Watch Out, Google: Bing Nabs 30% of Search Market


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
I think it was Satchel Paige who said “Never look back, something may be gaining on you” and looks like he was a prophet for Bing. The Google search engine is beginning to slip against an onslaught of Bing queries last month, giving the Microsoft search engine a 30% share of the US search market. Lookout Google, something is gaining on you. ;)

Bing, the second most popular search engine in the U.S., unveiled plans for a website redesign this week — aiming to make search more social.
I think it was Satchel Paige who said “Never look back, something may be gaining on you” and looks like he was a prophet for Bing. The Google search engine is beginning to slip against an onslaught of Bing queries last month, giving the Microsoft search engine a 30% share of the US search market. Lookout Google, something is gaining on you. ;)

I'm guessing they're mostly stealing yahoo's computer illiterate and/or geriatric user base as they upgrade to Windows 7/IE9.
"Aiming to make search more social" indeed. Because if there's anything people love to do than search Bing for porn, it is posting all their Bing porn search queries on FacePlant.
Windows Phone search button gives me the intergrated Bing homepage with usually a really cool background picture. To be honest, I'm not surprised considering how boring the Google homepage is.
Like any one of these others articles, it's probably backed by shitty statistics. Add in that IE defaults to it, and most people couldn't tell you what a "search engine" was if you paid them, and there you have it.
1) Default browser on IE9
2) Seems better than the old MSN website
3) Probably some degree of bull / bad statistics.
Last time I saw browser %'s, IE was still top, and IE6 still had some ridiculous number of users... this speaks more to who the "average" web user is than it does anything Microsoft is doing with Bing.
I don't use Bing to search, but I do admit to checking their page every once in a while because they have neat, sometimes animated, backgrounds.
Also worth pointing out that Bing actually pays you to use their search.

Indeed - even has an 'refer a friend' program for it.

I mean, granted, it's:
- Paid in Microsoft points (among a small handful of other things, but 500 pint points = 400 Xbox/Windows Live points, for example), so basically rewarding patronage to MS, *anyway*
- Going to take a LOT of usage to get anywhere. 1 point for every 2 searches on the search engine, up to 10 pts a day (up to 20 pts a day once you earn 750 points total)

Still, just switching over to Bing from Google (why not? For development/coding work, it works just as well as Google) since the beginning of the year has already earned me enough points to pick up some 'Batman: Arkham City' DLC at no cost to me.
*500 Bing points = 400 Xbox/Windows Live points

Cursed lack of edit!
I'm curious how Experian Hitwise comes up with the data to make these conclusions. Is it submitted by every search engine owner? How does hitwise come up with a 10 million user sample? Are they spying on these people as I've never talking to any human being nor read of one that was knowingly participating in Hitwise surveys? There's also no data on how random this sample group is.

It shows that bing powered searches through went up more than searches through Bing itself, are we really going to believe yahoo search is gaining marketshare?? Anyway, the growth isn't accounted for by windows phone or IE's defaults if it's yahoo gaining more share for "bing powered search" than itself.

29% of all searches were one word searches? That seems improbable, single word searches tend to generate far too many random hits in most cases.

LOL, just had a thought... what if a search engine's stats go up by merely being the subject of a DDoS attack that involves flooding the engine with search requests?
skewed statistics and default option for illiterate users does not a better search engine make.

I don't judge searches by if they give me what I want, but if they give me the best Path to what I want. Bing always gives me what I want, but It never gives me the best path. An easy example would be that when I was doing lots of MSE installs, it was faster for me to "search" for it than to type in the address because google gave me the direct download link as the first result while that result on bing was not even on the first page. Oh sure it gave me the website, but not what I actually wanted. I assume that has changed by now, but I never go to the home pages anyhow. I type every search in the address bar and have no reason to change my default search engine when google gives me what I want.
Bing is doing the same exact thing Google is doing - except rather than making their own social network, they are implementing one that everyone uses - Facebook.

Will probably be more successful than G+.
I think this is total bullshit. I run a business that advertises almost solely on PPC advertising. With same campaigns and budget, I get about 300 clicks per month on google's search network. On bing's I have yet to reach the mystical level of 10 clicks. My position and quality rating on both is similar.
Dekoth-E made a good point in post #14, I also often type in a word to get a link for sites so that might account for the 29% of searches being single words data, that I found questionable.
Bring can't be that bad, it just copies results from google, so it's no better no worse :D
since I starte dusing windows phones I use bing much more.

but google is still my homepage on my pc.
I probably use bing more than google but I try to spread my searches around. I figure the more engines I use the less of a profile any one provider can build on me.
I happily use Bing or for most of my search needs these days. Bing, I use because I want to help tilt the numbers away from Google in an effort to add my numbers to the objection over their collection of data and profiling of people and K-Fed because I want autographed stuff and Swagbucks.
I'd say that those that automatically go straight to google are the illiterate users. There's no prize for just using google or bing. I tend to use bing more myself these days, but when I want another opinion or another set of results to cover something I need a bit more research on, I'll also use google.

It's stupid to be "loyal" to a search engine. Only noobs do that.
I use bing about half the time. Better front page and I don't want to encourage google's continuing market dominance.
I typed this on my droid ;)
Awesome - I have one site that get's most of the organic traffic from Bing/Yahoo. The SERP ranks I hold in Bing are WAY more stable than Google - st00pid algo updates :| ...go Bing!
For as much crap/bloat that Microsoft is installing now days that all change your search settings to Bing, along with Bing Toolbar and Bing Desktop, I understand why their usage has gone up.
Pretty sure Bing Desktop was in the latest round of optional updates from Microsoft... wonder how much that influences things?
For as much crap/bloat that Microsoft is installing now days that all change your search settings to Bing, along with Bing Toolbar and Bing Desktop, I understand why their usage has gone up.

... But isn't that the same tactic Google has been using for years as well? I can't fault them for fighting fire with fire.
Usually I just click "Express settings" or whatever when installing Windows and IE pops up the first time. But one time I did actually choose the custom setting or whatever it was and all it did was dump me on some website with a list of search engines I had never heard of. It didn't actually change anything.
To the guys calling out Bing toolbar and what not, Google has been doing that for YEARS lol

Gotta stick with the times to stay alive, cant fault bing. Use each about 50 - 50 now a days
I haven't used Bing in ages. I used it a bit when MS first started packaging it as a toolbar, but found my searches to be less effective than google, often missing results that google would come up with or as someone mentioned earlier, it wouldn't offer the same depth as google (google often navigates me to the portion of a site I want, bing less so).

If they've improved it since then, I might give it another shot, but I wasn't impressed last time I used it.
M$ is so behind that the only thing M$ can do now is pay people to use their shit,
Just like giving away free windows phones.

I just used bing a minute ago, and bing search still sucks as much as it did when it first came out.

Just for comparison, for my specific search, google came up with 90 relevant hits.
Bing.... a whopping 3 hits.
The disparity is pretty consistent regardless of the search query.

When I google image search a pornstar, it shows all the most explicit images.... holes being porked, cum all over face, etc.
with safe search turned off on Bing, the same search shows tame, meh images, and only a fraction of the hits.

You couldn't pay me to use Bing. It just results in lost productivity.

I feel sorry for the 30%, if it's really that high.
I refuse to use bing because of the shitty annoying ads for it and stupid name. :p

But yes competition is good and stuff.
Not using G search for ages. Since they switched classic view to that cheesy, [anti]social network crap.

Search engines in order: DDG then Yahoo and sometimes Bing. Google is no-go area since Privacy Policy "update" in March. Removed it completely from my subconscious, browsers, e-mail clients, etc...

Bing have the same problem as G (useless interface, pointless additions). By country mile biggest problem with Bing is returning proper results when query is not in English. Pretty much always get total gibberish on screen.
I must be doing something wrong, but man I get crap results searching with Bing. I almost always end up searching for when I use my friend's WP7 phone. I get what I'm looking for with less headaches.
I really like Bing, actually. I like being able to type in an address, or a simple query such as "bakery near 1st street, Toronto" and getting no maps, and absolutely zero useful results. It's refreshing, takes me back to the 1995 era with Yahoo :) Nostalgia!

And the social features are going to be awesome. I can't wait to see all my friend's searches for Horse Porn other awesome things like that.
Bing has been my default setting for quite awhile now, and Firefox my main browser. I often go to Google for searches, but I always return to Bing--I much prefer its presentation--although since Bing debuted, Google's pages look much better now...:) Sounds like 90% of the people in this thread were unaware that you could use Bing without IE and without a toolbar...I hate those toolbars--used to cuss up a storm whenever the Google toolbar would show its ugly face! Grrrr-r-r-r-r, was it ever irritating!