Wall of iPads Concept

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Let’s just pretend for a minute that this wall of iPads concept ever became a reality, how practical would it be for someone to reach the upper / lower pads with someone else behind them trying to use the wall?
Agreed. I'm sure would be simple to have dumb input and output touchscreen tiles with a single computer driving them instead of buying a bunch of computers and using them as simple touchscreen tiles. Yes, it mentions the customizable apps but how many people are really going to use them on a freaking wall? Plus, I think that superthick bezel would take away from the effect. Maybe something for an apple store as a showy way to sell the product but dumb and superexpensive for anything else.

Why go through all the trouble hacking ipads together when there is hardware already designed to do this?
What a garbage idea.

Some of these artists get so excited by a new Apple product they are convinced it's god's gift to man.
I love how an Apple hardware release has this polarizing, showing who is fanboyish/dumb thing.

When something that has a competitive price comes out like the Iphone 3g/3gs or Imac 27" comes out, it's one thing. They may not be the absolute best, but the prices ARE competitive price wise.

But when Apple comes out with a complete turd, like this or the Macbook Air gen 1, I love reading comments from people who would only buy it because they want to look cool, and would leave it sitting out and never use it.
OMG I would so love to ram into that wall as fast as I can from a running start.
After looking at that wall I have only one thing to say:

I'd like to buy a vowel.................an 'i'

(and where's ghostly Vanna White when you need her?)
It looks like Apple was able to find a way for its users too multi-task with the iPad. :D
Picture overestimates the iPad's dimensions. 30 X 10 iPads would cover about 24 X 6.25 feet. That's 3600 square feet... including 300 sq. ft of bezel. Just what I always wanted!
Sorry, make that 150 square feet (and 30 sql ft. of bezel). What's up with this Win 7 calculator? :)
You know, I kind of wonder if the iPad is going to be a bit of a dud. For the first time in a while it really is hard to see how this device is going to take off. Maybe like in a Kindle since they can become popular, but as a GOT to have device but all to the most loyal Apple gadget freaks, I just ain't seeing it. And my skepticism isn't so much based in the merits of the iPad itself as the history that pen and touch devices beyond the size of phones and PDAs. Its not been entirely successful including a device that I hear people talk about, Apple's own Newton in the 90's.

The other factor too will be the competition. Dell is going to do an Android device and HP is going to do a Windows 7 device as well. Having used Windows 7 on a touch screen enabled tx2z I can say that it its actually not that bad to navigation with touch as much as people like to point out that Windows is at heart a desktop OS and this is true.

However for day to day use including activities such as web browsing and media playback, touch on the tx2z works great. IE 8 works very well via touch. The Zune client on the other hand isn't so touch friendly and as such is very cumbersome to use with touch.

However Windows Media Center is touch enabled and isn't a bad player and does actually work with Zune art and playlists, so its not half bad.
I wonder how many millions that will cost LOL, if it ever comes to life, because you know they will charge bug bucks
its a bad idea, good CONCEPT, bad idea

a wall thats a touch screen, WIN

a wall of ipad's. just fail