why does tmobile fail?


[H] Ninja
Aug 6, 2004
Are there any phones speculated to come to tmobile that are any good?

Sure we have the HTC HD2, but honestly, after using WinMo 6.5 on the tp2, I'd rather have the droid or even the iphone4.

I'm excluding the N1 since i'm on a family plan and google has really high restrictions to get the discounted rate for the N1 (unless im mistaken)

Stay with tmobile or go EVO/iPhone4? or any others?
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The Nexus One is coming to retail channels soon so stay tuned if that was the only reason you didn't like it.

My friend has a lot of issues with T-Mobile's service, but it doesn't seem like everyone has such a bad experience with them. I'm guessing since you're considering staying with them you're happy with that aspect of them lol.
I always seem to come back to T-Mo because of the good service (customer wise, as well as reception.)
I always seem to leave T-Mo because THEY ARE ALWAYS DEAD LAST IN HARDWARE.
Dont buy your phones at T Mobile, I have been a customers of theres for over 10 years, even before it was called T Mobile and have not bought a phone from them in 7 or 8 years. If you have the ability buy far better unlocked phones if you travel to Europe or especially Asia and if you can not buy them on holiday then buy them off Ebay or any local off brand shop that sells these unlocked phones. If T mobile is good at one thing it is their ability to let you use any phone on their network with no resistance from them. Often times if there is a problem (needing to get the settings for internet or mms) just calling and telling them what you have they will send you data packets to get you going. If anything its better for them since them selling cell phones is a loser for them on the front end until they get you into a contract anyways. AT&T is notorious for pushing back or even disabling service if you get on their network with a phone they do not approve of.
I was with t mobile and I always had terrible luck with their data network.
Not to mention the lack of hardware. Great customer service, everything else sucks.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
@Xee: Thanks for the heads up on the galaxy.

And yeah, i've kept with tmobile since they have been decent to be before in the past, but honestly, I haven't needed to use the CS in forever (which I guess is a good thing).

I'm using a nokia n95 right now and I'm ready to retire it.. just makes me jealous to see all other carriers getting new phones and we're still on old winmo 6.5, mytouch and g1 phones!

I'd love to get the N1, but hoping the pricing is competitive since $400+ for it is a little too steep.
Samsung Galaxy S Release Date Leaked?

Stop the presses for this one but a trusted source has pinged us and told us to expect a Samsung Galaxy S launch for Magenta on July 21st. We’re chalking this up firmly in the rumor category (as we haven’t had anything officially say this phone is actually releasing on T-mobile) right now until we get further confirmation, however it definitely coincides with the previous rumor that T-Mobile and Samsung are gearing up for a major product launch in July. Hang tight while we work to get this one moved further into the confirmation territory, which can’t come soon enough!

Between this and the announcement planned for June 19th. It's looking like the N1 and SGS will be available in stores soon....hopefully.
I was just about to post this. I don't get how this phone is slipping under the radar.

First time I heard about it and man, the specs and youtube videos of it look great.

Between the N1 and Galaxy though, which is better if price is relatively equal? Specs look really comparable.
I can think of several reasons.

1. If you complained about at&t's small network, why are you going to a even smaller one?

2. 3g is on a frequency which most phones do not support, even the quad band ones.

3. Due to the frequency changes the network would have to be modified to fill in the gaps and this may take time. This is a big reason at&t had dropped calls at first and why they later backtracked and moved 3g to 850mhz where possible. Gaps won't be as big as the difference is minor (1900 to 1700) but they still will exist and people are starting to complain.