We may never see....times like this again...


Jul 29, 2004
With all of us standing on the precipice of Doom 3....and so many excellent choices for video cards...it is unlikely, I think, that we will ever see what we are now witnessing again. I realize that we are all somewhat burned out (at least I am), by the plethora of video card bantering and comparing. In reality, we are seeing....unquestionably INCREDIBLE choices for video hardware. In fact, I personally don't think that I have ever seen such a saturation of excellent choices at the same time. Never. Don't forget that half life2 and s.t.a.l.k.e.r. are still to come plus many other quality titles. It is a GREAT day for gaming...and being able to enjoy the resources avilable to all of us. Only in America! I recently recieved a little criticism in another thread for being so positive. I can't help it....I have a life!....Ricko....glad to be on this great site!
Why only in America? I thought Farcry was developed in another country...
lol and the non-americans get pissed.. they dude is a litttttle over excited (maybe cut down on the bawlz :p ) he has a point with the new cards and games.. been like 4 years we've been waiting for this stuff, it's about time! :)
I agree its an excellent time to buy a vidcard and have games that make good use of it. Reminds me of the early 3dfx days.
MooCow said:
Why only in America? I thought Farcry was developed in another country...
Lol, I have a friend who refuses to play Farcry cause it was made in Canada.
It is a great time, a definite landmark in our hobby. I've been waiting a long time for this, games have been "decent" but nothing really groundbreaking.
Excellent time to be into computer gaming in general. I've sold all my consoles because to me at least consoles have taken a huge backseat to pc gaming lately.

You just can't argue with everything in front of our eyes nowadays.

I think this is what you'd call gaming bliss......NOW GIVE ME MY DOOM 3 GOD D@MNIT!!!!!! NOW!!!!!
i think we're seeing some of the best pushes for graphics we we will see in a wile.
yeah we'll get well probably get stuff lik trees swaying in the wind but doom3 has set teh stage for 3d graphics represented on a 2d plane.
it's like the step from blocks to actual semi- realistic 3d games.

now we are seeing the step from semi realistic to realistic.

now we just need a setup that can run doom3 at 60 fps minimum @ 2048x1536 and 8xaf and16x aa.

o and i need to win the lottery.
From Crytek's profile.

Crytek is an interactive entertainment development company founded in 1999 by Cevat, Avni and Faruk Yerli and is located in Coburg, Germany.

Wasn't Serious Sam developed in a former Soviet block country?
We may see another time like this when JC finishes another new game engine...
Imagine by then we'll have photo shaders and dual chip SLI cpu's.

But yeah, this is a great time for the computer gaming industry...to bad for those out of a
job (like myself).
I just got really lucky in the past two weeks, I worked a few jobs for people and I got a lot of money, $400 in two weeks, and more coming up... so tempted to buy a video card but I know I should hold back... or should I..... its like drugs man
what are you saying, it is fact that all video cards suck and are very overpriced.

I have a 9800 Pro, and still games from 1999 can be brought to a shudder @ 1600x1200 32bpp everything up high.
We're all being sweped up in the huge marketing ploy that makes you want more in 6 months time.

I'm playing far cry and medium setting all over, 1024 and 2xAA 4xAF and guess what, it's SLOW most of the time. Just not good enough!

haven't read it all but this is what i know:

Crytek = german company
Ubisoft montreal = Canada development team part of ubisoft (they are developing PoP2, Far Cry:Instincts and Splinter Cell 3)
GSC Game world = Russian/Ukraine(sp?) company (can't remember which, maybe both:confused: ) however they are making STALKER and the studio is actually near chernobyl(sp?)
Crytek is located in Germany but you can't really say that it's a german company because 9 out of 10 workers there are coming from all over the world.
Dirty Harry said:
Crytek is located in Germany but you can't really say that it's a german company because 9 out of 10 workers there are coming from all over the world.

yes but you tend to say the nationality of the studio placement were they are situated no?
joobjoob said:
well ubi is french so at least part of the game goes through there
Ubi is a Canandian company and Crytek (the maker of the engine) is German i believe
in my opinion there are too many mid range card choices. i dont know how many peopel i see buying midrange cards thinking cause it has 256mb of ram that its going to run doom 3 at max settings. i have a friend who bought a gf4 mx to replace his geforce 3. i was at a lan party the other night ans seen this guy who had just bought his new machine. p4 3.2ee 2 gigs of corsair ram etc. but his viedo cards was a pci 5200 from nvidia.(im pretty sure thats what it was.)

but as far as the highend market i love the choices we have.
Hmmm, maybe it was the Canadian community, not sure. But I know he doesn't play it because of Canadians.