When is the DIABLO III coming out?

I learned a ton of stuff from this thread but sadly none of it was about the release date of D3
8 Nov 2011

EDIT: World Wide Release
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I predict it will release 6-7 months after the Cataclysm expansion for WoW. This will put it right in the middle between Cataclysm and the Star Craft 2 expansion and allow for maximum profit. So, in essence I predict it will release in May or June of 2011. I'm not claiming to be omnipotent, but this just makes the most sense from a business perspective.

Edit: On the flip-side, if they miss this date (and they might), I wouldn't expect to see it release until 6-8 months after the SC2 xpac, which puts us well into 2012. :(
All I can say is that they have spent WAY too much time in development for a hack and slash. I'm getting ready for disapointment.
All I can say is that they have spent WAY too much time in development for a hack and slash. I'm getting ready for disapointment.

It's on the verge of ridiculous. The problem with these long development cycles is that by the time the game releases the graphics engine and technology already looks dated. In fact, that's exactly what happened with Diablo 2.
It's on the verge of ridiculous. The problem with these long development cycles is that by the time the game releases the graphics engine and technology already looks dated. In fact, that's exactly what happened with Diablo 2.

Who gives a shit? I still love Diablo 2 even if it makes my eyes bleed. Blizzard knows how to release a polished game and I haven't been let down yet.
I remember when they said it was supposed to come out this October. Yeah right, Blizzard release two separate titles in the same year?
I can just hope it comes out next year, despite the WoW expansion
I remember when they said it was supposed to come out this October. Yeah right, Blizzard release two separate titles in the same year?
I can just hope it comes out next year, despite the WoW expansion

Since when did they say it would be out this year? And exactly what WoW expansion is releasing next year? Catalsym is releasing this year.
I remember when they said it was supposed to come out this October. Yeah right, Blizzard release two separate titles in the same year?
I can just hope it comes out next year, despite the WoW expansion

They never said that...
I'm not sure if it's a false memory, but I thought I recall something about some October and Diablo 3 too.

They have NEVER given any sort of date or even indicated as to when it would be done.

They did show more of the game at blizzcon in october. Perhaps thats what you are remembering?
"It was the dawn of the third age of mankind. Ten years after the Earth Minbari war. The Diablo project was dream giving form. It's goal to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call. Home away from home for diplomas, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanders. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million five hundred thousand billion gigabytes, all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of last of the Diablo games. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Diablo 5.""
As long as they make it properly utilize multicore processors it can come in 2013 for all I care.
I have a friend who works on the Diablo 3 development team at Blizzard. Quoting from her, almost every time something is finalized, some asshat overseeing the project wants to do it over from scratch. It's not even 50% finished. The classes are announced, but that's about it. She told me not to hold my breath on the release date. "It's done when it's done." lol My guess is late 2012 or early 2013, but I could be wrong. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Are you dying?

I have no evidence but he could be military and his next ship out was announced. Or maybe he's got huntington's and it'll be hard to play when you can't control yourself.
hey, i have played a so called diabloIII mobile game. and it only has a barbarian job on it..:/ i wonder how it connects to Diablo III? :/ just wondering...