Warm: Hitachi 1TB USB External drive $76 shipped W/Bing Cashback at Dell.com


Fully [H]
Sep 6, 2002
USB only, no Esata. Not the hottest deal but you're basically getting a free external USB case, you can even yank the drive out of the case if you wanted to.

Instructions to get 5% Bing cashback from Dell:

- Go to Bing.com and type "Dell" into the search bar and click enter.

- Look for the Dell Bing cashback banner ad and the top and click it. The banner ad will not say 5% but the pop up window will.

- Click the leftside link for "Dell Home", keep the same window open to shop and checkout with, otherwise you may not get the cashback.

- Cut and paste Dell part # A3152207 into the Dell search bar and click enter.

- You should see the Hitachi 1TB USB drive for $79.99 and free shipping. Bing Cashback knocks $4 off bringing the price down to $76 shipped after discounts.

Direct link to product, do not shop using this window though, otherwise you'll miss out on your discount.
Not a bad deal at all. I have had good luck with Hitachi drives as well.

Would be interesting to know what drive is inside.