Why I hate 1&1 Internet v.2


Jan 28, 2002
I'm sure some of you remember the drama from when it happened. More BS recently so I'm through with the assholes. I know I'm not the only one they've fucked over with their mismanagement, lies and other crap.

Enjoy my new site: www.derickshaw.com

up until my transfer goes though.
eighteen_psi said:
I'm sure some of you remember the drama from when it happened. More BS recently so I'm through with the assholes.

I don't. Got a link? Or specifics about what happend this time?

They manage all my sites (except one) and I've had no problems with them at all.
Hey man-
My guess is that its honestly due to your high bandwidth usage. And the insance deal they offered you. As a result, they are trying to come up with ways to scare you away from their service.

Just a guess, but I work in the industry and I know some companies use similar tactics to get low paying customers off their systems.