Which Athlon 64 rev E to get?


Jul 9, 2001
What speed should I go with, the 3200 or the 3500?

I got pc4000 ram to use but I am not sure what mobo to get.
Get the 3500+ is money is no object.

The DFI Lanparty UT nForce 4 Ultra-D is the motherboard you want, haha.
I have that Mobo, but I got a 3200+ winnie. It works really well for me right now, as I have everything stock. Just be sure to sue the secong PEG, the first one doesn't boot. It's set as a 1x slot in BIOS I think. This is because it's not an SLI board.
i'd personally go for the 3700+ over the 3500+, for the extra cache, but i don't know if it's worth the extra money.

and yes, dfi.. definitly
(cf)Eclipse is the official "1-mb-is-great-and-512-kb-sucks" in these forums hehe :)
WanTeD said:
(cf)Eclipse is the official "1-mb-is-great-and-512-kb-sucks" in these forums hehe :)

Well it's true. I can personally vouch for the fact that 512kb cache is pathetic compared to 1mb as far as multitasking and responsiveness go on A64's.
WanTeD said:
(cf)Eclipse is the official "1-mb-is-great-and-512-kb-sucks" in these forums hehe :)
hahaha, well 1mb is better than 512kb, that can't be argued. it's just whether you feel the benefit is worth the cost.

just like 754 vs 939. i think 939's benefits aren't worth the cost, thus my recommendations get biased to 754 unless you plan to upgrade the cpu within the next year.
charlie said:
the 3700+ San Diego will be "the" mid range new CPU to have...


That's what I'm thinking!

3700+ San Diego / DFI NF4 / 1GB G.skill TCCD/ still thinking about which PCIe card to buy , will use an MSI 6600GT while I decide
charlie said:
the 3700+ San Diego will be "the" mid range new CPU to have...


Well That depends on... Ill hold of a couple of weeks with mine since the "binning" might hurt the 3700+'s.

First we have the FXs then we have the Mobiles then whats left after that sorting will trickle down to the A64 range and the 3700+ are the ones that made the 1Mb cache QC but not the speed QC. Now if AMD has a really good production line the 3700+s will be high qualita if AMD has a less then perfect productionline the 3700+ s939 will have litte or no headroom.
Frallan said:
Well That depends on... Ill hold of a couple of weeks with mine since the "binning" might hurt the 3700+'s.

First we have the FXs then we have the Mobiles then whats left after that sorting will trickle down to the A64 range and the 3700+ are the ones that made the 1Mb cache QC but not the speed QC. Now if AMD has a really good production line the 3700+s will be high qualita if AMD has a less then perfect productionline the 3700+ s939 will have litte or no headroom.

Good point!
Robber or Eclipse (who are now, in my eyes, THE AMD guru's)

You guys recommend the DFI Lanparty UT nForce 4 Ultra-D, but I paid a crap load for my BFG 6800 Ultra AGP...what AGP mobo do you recommend for 939? Need to know before I blow all my money on a Venice or San Diego. (Matters how long I can hold out) ;)
What do you actually do on your pc. That 3700 setup will be great, but your current setup is also excellent. I find my overclocked A64 3000 and 9800 pro to be more than enough for anything on my pc including gaming. I could easily upgrade, but I am waiting for a bigger jump. I honestly don't think I would see a big difference going to a 3700. Just save up until your system starts to feel slow, then go buy a really good cpu.
"I honestly don't think I would see a big difference going to a 3700."

^^^Course not... Video Card first.
Lazaryn said:
You've just memorised those two boards havn't you? :p

How much would the "new mid-range" 3700+ be and would it be worth the cost upgrading over the 3200+ Winie that I just bought with only 1GB PC3200 RAM, a 6600GT and a ASUS A8N-E mobo?

Youre pretty well set up allready. Give it some moderate OC and Ure set. That 6600gt could probably need some MHz more as well. Allthough it depeds on what the computer is there for. U will get higher folding scores and any hard en/de cryptions or so will be faster but in HL2 and Doom3 U will see Very little diffrence There U are GPU bound.