Want to try to overclock all of my stuff, help?


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2011
My rig is in my sig and I want to try to get more out of both my CPU, and my GPU's. I'm kind of a noob at both of these, so bare with me please. :D


I've never overclocked these before, or even tried. So I need some pointers on where to start, what programs to use, what bio's I need to grab, etc, etc.


I know I already have a decent clock, but I'd like to try to get more out of it. Using the cooler that I have what is the safest max voltage I could take it to? Or what else could I do to try to get more out of this chip?

Thanks for the help ahead of time.

I've never overclocked these before, or even tried. So I need some pointers on where to start, what programs to use, what bio's I need to grab, etc, etc.


I know I already have a decent clock, but I'd like to try to get more out of it. Using the cooler that I have what is the safest max voltage I could take it to? Or what else could I do to try to get more out of this chip?

Thanks for the help ahead of time.

CCC will allow up to 900MHz on the core once you unlock it. (By simply clicking a little padlock.)

Or you could use MSI Afterburner for over 900MHz. (Leaving BIOS flashing for another time.) You have to manually edit the MSIAfterburner.cfg (In the install directory.) file to allow for it to go higher than 900MHz. Look for the following line and change 0 to 1 then save.

EnableUnofficialOverclocking = 0

If you have a revision 5870 you have voltage control, if not, you don't. That can limit OC-ability. MSI afterburner can be a pain in the ass when OCing dual cards. It works great for awhile, then it starts to OC 1 card and leaves the other at stock. Change the settings, it swaps which GPU is OC'd but the same result. 1 card at stock. (I just re-imaged my drive due to this yesterday actually. Well, and other stuff.)

As to CPU, I personally would not run any higher that 1.55v for any length of time, but that's me. What is your QPI voltage set to? You listed vcore but not QPI.

List all the setting changes you made with the values used. We can go from there.
QPI is at 1.1v according to EVGA E-Leet (which is what I've used to OC the processor), I didn't realize this was something I needed to change?

Edit: Also I want a voltage that I can leave 24/7/365 and leave it overclocked with, is the voltage I have now safe for that?
QPI voltage is very important!! It's recommended you keep it within 0.5v of the DRAM voltage. (Thanks to Harry1969 for the correction.)

Try lowering your vcore to 1.3v or 1.35v and raising QPI voltage to match. (If it works, you can try for lower after.)

Did you manually set your RAM to run at it's rated settings? My mobo defaults to incorrect specs if I leave it to it's own devices. Did you turn of Turbo Boost? (You should!) Disable Hyperthreading to, but just til you nail down your OC.

I highly recommend you give this OC guide a good perusing. It should help clear things up for you.

Good luck.


Forgot, make sure to set the RAM multi so you don't OC your RAM. Under-clocking is fine.
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QPI voltage is very important!! It's recommended you keep it within 0.5v of the vcore.

Try lowering your vcore to 1.3v or 1.35v and raising QPI voltage to match. (If it works, you can try for lower after.)

Did you manually set your RAM to run at it's rated settings? My mobo defaults to incorrect specs if I leave it to it's own devices. Did you turn of Turbo Boost? (You should!) Disable Hyperthreading to, but just til you nail down your OC.

I highly recommend you give this OC guide a good perusing. It should help clear things up for you.

Good luck.


Forgot, make sure to set the RAM multi so you don't OC your RAM. Under-clocking is fine.

I tried increasing my QPI and it kept crashing every time that I did it. I've got the core voltage at 1.43 and I'm running at 3.75 currently though and I've used the intel burn test program to ensure that it will hold at that speed. Also, I have a few questions: Whenever I go to computer > properties it shows my processor speed at 3.55ghz, however the bios start screen says 3.75, and EVGA E-LEET Tuning Utility says it is running at 3.73 GHZ what could be causing these inconsistency's? Also I cannot seem to figure out in my bioshow to get my ram to run at it's recommended speed the only options in the bios is either make it run pretty fairly far over its rated speed 1700 something, or at the speed it's running at currently which is 1400 something. Am I missing something in the bios for this as well? Will it be able to run at the 1700 if I add some more voltage to it? Thanks for the help.
Also, I have a few questions: Whenever I go to computer > properties it shows my processor speed at 3.55ghz, however the bios start screen says 3.75, and EVGA E-LEET Tuning Utility says it is running at 3.73 GHZ what could be causing these inconsistency's?

Also I cannot seem to figure out in my bioshow to get my ram to run at it's recommended speed the only options in the bios is either make it run pretty fairly far over its rated speed 1700 something, or at the speed it's running at currently which is 1400 something.

Am I missing something in the bios for this as well? Will it be able to run at the 1700 if I add some more voltage to it? Thanks for the help.

Ignore them, always go buy the BIOS. (It's not unusual for this to happen.) I use CPU-Z and have never had that issue however. Maybe see what it says.

That to is normal. The only way to get the RAM to run at rated speeds is to use a BCLK that multiplies to 1600. For example my 200 BCLK (Ram multi of 4x) runs my 1600MHz RAM at 1600MHz. (200x4=800x2=1600MHz. You multiply by 2 for DDR, or Double Data Rate RAM.

You are better off under-clocking, at least till you get a stable OC. If the RAM is of OCing quality it should be ok with 1700MHz with a (slight, possibly no) bump in voltage. My Dominator does 1750MHz just fine, and I think it was at 1.65v, it's rated voltage. Though no needed to run it at that seeing 1600MHz is plenty fast enough.

How much QPI did you add? Did you change the vcore as well? Did you add IOH voltage?

List all the settings you changed, including the original values. We'll see what we can do for recommendations after that.
I just got it to 4ghz with less vcore than I was using before with some help of the guys over at overclockers, they linked me to a guide that did an easy awesome job of helping me out. It's intel burn test stable as well, I did 5 rounds of it (they recommended that). But thanks for the help gents.
Are you sure about that? I thought it was important to keep the QPI voltage within 0.5v of the DRAM voltage?

I was when I typed it, but you are correct. Seems I confused the two when responding. Thanks for pointing it out, and apologies to OP for the misinformation.

Amazing what a guide can do for ones OC success huh OP? *jocular nudge* Nice to see you got a solid 4GHz. I'd still be curious to see what settings you had to settle on to get it stable if you care to share.
I was when I typed it, but you are correct. Seems I confused the two when responding. Thanks for pointing it out, and apologies to OP for the misinformation.

Amazing what a guide can do for ones OC success huh OP? *jocular nudge* Nice to see you got a solid 4GHz. I'd still be curious to see what settings you had to settle on to get it stable if you care to share.

Sharing is caring, right?

vcore - 1.4V
vtt - 125mV (.125v)
pll - 1.9V
dimm - 1.65V
qpi pll - 1.4v
ioh vcore - 1.2v
ich vcore - 1.2v
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