Want advice on modest oc


Apr 12, 2004
Hey ya'll. Coming back to AMD after a little stint on the Intel side. I just got a new system together, Neo2 Ultra with a 3000+ Venice 523 and I have a couple of sticks of 512 Mushkin 3500lvl1 that I'll be using. I just want to get to 2.2 as efficient as possible. I just want to get the performance of a 3500 out of it, that would be good enough for now. Any suggestions on how I should proceed? I see a 1000 number out there but when I calculate some of the examples I run across, say 268fsb ht3 they fall well short. How important is that? Thanks for any hints or advice.
ht link has no effect on performance. just keep the final speed under 1000mhz and you'll be good

ram speed has a small effect on performance. get it as high as you can without sacrificing cpu speed, or ram timings too much.

cpu speed.. well duh ;)
about that though, you should be able to get to 2.6-2.8ghz without too much effort. check out the sticky i have, there's a database of overclocks to give you a rough idea of what you can do, and an overclocking guide for a64's in the next post