VMWare VDP drive expansion issue


Feb 16, 2001
Hey all.

Have a VMWare VDP 5.5 appliance that I'm trying to expand the storage from .5T -> 2T. I have it writing to a FreeNAS iSCSI drive connected through the ESX cluster.

I just moved the VDP server to the FreeNAS drive and it can successfully backup what we need it to however it's getting full. Tried to expand the storage using the following steps:

Go to VDP device web interface
Log in
Click on Storage Tab
Click on Action
Click on Expand Storage
Change Capacity from .5T -> 2T, Next
Select the current Datastore, Next
The system says "Validating Datastores"
After a second the system comes back "There was an error trying to validate the selected datastores. Please try again later." hit OK.
"Failed to validate the datastores for expansion." hit OK.
Then is just drops back to the expand storage screen.

Any idea? We have multiple datastores and the issue happens on all of them. The one thing I'm noticing is the Disks portion in the Device Allocation screen are greyed out and I can't adjust them...but I can't remember what that was like when I first set this up.
This is not a new VDP appliance correct? I may be wrong but I thought you couldn't expand space when the appliance is already deployed. From my understanding you had to implement a new appliance. I could be wrong, however...haven't played with it since it came out and I have yet to deploy it in production at a customer since we pretty much standardize on Veeam.
You can in advanced, and standard might have gotten that (never paid that much attention). It may be that there are issues with teh datastore but I'd have to see the logs :)
No, not new new but just new.
Strange they would offer the feature to upgrade them.
I'm just going to rebuild the box with the correct size.