When should you buy another projector bulb ?


Feb 18, 2016
Before or after your current projector bulb that is currently in goes out ?
Always have a backup. They become harder to find with time. You’d be surprised how much more you’re paying a few more years down the road.
Always have a backup. They become harder to find with time. You’d be surprised how much more you’re paying a few more years down the road.

Thank you.

Do projector bulbs wear out in a normal temperature home when not being used ?
Bulbs are susceptible to power on hours and physical hits/vibration normally.
If its powered off its wear is not increasing by a measurable margin.

Most projectors even have a hour calculation built into the unit and recommends when to replace once it hits the rated hour usage (some bulbs last longer, some shorter ~ usually about 2-5k hours depending on the type/quality of bulb).
You'll know when your bulb is starting to go out, they noticeably dim when they're about to die.
Bulbs are susceptible to power on hours and physical hits/vibration normally.
If its powered off its wear is not increasing by a measurable margin.

Most projectors even have a hour calculation built into the unit and recommends when to replace once it hits the rated hour usage (some bulbs last longer, some shorter ~ usually about 2-5k hours depending on the type/quality of bulb).
Yeah, I had a projector that used to tell me my bulb was getting old after 500 hours... they eventually updated the firmware to 1k+ hours because of so many complaints as the bulbs were lasting much longer than "recommended". Like said, just keep a spare on hand and replace when needed.
Definitely before it goes out. It should last a number of hours before it blows, and before that, will likely dim and flicker. You may not notice the old one dimming until you put the new one in and see it noticeably brighter.
I always replaced mine after 1,000 hours due to dimming. After that first 1000 you can lose 30-40%.
Thanks everyone going to buy a new bulb soon but not yet. I barely have 200 hours on my current projector.
Thanks everyone going to buy a new bulb soon but not yet. I barely have 200 hours on my current projector.
My $0.02 is look at your bulb usage. If it looks like your bulb is going to go 5+ years...then just don't buy one IMO. Better chance you will have access to a better PJ in that timeframe and would be better off just buying a new PJ. However, if it looks like you will burn it out in 2-3...then buy a spare. I have had my Sony PJ (fairly high end) and still have not swapped the bulb yet after nearly 8 years and it is sitll plenty bright.
Depends on the projector but usually for best picture around 1200-1500 hours. My JVC isn’t a light cannon like my epson so it’s around 1000 hours for it. Bulbs for the JVC run around 250 bucks. I have yet to replace a bulb in the last 5 projectors I have had as I usually upgrade before I need to. 1500 hours is a lot of viewing time for just movies and some TV. That’s 8-10 hours a week for 3 years.