WTB HDMI video card


Limp Gawd
May 1, 2006
All that i require is that it's HDMI, PCIe, comparable to a 7300GS and as cheap as possible. Paypal ready, thanks.

heat under purg3d
What videocard do you have?Most of the time you can just buy a dvi to hdmi adapter,or for some a dongle.Either way its the same.lol.
I have a Sapphire X1600Pro that has HDMI for $45. PM me if you are interested.
currently using a dvi/hdmi cable with the 7300gs, but want hdmi to carry audio to my tv. thats the idea at least.
What processor are you using? I have Gigabyte 740G motherboard with HDMI built in from a HTPC that I built but didn't go where it was intended. If you have an AM2 proc, this might be a great solution. Let me know
I bought an Ati 3450 for 29.99 after Google Checkout from Buy.com last week. It's my 2nd one and they're great. Perfect htpc cards.