What are you nerds playing this weekend?

My Alienware R12 just arrived, so with it, my Quest 2 and my Logitech X52 Pro, I shall attempt the wonton destruction of aviation hardware heretofor unimaginable!
Playing some Killing Floor 2 & Left 4 Dead 2 co-op on Steam this weekend. Fallout Guys on the PS5 and NBA 2K21 on the PS5, bought it on sale just to see how much of an upgrade it is vs the pc version. :rolleyes:
Doing some more Elder Scrolls Online. My buddies and I are working our way through the arenas and starting the Trials (raids).
Spec Ops: The Line
Doom: Eternal
Hmm maybe a little Division 2 Wraith League event thing. The 4 time trial missions aren't as frustrating as the previous one was.
Some Mass Effect too
The Sims 1, and I think someone forgot to rename this object :D


EDIT - I forgot how amazing this game was, the maid walked into one of the rooms while my dude was sleeping and just stared at him for a couple of hours, then the vacation director showed up and started a full blown 3 hour conversation with her, all while im just right there trying to sleep. They already have my money, why would they care?

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Playing some Killing Floor 2 & Left 4 Dead 2 co-op on Steam this weekend. Fallout Guys on the PS5 and NBA 2K21 on the PS5, bought it on sale just to see how much of an upgrade it is vs the pc version. :rolleyes:

How active is L4D2 online these days? I used to play that a lot, but it's been several years.
I'm still plodding away in AC: Valhalla. The game is inferior to Odyssey in just about every way, but it's good enough to keep my attention. It's also a massive time suck. You can't do anything quickly.
How active is L4D2 online these days? I used to play that a lot, but it's been several years.

I play L4D2 occasionally, and theres always plenty of matches in the server browser. Lots of mod maps though, which I avoid. Just give me L4D1 with the melee weapons and ill be happy :p
I play L4D2 occasionally, and theres always plenty of matches in the server browser. Lots of mod maps though, which I avoid. Just give me L4D1 with the melee weapons and ill be happy :p

I used to play VS mode a lot, and it got to a bad state eventually if you cared about winning at all without doing full pre-made teams haha. I guess those days are long gone. Still might hop back in sometime just to see it again.
I used to play VS mode a lot, and it got to a bad state eventually if you cared about winning at all without doing full pre-made teams haha. I guess those days are long gone. Still might hop back in sometime just to see it again.

Ahhhh, yes sorry to say I havent found a versus match in years, sometimes I can the gamemode where you try to win in a certain amount of time, bu 99% of the games I see are for the regular "go out and kill these zombies for the XXXXth time" mode.
Doom Eternal The Ancient Gods part 2 and Gears Tactics which went on the backburner while I mainlined Doom Eternal and TAG part 1.
How active is L4D2 online these days? I used to play that a lot, but it's been several years.

Still strong, occasionally you'll find yourself in a mod server. PvE, mostly. PvP is more club-based, and not very exciting for randoms anymore.

I still haven't beaten the Parish on expert, and that makes me hurt in the feels super-bad. The Back 4 Blood announcement gave it a shot in the arm in terms of player resurgence.
A Plague Tale: Innocence, as it was a free PS5 game on PS+ this month and I saw a lot of comments saying it was a great game on all the videos/blogs that posted about it. So far it's been a decent game and kept me interested enough to keep playing through it, but gameplay wise it's definitely no Naughty Dog game and the puzzles are all pretty easy and repetitive, with the only unique thing about the game being its rat physics that basically act like a liquid that you manipulate with light or alchemy that you unlock and upgrade throughout the game.

IGN gave the game a 7/10 and that's pretty much what I'd score it after playing through 3/4 of the game so far. It's worth playing if you like linear story-driven games, esp. if you like stealth based game play since you're sneaking around guards for the most part, but it's hardly challenging if you've already played through any MGS or TLoU game already. The story is interesting and unique enough given its setting (1300s France) and main enemy (rats).

Bought a GPU lift metal rod bracket to install for my GFX card since its sagging a few mms should be here today praise the mail lady. The thing is my PSU shroud is plastic. I might have to take it out if it can't do the job.
Chimera Squad finished one of the 3 quests yeah I'm slow. I put the game on Story Mode cause I didn't want to ruin my entire game with Anarchy meter.
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How does Dirt 5 compare to Dirt Rally? I'm a big fan of Rally but never took the time to play the regular Dirt games.
There are some rally races, but it's mostly urban tracks. It plays very arcade like, and it's not too hard so I'd say worth playing.
I am a late comer to Elder Scrolls online. Never played a Skyrim game or any of the Elder scrolls line. Was enjoyable.
Guilty Gear Strive more -- I'm playing Ky and really enjoying it! I can also see why Sol is considered busted in the game right now lol.
Damn, just buy a fast external hard drive mate, you can run games off USB if you have to.
Mates, am so close now! Hard drive is like fat aloy now! Look!

View attachment 377316

After many fights nd tribulations, taco download is on the verge of completion. The armour is being formed around the crust. The sword is being pulled from...what's that thing called? Anyways, must stuff another 200 mb in there:

View attachment 377317

What will taco be playing? Taco will be playing handsome nd thevious Henry! We shall slain the whole village together! Jejejejeje
Come on Taco, even my phone has more than twice that space! :D NVME / SSDs are dirt cheap now, get you some space!
This is what will likely happen this weekend.

1. I will be playing real life minecraft and doing house chores :LOL:
2. Minecraft with my kids

If there is spare time, the below follows.
3. Elderscrolls with friends
4. Fallout 76 with friends.

I think I'm gonna try to finally beat this this week. I remember really enjoying it back in the day, but I got side-tracked, must have been when my office got struck by lightning.

FYI I tried this last night, and it totally borks mouse movement. The textures are nice, but it locks the mouse movement to 4:3, so if you're using 16:9, it's accelerated along the X axis but normal on the Y axis. It hurts the brain.

Fortunately, the original game graphics actually hold up very well. While it might not have amazing lighting, or particle effects, the textures are good and only some things occasionally stand out. Frankly, the controls feel the most old-school, and Tommy feels like he's about 9 feet tall and could jump small buildings. Player movement is very Quake-like, which stands out in a game that is otherwise very immersive.
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Been hitting up Mad Mad the last few days and will be playing throughout weekend.
Practicing Guilty Gear Strive for an upcoming local tournament, but I probably won't be in any shape to win by then at least. Looking at it as purely a learning experience right now. Also looking to finish Xenogears ASAP, and I've been itching to replay the Dark Souls series and even Minecraft a little bit. A whole lot to do!
Played all my single player games for now... playing a bit of COD:CW Zombies, some BFV, a little MSFS2020 and Civ VI. Mostly how I feel in the moment determines which I play until I find the next good SP game to enjoy and focus on!