Why is redhat so popular?


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2004
I've been applying to various jobs and I have a fair amount of experience using Ubuntu and FreeBSD but lots of jobs want experience using Redhat, specifically as a server.

What are the features of redhat that are so commonly used in business? I've installed a virtual machine of Redhat Enterprise since it came free with one of my textbooks and I'm looking to toy around with it. Thanks.
The support. Red Hat Directory Server is nice, too.

However, Red Hat was simply the first to offer commercial support. Other distros like Ubuntu are doing the same.
Red Ha got ahead of the game by offering support earlier than most of the other popular distributions. SuSE did the same, but they hadn't made as many inroads in to the US Linux community as Red Hat had. Once Red Hat had a foothold, more people started to leard Red Hat-specific things, so they just used it at other jobs...Once those jobs had Red Hat going, they looked for people that could admin Red Hat effectively. It's a vicious cycle.
Redhat was one of the first big distros to provide commercial support. Becaus of this, they're also officially supported on a number of commercial applications.

Don't forget, suits are funny. Many would rather run RH (or Whitebox or...), even if they're not paying for and recieving support, simply because they saw it in "PHBs IT Weekly", instead of running something that's supposed to be free like Ubuntu or Debian.