WinXP Home 89$

lol 89$ is cheap for win XP thats full version and not upgrade!

cheap-o LOL
Those things are dangerous if it's not OEM, have you ever tried taking the XP box out of that gigantic plastic casing, i swear, someone's bound to cut their arm off from that plastic. It's Just such a bitch to cut it out of that plastic thing...
89 dollars is too much..

over priced ms products so that bill gates's stock goes up.

hip hip hurray on bootlegged software
Man, i need this. If i ever format i'm screwed, i only have the upgrade edition...and no other win os.
Originally posted by t0x1k
Man, i need this. If i ever format i'm screwed, i only have the upgrade edition...and no other win os.
Just buy the full version of windows 98 for cheap
just start your own business and become a MS partner, $200 a year gets us every major MS product, and 12 licenses :) the last shipment of stuff they accidently sent us twice, so 24 full versions of office 2003 pro (the whole 5 cd set) im lovin this :) (just found out the other day we get this!!!!)
add a "-" in front of that price, and i'd think about it, xp home is one the same level as ME
Originally posted by Psyker
add a "-" in front of that price, and i'd think about it, xp home is one the same level as ME
I have't noticed any real differences between the two. What kind of problems are you having with the home edition?
Blackspawn - You got any linkage to do that? I am looking into starting up and could maybe use that program...
Originally posted by hellzassasin
89 dollars is too much..

over priced ms products so that bill gates's stock goes up.

hip hip hurray on bootlegged software

I recommend you edit/delete your post. No discussing of illegal activities is allowed on this forum. Although yes, [H]ardOCP did a survey and found that most of the people that browse the site use bootleg XP Pro, you really aren't allowed to discuss it. It's stealing.:(