Warcraft III: Reforged is the World's Worst User-Reviewed Videogame


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Didn't see this one coming!

"The game sits with an aggregate review score of 63/100, which is already on the... very low side for such a game, I'd say. However, that score pales in comparison with the aggregate user review score, which places the game in an almost unfathomable 0.5/10... With close to 22,000 users reviewing the game already. Now, we all know that people are most critical of the things they love the most (and thus expect the most of). Bugs and a feeling of betrayal regarding the games' graphical and cutscene presentation seem to be high on the list of qualms users have with the remastered version, but I think a 0.5 score really is undeserved... I'd say most games with user scores lesser than 8/10 are actually worse experiences than this game, but who am I to judge. There's a comparison video after the break for you to check with critical eyes."

From what I read, they over promised and under delivered.
They also claim all rights to anything you might create in it; they don't want another DOTA/DOTA2 getting away from them. Instead it's acting to kill the game, surprising no one with half a brain.
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My policy of not pre-ordering or buying on release week has been validated once again. I was so excited for this too as WC3 was one of my favorite games ever. This made me realize that the giants of my gaming life are either gone (LucasArts, Interplay, Westwood, Sirtech, Sierra, Microprose) or imploding (Bethesda and Blizzard). The way Valve's been the last few years doesn't give me much hope.
I mean I would agree until I saw them upvote a game to make War3 worse than it.

That’s peak petty.
A few idiots not realizing that this actually hurts gamers more than it helps. They can use it to sweep it under the rug easier and discredit complaints.
My policy of not pre-ordering or buying on release week has been validated once again. I was so excited for this too as WC3 was one of my favorite games ever. This made me realize that the giants of my gaming life are either gone (LucasArts, Interplay, Westwood, Sirtech, Sierra, Microprose) or imploding (Bethesda and Blizzard). The way Valve's been the last few years doesn't give me much hope.
I think at this point, companies are just poking things to see how far they can go and get away with things. All they had to do was improve the graphics of the original game, including cutscenes/movies, and they would have had a win.
Instead they purposely crippled the old version, removing access to user created content. At they same time they fired a shot across the bow of all of those people who loved and invested time creating things in the game by saying that they own any community created content.
They did this to themselves. This is also why I am hestiant to get too excited about any remake of a classic game.
Sad to see how bad this is reviewed. Blizzard isn't what it used to be.
I used to buy all Blizzard games at launch. But with D3 and the recent hearthstone thing I didn't want to preorder WC3 Reforged even though WC3 is my all time favorite pc game. I'm glad I didn't as this was another shit show on launch and they screwed up the original WC3 a bit which I still play custom games.
I almost pre-ordered this at the end of 2018. I'm one of those people that wish they would do this with all the huge games. Now I'm not so sure, when they take something that's seemingly so simple and screw it up SO bad.

Just give me the SAME GAME, but modernize the graphics/UI/art/hitboxes/physics,etc.
I almost pre-ordered this at the end of 2018. I'm one of those people that wish they would do this with all the huge games. Now I'm not so sure, when they take something that's seemingly so simple and screw it up SO bad.

Just give me the SAME GAME, but modernize the graphics/UI/art/hitboxes/physics,etc.
Missed opportunity to create an ongoing income opportunity.
Now that WC3 Custom Content is owned by them, they can charge you for new "custom" game modes and other previously user created/free things.
These remakes are just a way to add micro-transactions to classic games from before this "plague".
Color me shocked...not.
I'd post a Fry GIF, but I don't think he can take not being shocked anymore.
DOTA 2 has all the custom games that WC3 used to have, it's also free. Check that out if you want to play nostalgic games from that era.
I used to buy all Blizzard games at launch.

This is basically the foundation of Blizzard's entire business model. Ride the success of older IPs because people will buy anything they produce sight unseen. Their M.O. for the last decade+ has been to basically look at what's popular, Blizzard-ize it, and then sell it to anyone with a WoW sub. Bonus points for ignoring all customer feedback.
I'm working through the single player campaign now, it's ok. Not anything special, but not terrible either. Is it multi-player that has people so fired up?