World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

Whelp, looks like I'm done playing this game until AMD fixes their new drivers. Can't completely disable crossfire for this game (which this piece of shit engine hates).
They just put fixes in for WoWs in the last release. It's not like they didn't know it existed.

fuck em over
Looks like that code is dead now, glad I opted to enter it this morning. And to play a game, because, well I had to make sure they showed up, and since the game was already could wait.
Well, I was able to fall back on the one big disadvantage that crossfire provides: It can't run crossfire in windowed mode.

So, I'm stuck in windowed mode until they get their shit fixed.
Well, I was able to fall back on the one big disadvantage that crossfire provides: It can't run crossfire in windowed mode.

So, I'm stuck in windowed mode until they get their shit fixed.

And there is no way to disable crossfire? a single 290x should plow this game :)
And there is no way to disable crossfire? a single 290x should plow this game :)

Well, with the last AMD driver suite still had the old CCC manager, which allowed me to make a profile for World of Warships and run it with crossfire disabled. With the new Crimson suite manager released today, I can do the same thing with the profile, but the crossfire would still be on.

And yea, windowed mode sucks. Not going to be playing WOWS unless I have a friend ask me to play with them in a division.
I play in windows mode all the time...:(

I guess I should try full screen to see what I'm missing..
So, I got to rank 10 today (lol at needing only 2 wins). Now I have to decide if I want to use my NC, Myoko, or the Tirpitz in the tier 7-8 ranked games.

Also have to note here, I sucked doing ranked on my Cleveland and I DESTROYED on my Murmansk (all thoses Clevelands were green with envy from my shell velocity :D ).
I need to focus on the game, was chatting about stupid crap in the initial race to the cap areas, all of a sudden a dd appears 2k away, quick steer to fire torps...why isn't it turning..fuck..*sees chat window with ddddddddddddddddddddddd, hit esc, twice accidentally- no I don't want to quit, hit esc to get back to the game, start turn, eat 18 torpedos...

I need to focus on the game, was chatting about stupid crap in the initial race to the cap areas, all of a sudden a dd appears 2k away, quick steer to fire torps...why isn't it turning..fuck..*sees chat window with ddddddddddddddddddddddd, hit esc, twice accidentally- no I don't want to quit, hit esc to get back to the game, start turn, eat 18 torpedos...


I can't tell you how many time I've done that while tanking in WoW. So many crushing blows deaths.....
So, I got to rank 10 today (lol at needing only 2 wins). Now I have to decide if I want to use my NC, Myoko, or the Tirpitz in the tier 7-8 ranked games.

Also have to note here, I sucked doing ranked on my Cleveland and I DESTROYED on my Murmansk (all thoses Clevelands were green with envy from my shell velocity :D ).

NC will be easiest / fastest. Myoko will be a nightmare. Tirpitz can do ok.

Rank 5 NCs usually just part and tank with their bows, shooting with front guns. Very difficult to kill.
I need to focus on the game, was chatting about stupid crap in the initial race to the cap areas, all of a sudden a dd appears 2k away, quick steer to fire torps...why isn't it turning..fuck..*sees chat window with ddddddddddddddddddddddd, hit esc, twice accidentally- no I don't want to quit, hit esc to get back to the game, start turn, eat 18 torpedos...


LOL at the dddddddddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I've done that SO many times :)

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if running at tier 8 or above makes any damn sense, unless you have tens of millions in credits. If you lose your ship, you lose money. Or at best break even.

The cost of driving the upper tier sips is too damn high.

92k repair on a Benson. Yikes !!!

I guess it's another reason to love the Orlan and the Hermelin. I can make 70 grand and only spend $1.99 to have them rebuilt. $2.99 if I use OEM parts :)
Well, with the last AMD driver suite still had the old CCC manager, which allowed me to make a profile for World of Warships and run it with crossfire disabled. With the new Crimson suite manager released today, I can do the same thing with the profile, but the crossfire would still be on.

And yea, windowed mode sucks. Not going to be playing WOWS unless I have a friend ask me to play with them in a division.

theres actually a few threads on the WOWS forums about how to enable borderless desktop mode, not sure if that would help with your problem. i know when i was running SLI i just globally disabled SLI unless i knew the game actually used it correctly then i'd turn it on before playing. can't be bothered with multigpu setups anymore.. game developers have become insanely lazy these days.
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Enabled 2xMSAA and it looks so much better. Not nearly as good as 4xMSAA but I was getting artifacts with that, unfortunately. I have a feeling that SweetFX might be causing the issue but I'll have to do some work to find out if that's the case but I really, really want to get 4x working. Combining SweetFX, proper AA and ship skins from the community really make the stock art direction look rather embarrassing.

Here's the link to EU forum post about enabling MSAA, post #17.
Enabled 2xMSAA and it looks so much better. Not nearly as good as 4xMSAA but I was getting artifacts with that, unfortunately. I have a feeling that SweetFX might be causing the issue but I'll have to do some work to find out if that's the case but I really, really want to get 4x working. Combining SweetFX, proper AA and ship skins from the community really make the stock art direction look rather embarrassing.

Here's the link to EU forum post about enabling MSAA, post #17.

dunno, all i know is that 359.00 drivers + turning on AA in WoWS killed my GTX 580.. never really been a fan of the mods for WoWS though but then again i don't really care for visual mods in any game so that doesn't really say much, lol.
Enabled 2xMSAA and it looks so much better. Not nearly as good as 4xMSAA but I was getting artifacts with that, unfortunately. I have a feeling that SweetFX might be causing the issue but I'll have to do some work to find out if that's the case but I really, really want to get 4x working. Combining SweetFX, proper AA and ship skins from the community really make the stock art direction look rather embarrassing.

Here's the link to EU forum post about enabling MSAA, post #17.

damn! thanks, going to do this today. I used SWEETFX AA (not really AA I guess) but this looks better, also SweetFX brakes ShadowPlay for me, so I ended up removing it.
Wow that's weird. Strange how SweetFX works differently for pretty much everyone, lol. I use it for every FPS that I play since they almost always look like utter crap with some brown or blue filter. Warships has a very, very strong grey filter, amongst the strongest I've ever seen in a game.

Finally put together some Yamato gameplay but the overview is still some time away. Really need to get around to playing the game more
Now, I'm beginning to wonder if running at tier 8 or above makes any damn sense, unless you have tens of millions in credits. If you lose your ship, you lose money. Or at best break even.

The cost of driving the upper tier sips is too damn high.

92k repair on a Benson. Yikes !!!

I guess it's another reason to love the Orlan and the Hermelin. I can make 70 grand and only spend $1.99 to have them rebuilt. $2.99 if I use OEM parts :)

I would pretty much recommend not going higher than tier 8 if you don't run premium. That and tier 9-10 game are pretty dam different (boring) due to the higher repair cost.

Also, I love my Benson. Sold it off when .5.0 hit and resently bought it again. So much ownage!
Ground through the izyaslav to get the gnevny, not a bad ship. Haven't upgraded any of the modules yet, although I have a few more xp to work with now. To be fair, the first wyoming made the dumb mistake of coming down that western channel on big race, that's no mans land for a BB. The konigsberg came with him, but too far ahead, which gave me time to reload torps.


Well, either the game has corrupted itself (again) or the new AMD drivers have crapped the bed. They worked fine after I installed them the day they came out. Today? Game is unplayable. When the battle screen appears it is totally trashed, and blinking between the pending battle screen and the battle screen.

Reinstalling. Again. Man this takes forever.

Not a fancy config. Windows 10 x64 and an HD7970 card.
Sounds like the same thing when my crossfire is enabled. Have you tried to run in windowed mode?
It was the Crimson drivers. I scrubbed them and reinstalled 15.7.1 and all is back to normal.

I think my next card just might be an nVidia for the first time in over 10 years.
Glad whenever I win in ranked some shitbag team brings me right back to where I started. Jesus fucking christ this is frustrating.

*cough* got to rank 10. Won 7 out of 8 matches and a high caliber in 6 of them, lol. Time to roll out Mr Amagi.

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Glad whenever I win in ranked some shitbag team brings me right back to where I started. Jesus fucking christ this is frustrating.

*cough* got to rank 10. Won 7 out of 8 matches and a high caliber in 6 of them, lol. Time to roll out Mr Amagi.


lol happened to me a few times today.. level'd up lost it promptly the next game, so now i'm in the habbit of play 1 ranked game, play an unranked game in another ship then ranked then another unranked.. seems to have worked for me so far.. currently rank 12 i think but i've only played like 10 ranked games, lol.

Ground through the izyaslav to get the gnevny, not a bad ship. Haven't upgraded any of the modules yet, although I have a few more xp to work with now. To be fair, the first wyoming made the dumb mistake of coming down that western channel on big race, that's no mans land for a BB. The konigsberg came with him, but too far ahead, which gave me time to reload torps.



the ognevoi will make you cry, the gnevy while not awesome is quite good when matched against T4/5 since you can citadel omaha's and phoenix's like no other. but the ognevoi is complete and utter trash.. rounds are to high velocity so HE does nothing and you over pen other DD's but can't pen T6+ cruisers. now if you get lucky and get in a T5 match then yeah the ogne is a beast but most of the time i got stuck in T7/8 matches on twin brothers.. finally gave up and sold it off. hope one they go back and fix the russian DD's or actually release maps where the russian DD's can take advantage of their fast short range torps.
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Man, I do want that Warspite, but not for $35-40.

Came to ask just that. Warspite and Nikolai are available to buy. Are either worth it?

My last ship purchase was the Aurora, and I'd rather have an ingrown toenail.
Warspite is a good ship. I can repair citadel hits, but the gun traverse speed is 72 seconds, when compared to 60 secs on the New Mex.

I have heard alot of good things on reddit for the Nikolai, that its a Wyoming but better.
Am I the only one that can't hit shit in the "Ocean" map ? Which happens to be the worst map IMHO.

I don't know if its the lack of reference or what, but I can't even hit with the Cleveland.

Thats bad....
I hate ocean, it seems I'm usually there in a US or russian DD, so I can't torp and when I'm detected I get fired upon from 5 directions at once. I bet my survival rate is like 10% on that one.
The lighting on Ocean's water makes it difficult to discern the forward movement speed and thus, hit the target. It's an awful map for cruisers or destroyers that don't have 10km or higher torps.
Don't forget Russian and US dds are great for popping smoke and throwing it in full reverse (so you're not continually detected). Then maps like Ocean you can just sit there and fire.

A lot of times I like to head towards a fleet heading in my direction, get as close as I can, 6km (?), pop smoke, full reverse, fire my guns and wait for some idiot to wander too close, fire torps.
The lighting on Ocean's water makes it difficult to discern the forward movement speed and thus, hit the target. It's an awful map for cruisers or destroyers that don't have 10km or higher torps.

Yes, this, sometimes it seems ships are travelling at mach 1 on that map. Weird.
Decide d to pass on the warspite. Out of premium and don't really want to spend most money on this game with a terrible engine than I have to.
I played the absolute living shit out of this game with a friend since closed beta (Don't know the hours but we spent at least 1-2 hours every day since start of closed beta until last month), but we've kind of giving up on it within the past month. We both got two-three ship lines up to tier X and aren't really having much fun with the game anymore because the MM was just getting to intrusive with it's BS.

Basically, the MM code targets a W/L ratio of 46% for every player. If you are above the 46% value the game has code that essentially screws you over. Not only will you be thrown in w/ shitty balancing of ships (Which we didn't mind so much), but there is more here then a lot of people realize. Wargaming uses this same logic for all three games. Basically - Once you're above that 46% W/L a number of your 'luck' values start to take a hit. You'll notice other ships start to detonate your magazine more often. You'll notice that your accuracy against certain players (Those below you in W/L) takes a hit. Etc..

Because of this we sort of gave up. Skill only takes you so far in this game, and once you start playing the higher levels a lot you begin to notice just how huge of the impact the WG 'code' makes on the outcome of things. We wouldn't even complain that much if WG at least offered a game mode where this 46% W/L code isn't used. Basically a straight up truly random battle with no 'I suck' modifiers; But that type of mode doesn't exist.

So we had fun, and it took us a *long* time to figure out what was going on with the game. (That and someone showed us the patent on the WG 'code' that we didn't know about which details how the system targets an average W/L of 46% for everyone using various methods) But we've been left kind of pissed off because we both invested quite a bit of time and money to get three lines up to tier X and had I known why i'd have these weird runs where i'd win a lot, then loose a lot for no apparent reason (It's apparent now) we wouldn't have invested the time/money. We'd had just been fine playing the game for free.
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