What can't girl game?


Jun 25, 2004
I'm not trying to start any spat with women or men I have always just been tripped out about girls poor gaming skills. Why when given hours apon hours of gaming time do they rarley get better?
I knew 1 girl in a CS tourney in Korea that was really good but she was very butch....just like a guy.
Ok, I want to hear from some guys and girls now.
Take care.
My girl always trashes me at Mario Kart and Monkey Ball, but then again..those aren't real games..
coffee33 said:
I'm not trying to start any spat with women or men I have always just been tripped out about girls poor gaming skills. Why when given hours apon hours of gaming time do they rarley get better?
I knew 1 girl in a CS tourney in Korea that was really good but she was very butch....just like a guy.
Ok, I want to hear from some guys and girls now.
Take care.

For the same reason apon what you can't spell? :confused:
My woman games just fine. She is a more defensive gamer preferring to play defense in FPS games and healers in rpgs, but she's still good at what she does. That's just her personality though. I'm sure if she was more agressive she would play more agressively in games too.
my wife likes FPS games... she does not seem to have a problem at all with them; dont tell anyone but shee kicks my ass in bf1942 and in Q3 Arena ;-)
Enigma said:
my wife likes FPS games... she does not seem to have a problem at all with them; dont tell anyone but shee kicks my ass in bf1942 and in Q3 Arena ;-)
You're secret is safe with the thousands of people registered to this board.
Some of the ladyfriends I knew in highschool played console games. Though it was only casual. But as ScretHate said, they're are not as competitive. Though some can be.
In college, there were quite a few girls who played on my CS server and they were good. I knew another girl who could kick butt on Soul Calibur. But as for getting better after hours of play...I think it all depends on your personality and experience.

You get good at what you want to get good at. Hard work, time, and experience all make you better. My girl is good at games she likes. The others she's interested in, but I don't think you'll see her cry "headshot!!" if she plays counter-strike. She doesn't care

You can say that after hours and hours of gaming, they don't seem to get any better. But I'm sure I've spent 20 times that amount of time is my gaming history. Example - I've been playing FPS's since the beginning of Doom......do you expect anyone to be able to pick up that kind of game and have the same skill after a few hours? Give her some time - and at the point when they spend more time gaming than you - better get rid of your ego :D
Also there has to be a want to get better there, If your GF is just playing because you asked her to, she has no want to improve her skills.
First, my qualifications on the subject:

  • Girls can game.
  • They play a game you will never understand.
  • They do not explain the game to guys.
  • They do not explain the rules to guys, either.
  • They change the rules as they play the game.
  • It is fair in their game for them to change the rules.
  • Whatever you do in the game is wrong.
  • You can never win at their game. This is the only rule that never changes.
  • They always win.
  • They always win!
I had an ex-girlfriend that was very good at games. She couldn't beat me or alot of my friends but she could hang or outmatch most people. At large lan gatherings she ranked behind my friends and I. But above most of the people I didn't know. Some girls can, I just think that gaming is an activity most women just don't enjoy like we do.

My current GF is ok. She's got the basics down and she enjoys playing the games. She's just not competetive enough to get really good. So in her case I think it's a matter of motivation.
ive never met a girl who was really as good at gaming as the average male. its odd... i just saw a show on techtv about drifting and they interviewed this model turned drifter.
so i thought "wow, she must be awesome... (NOT sarcastic)"

then they showed the footage of her drifting... it was so amazingly bad. she didnt drift at all... she just swerved hoping her tires would let loose.

ok, kinda off topic. haha.... its 2:30
Gardack said:
My woman games just fine. She is a more defensive gamer preferring to play defense in FPS games and healers in rpgs, but she's still good at what she does. That's just her personality though. I'm sure if she was more agressive she would play more agressively in games too.

That's interesting. My fiance is normally very polite and passive. When she's gaming though, she likes to play very aggressive. In RPGs she'll only play Warrior/Rogue/Shadow-Knight type characters; she doesn't like playing pure casters and hates healing. She just wants to get in and beat the hell out of whatever she's fighting. The one exception was DAoC, she liked the Enchanter because she enjoyed "having a hot elf guy to command." Her style in FPSs is aggressive too. She doesn't care about her kill/death ratio, she just runs in gunning and takes out anything she sees. Obviously this means she prefers Unreal Tournament instead of Counter Strike.

It's actually funny sometimes to see her change in character when playing games.
that's because society has always believed that:

A. girls aren't as competitive
B. girls are inferior in competitive matches of skill.

but this however, isn't true, i think it's just that girls don't play as much. let's just say that i think that girls on average find something to do other than game. guys just like to do it all the time.
mosin said:
First, my qualifications on the subject:

  • Girls can game.
  • They play a game you will never understand.
  • They do not explain the game to guys.
  • They do not explain the rules to guys, either.
  • They change the rules as they play the game.
  • It is fair in their game for them to change the rules.
  • Whatever you do in the game is wrong.
  • You can never win at their game. This is the only rule that never changes.
  • They always win.
  • They always win!

From another married man, these are words to live by...well said :)
HRslammR said:
let's just say that i think that girls on average find something to do other than game.

exactly. like making me a sandwich..
jubei said:
From another married man, these are words to live by...well said :)
Yep, these kids will figure out that we are right. Some of them have a way to go, however. :rolleyes:
girls are most certainly competitive, just for different things. look at how hard girls will work on their looks to compete with other girls!

girls just seem to be able to disassociate self improvement with most of their activities, which might be less stressful in general. as in, girls can do something and not want to gain skill; it can just be a recreational activity. men are so used to competition in every facet of our lives, most of us aren't wired like this. i've played games with girls and they dont' really care if they win or lose, whereas failure in anything is intolerable for me
coffee33 said:
I'm not trying to start any spat with women or men I have always just been tripped out about girls poor gaming skills. Why when given hours apon hours of gaming time do they rarley get better?
I knew 1 girl in a CS tourney in Korea that was really good but she was very butch....just like a guy.
Ok, I want to hear from some guys and girls now.
Take care.

If you've fought some girls during quake2 days, You wouldn't be saying this.
Girls can game just fine. Girls play different games, and most girls are not into FPS games but there is no more level playing field than computer games. My wife plays Backgammon online quite a bit, she is good. She'd probably kick everyone's *ss in here in Backgammon. She is a good gamer in general. Give her enough time and I'm sure she would be a good FPS player.

How long have you been playing FPS games?? I first played one in 1992. I've been playing online regularly since 1998. I've conservatively logged a thousand hours playing FPS games. I would venture to guess that most girls who play FPS games simply have not been playing near as long as the average male player. 10 years from now there will be no distinction between male/female FPS gamers. (I realize this is a crushing blow to many males fragile egos, so you'd better prepare for it!)

There is absolutely no reason imo why a female cannot be equal to any male on any game played on a computer.
fallguy said:
Not all women play mind games like yours does...

Unfortunately, you are wrong. The human instinct is to be egoistic. From birth this is very apparent. So to say not all women play mind games, it is incorrect. Everybody plays mind games to some degree, and it is common knowledge that women do so more than men in relationships.

I can also see why somebody would say that women are not as good at games, and over-all this is true,but only because of lack of competition, and most of us have been playing since we could understand the dynamic of the atari controller.
I think it is just a psychological differences. Just like girls are more into beauty and appearences than men.
mosin said:
First, my qualifications on the subject:

  • Girls can game.
  • They play a game you will never understand.
  • They do not explain the game to guys.
  • They do not explain the rules to guys, either.
  • They change the rules as they play the game.
  • It is fair in their game for them to change the rules.
  • Whatever you do in the game is wrong.
  • You can never win at their game. This is the only rule that never changes.
  • They always win.
  • They always win!
thats so true
ScretHate said:
They're naturally less competitive.

Actually I would disagree with that statement...

The truth is women do not game as much as men in general. period. Also, why would a female load up any FPS game and start playing? As soon as she says she is a female, all the horny geekboy virgins start in with sexist comments, or say, "BS you're a guy pretending to be a girl"... they say that because they cannot get over their pride and actually admit to being owned by a female. Read some of the comments on this thread already... I mean, some of you cannot help yourself from saying some sexist or piggish remark as soon as anything of the opposite sex appears. ( read through the thread about the girl gaming clan... page after page of pathetic remarks.. )

Just to add, my girlfriend has been a FPS gamer for about 5 years now. She started with HL: TFC as Riot_Grrrl, and was a top sniper. She was also a quake 3 instagib 2vs2 champion on OGL with her friend ( also a female ) She has spent lots of time in EQ ( :p ) but today she is an avid SOF2 : DM player.. alias ( snowlake OR Virago* ) Not trying to brag about her at all, but she is almost always first or second at the end of the map. The sad thing is, almost daily she is harrased by players that either:

a: Know she is female and therefore can't help themselves from acting like wild monkeys sportin woods...
b: Cannot believe she is a female due to the fact she is owning them every map so therefore feel the need to constantly spam comments and nasty insults at her expense.

You wanna know why many females do not continue playing online games?? Those 2 points would be a real damn good reason. :(

Also saying women aren't naturally competitive is not true. Women are very competitive by nature, they just have the self control to keep it sneeky, not loud and "in your face" like men. Its actually funny listening to my GF play in a heated DM with other top players. She has it in her head that if she doesn't get first, she sux. The expletives that exit her mouth during a match on a tough server can rival Richard Pryor.(sp) :p
In keeping with the trend of people making wide generalizations on subjects most of them likely know very little about, we should start a thread on quantum physics as well. :p
jubei said:
Unfortunately, you are wrong. The human instinct is to be egoistic. From birth this is very apparent. So to say not all women play mind games, it is incorrect. Everybody plays mind games to some degree, and it is common knowledge that women do so more than men in relationships.

I feel sorry for you.
finalgt said:
In keeping with the trend of people making wide generalizations on subjects most of them likely know very little about, we should start a thread on quantum physics as well. :p

Quantum physics isn't actually that hard of a subject. I've had a harder time learning about computers actually.
There's quite a few females that can game, it's just that the majority is male. Also, not all of them share the passion of gaming as males do. Of course, like I said, there are some, so all you feminists, please don't come down on me like a tonne of bricks :)
As long as the sex is good, everything else is meaningless.:D;)
jubei said:
Unfortunately, you are wrong. The human instinct is to be egoistic. From birth this is very apparent. So to say not all women play mind games, it is incorrect. Everybody plays mind games to some degree, and it is common knowledge that women do so more than men in relationships.

Unfortunately, you're ignorant. Sure most people do, women and men. Not everyone does though.
my GF happens to love Halo, only plays it occasionaly. She's not that good at it, but she can still beat the average new player.
fallguy said:
Unfortunately, you're ignorant. Sure most people do, women and men. Not everyone does though.

Sweet, you called me a name. Let me go wipe my tears so I can finish my post... Ok, all done. Go take an intro to psych class and a few philosophy classes, man. Then come back here and attempt to explain to me how not everybody, at some level or another, does not play 'games'. It is primal human thought to do this, and many people are unaware of what they are actually doing when they do play 'games'.

Relevant portion:

I see quite a few women on xbox live. In fact, the last clan I was in had five. Granted, they weren't necessarily as good as the top men in the clan, they were better than most.