WTB: Best $100 GPU I can find, also maybe a 6th/7th gen CPU


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2004
My son just did his first build based on old parts I had laying around. It was fun and gets him a usable computer but right now it's slower than his "gaming" laptop. With a few upgrades it could be way faster. Currently using an i5 6400T with a GTX 770.

The obvious upgrade is the video card. I'm thinking maybe RX 570, RX 580, GTX 970, that sort of thing. $100 max as he will be paying for it and I want him to learn.

CPU is less of a bottleneck but might be nice to have an i7 or even just a "real" i5 as the Skylake T series is not all that impressive. Not sure on this because it won't impact gaming by a huge amount, but if someone has a great deal on a Skylake/Kaby Lake CPU I'm all ears.