsolete gaming unit that used to play games in 2015? Maybe what was a higher end Chromebook? I can't see anything less than 8gig unless you are basically selling for barely over shipping.
This is not for a charity just for someone who is broke so I am not asking for any donations but just the best price I can get. I have been here a loooonnnnggg time and have great HEAT. Thank you for any help.
I have a couple of options around the $100, or less, before shipping, Windows and Chromebook.....what is your preference?
Email me at my username at deal for options.
A philanthropist's advice: Don't give them anything you wouldn't have purchased for yourself.
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