Warcraft III Is Being Remastered, Coming Next Year


Aug 20, 2006
Blizzard has announced Warcraft III: Reforged, “a stunning reimagining of the revolutionary real-time strategy game that laid the foundation for Azeroth’s most epic stories.” The remaster will feature updated graphics and animations, with 4K support.

There's some cool new features too, though. Each playable hero will be available as either male or female, and there will be skins to customize their appearance in-game. Don't worry though, as Reforged will also have an editor so you can still make your own maps and game modes.
It will probably be similar to the remaster they did with Starcraft 1. Which is fine with me. Who would complain about being able to play a classic in 4k!? :)
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This makes me horny. I hope the player base and the custom map community will both be back with full force though. SC2 is completely dead.
I really didn't like Warcraft 3, do what microsoft did to Age of empires 2 and redo Warcraft 2 , so much of a better game.

It was so bad of a game it gave birth to dota...
I really enjoyed playing the SC remaster. I expect to really enjoy playing this too.
This was the silver lining in Blizzcon for me after hearing of the sad Diablo news. I'm very much looking forward to Warcraft 3 Reforged.
I really didn't like Warcraft 3, do what microsoft did to Age of empires 2 and redo Warcraft 2 , so much of a better game.
Yeah, I never got into 3, an updated version of 2 is more likely to make me part with money.
It better fucking have LAN play like War3. Not ONLY bnet 2.0 crap...

It does look pretty dang sweet though!
Funny, I just played through WC3 and expansions a short time ago. Still a good game.
I had played W3 on the hardest difficulty and I have to say that it was quite a different game...lol so many key combos and micromanagement (group members abilities in use)....And the pace was really different, no time to rest.
mehh, cash grab preying on nostalgia.

I wish they would do this more often. Hell that’s all most people wanted out of Star Citizen... a newish version of Wing Commander.

It’d be nice to get both remastered and brand new IP.
This plus the Diablo mobile announcement make me think Blizzard is in decline as a top game studio. They're still making money hand over fist, but they seem more interested in finding ways to cash in on their brand rather than finding ways to create fun innovative games.
WC3 is still very playable. I found it to age rather well. So I'm a little disappointed they didn't re-release WC1 and 2 in t his remastered format.
Well, I think that calls for another run through of WC3. Loved WC3 and all the side quests they had, everytime I came across another video showing some new side quest I'd do another playthrough. I think I finished them all but with Blizzard you just never know...
WC3 is still very playable. I found it to age rather well. So I'm a little disappointed they didn't re-release WC1 and 2 in t his remastered format.

You won't gain much, there wasn't much story behind either of them. They could release new versions of them and be 100% different. They might as well just come out with a new game at that point.

Now, I wouldn't be against a WC4 but that story line is all fuckered up right now with WoW.
I am so erect right now it hurts.

I hope they remake TFT with this as well.

War2 was fun and awesome but war3 really killed it because it launched with battle.net implemented unlike war2. I never did have the remake with battle.net with war2.

I. Am. Fucking. So. Excited.
It better fucking have LAN play like War3. Not ONLY bnet 2.0 crap...

It does look pretty dang sweet though!
I'd go so far as to bet it WON'T.

If WoW Classic development is anything to go by, don't hold your breath.
Ha, beat me to it.

Wow never had LAN play though. I don't see that as a good comparison.
Fine, how about Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 then? Both Blizzard games without LAN that are sequels to games with LAN play.
It will probably be similar to the remaster they did with Starcraft 1. Which is fine with me. Who would complain about being able to play a classic in 4k!? :)
They said SC scene wanted updated graphics but W3 scene asked for more and they want to flesh out the 14 years impact of WoW has had. This isn't a simple remaster--it's almost like a reboot ("reforged").
Unoriginal, Uninspired, Cheap......

Take my money!

For those who don't know, Tower defence and MOBAs originated from here. The on-line community gave life to the engine long after Blizzard stopped making content for it. Maybe DotA will come home!
hmmm.... pretty sure I was playing tower games well before WC3, although to be fair WC3 did offer quite a bit more capability to the modding community.
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I am so erect right now it hurts.

I hope they remake TFT with this as well.

War2 was fun and awesome but war3 really killed it because it launched with battle.net implemented unlike war2. I never did have the remake with battle.net with war2.

I. Am. Fucking. So. Excited.

WC3 Reforged will include the Frozen Throne expansion.
OpenRA, man!
I was excited about this when I first heard about it. But I downloaded and found a strange lag when giving commands to units. Annoying but livable. Then I tried to play with my friend over LAN and it crashed... You have any problems with it?
I was excited about this when I first heard about it. But I downloaded and found a strange lag when giving commands to units. Annoying but livable. Then I tried to play with my friend over LAN and it crashed... You have any problems with it?
Sorry for hijacking the thread, lol. I haven't experienced any problems. The static interval on game speed has an effect. i.e. Lots can happen between a click and the next game tick picks up a queued command. That's just the way it was done.