Win7 taskbar bug


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2008
This is repeatable:

1) Make sure the taskbar is locked, oriented to the left, right, or bottom.
2) Right click any program, running or not, on your taskbar.
3) Leave the jumplist open, and try dragging the taskbar.

I move the taskbar to the left, and lock it there.

I right-click IE9, which has a jumplist.

I left click the taskbar to "drag" it (it's locked tho?).

The jump list goes away on click.


Profit? I dunno nothing is unusual with the behavior.
Try again. Actually, just holding the first left-click to the taskbar with an open jumplist will repro it. No dragging necessary.
Mine jumped to the top of the screen.

I'm not sure if this is actually a bug, or if they set it so you're temporarily unlocked while you have an icon right-clicked. I'm guessing the former because once it's at the top, you can't shift it back down using the same method... weird.
I forgot how much I like my taskbar at the top. I'm glad I tried this.
Pretty impressive bug, if you hold down the mouse it behaves as though the lock is disabled.
I can't reproduce this on any of my machines. Are you running SP1? I'll try it again from a local session tomorrow.
Bug must be fixed on post-7 builds, and doesn't happen over RDP. Looks interesting though. Considered applying as an SDET? ;)
Yup it does it on my system too with Sp1 installed. Weird.
Happened to me. SP1 x64 Ultimate, too.

Seems like the taskbar only jumps to the top with this bug. After that, I can't move it anywhere else unless if I explicitly unlock it.