World of Tanks to Get Better Multithreading Support


Mar 3, 2018
Following the likes of World of Warcraft, Planetside 2, and other MMOs, announced that the World of Tanks engine is set to get a multi-threading overhaul. In their recent dev diary, developers note that most of their userbase tends to upgrade CPUs relatively infrequently compared to GPUs, and that most cores sit idle while a single core runs at relatively inefficient turbo clocks in the current incarnation of the engine. In addition to performance increases from the overhaul, the devs noted that the extra CPU power could allow them to implement features that were previously performance-prohibitive.

Check out the dev diary here.

The new version of the Core engine will support multi-threading. What is it? How does it work? And what does it mean for players? Watch this to find out and leave your comments!
I don't play WoT but I do play a lot of WoWS and I hope that game gets more graphical love from WG very soon.
The WoT devs sure do keep trying to make things better. I remember when they overhauled the physics engine. Man did that help a lot.
The game has been dieing every where except the RU servers. They have been pushing a pay to win model with premium tanks and have fallen on their face hard with balance the past couple years. Doubt even with the changes the NA server will have enough people for decent MM across all tiers.
World of tanks is not dying... They made bank on the loot boxes this year and last year. As long as people spend money and they only offer the M6A2E1 for 24 hours at a time the game is still making money.
World of tanks is not dying... They made bank on the loot boxes this year and last year. As long as people spend money and they only offer the M6A2E1 for 24 hours at a time the game is still making money.

Nope, it's dead and just doesn't know it yet.

They have introduced bots into the game because they can't keep a strong enough player base running across the tiers. I would bet my right nut that the number of people online is just made up bullshit. Try joining matches at tier 10, takes forever but it never used too, not even when NA had two servers.

Premium tanks were, with only a couple of exceptions, not over powered for their tier, today, every new premium tank is a new adventure in unashamed pay to win economics. Here in the US, that is a death sentence for a game.
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Didn't play WoT, did play War Machines. Strictly pay to win. They went a step too far, and got just a little too greedy - so I stopped and haven't looked back.
I stopped playing WoT a long time ago when WG started punishing good solo pub players by constantly putting them in MM with entire teams of rejects in tiers 8-10 75% of the time.

So I stopped playing the game with a 54% win rate & a 1700 WN8.
Comments make me glad I don't play WoT. I do play WoWs and it's fun for 30 minutes to an hour at a time.
It was a fun game for a while, but I got bored of it like everyone else. I think furthest I got was a lvl 7 artillery. Was kinda fun blasting someone across the entire map.
wasn't able to deal with the "atta boy" dialog - they need to can the comments like "one more like that should do it!"
Nope, it's dead and just doesn't know it yet.

They have introduced bots into the game because they can't keep a strong enough player base running across the tiers. I would bet my right nut that the number of people online is just made up bullshit. Try joining matches at tier 10, takes forever but it never used too, not even when NA had two servers.

Premium tanks were, with only a couple of exceptions, not over powered for their tier, today, every new premium tank is a new adventure in unashamed pay to win economics. Here in the US, that is a death sentence for a game.

New player experience is abysmal and out of touch with the time. I started a second account for spg play and it is just bad. I cant bleive the game has survived at all. I cant believe i played so much on my main account.

The game is pretty terrible and for new players that are f2p it is beyond words.
New player experience is abysmal and out of touch with the time. I started a second account for spg play and it is just bad. I cant bleive the game has survived at all. I cant believe i played so much on my main account.

The game is pretty terrible and for new players that are f2p it is beyond words.

Well it sure is not what it was 6 years ago.