VMWare Server Error when installing


Supreme [H]ardness
May 27, 2007
I figured with the new version of VMWare Server finally having signed drivers, I'd give it a go on my machine. When running the installer I am getting the following error: 'Setup cannot continue. The Microsoft Runtime DLL installer failed to complete installation.' And that's it... This is before it asks me for any sort of input at all.

This is being installed on the main rig listed in my sig. Anyone have any ideas? My Google-fu is finding nothing helpful.
I searched and I only found a hotfix that was for Server 2003 x64 which doesn't help you much.

I guess the basics are in order. Did you make any changes to UAC? Did you happen to install using vlite so there are possibly things removed from your Vista install? When I installed it I didn't even run it as administrator, I just double clicked and accepted the elevation prompt.

You could try running the install as administrator. Also maybe try running "sfc /scannow" from an elevated command prompt and see what happens. More details here - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929833

UAC is disabled and I haven't made any special changes to my Vista install. I've tried running as administrator with the same results.

Running SFC now to see if it changes anything.

It found no problems and I still get the same install error. Fudge.
UAC is disabled and I haven't made any special changes to my Vista install. I've tried running as administrator with the same results.

Running SFC now to see if it changes anything.

It found no problems and I still get the same install error. Fudge.

Late night desperation thought. You did get a serial number for the VM, right?;)

Late night desperation thought. You did get a serial number for the VM, right?;)

Yes, but this error is hitting me before it asks me for input of any kind. I double click the exe, the VMware logo screen pops up in the middle of the screen and the 'Preparing for installation...' mini loading screen pops up in the lower right corner, they disappear and that error shows up.

Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I'm running into the same thing.
Check your BIOS settings; make sure that your CPU settings have the Virtual settings turned ON;)

Check your BIOS settings; make sure that your CPU settings have the Virtual settings turned ON;)

I never did get this worked out through any other means, but I'll definitely have a look at my BIOS to make sure virtualization is enabled.
I got it working! I finally got around to checking the BIOS and virtualization was already enabled, so that wasn't the problem.

I remembered that while doing some searching, I saw some other forums mention the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable a few times. I went into my Programs window and saw three different C++ 2005 versions installed. I uninstalled all but the lasted x64 version and I went ahead and installed the C++ 2008 version. After doing this, I was able to install VMware Server just fine. I don't know exactly which of those steps fixed the problem, but one of them worked.

I would suggest making sure you only have one copy the latest version of C++ 2005 installed and if that doesn't work, try installing 2008 also.

Dammit. After restarting my computer, I can't find any way to actually run VMware. Am I a complete idiot here?

In my start menu under the VMware folder, there is the VMware Server folder and Web Access folder. Under VMware Server, the only programs are Manage Virtual Networks and VMware Server Home Page. Navigating to the install folder doesn't yield me anything that looks like it would just run VMware, such as vmware.exe. What am I missing here?

Edit 2:
Found out how to use the web interface. So do you have to use the web interface to manage VMware Server or is there a console that I'm missing?

Edit 3:
Ahh, it uses a Remote Console. I'm getting it now...

I got it working! I finally got around to checking the BIOS and virtualization was already enabled, so that wasn't the problem.

I remembered that while doing some searching, I saw some other forums mention the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable a few times. I went into my Programs window and saw three different C++ 2005 versions installed. I uninstalled all but the lasted x64 version and I went ahead and installed the C++ 2008 version. After doing this, I was able to install VMware Server just fine. I don't know exactly which of those steps fixed the problem, but one of them worked.

I would suggest making sure you only have one copy the latest version of C++ 2005 installed and if that doesn't work, try installing 2008 also.

Dammit. After restarting my computer, I can't find any way to actually run VMware. Am I a complete idiot here?

In my start menu under the VMware folder, there is the VMware Server folder and Web Access folder. Under VMware Server, the only programs are Manage Virtual Networks and VMware Server Home Page. Navigating to the install folder doesn't yield me anything that looks like it would just run VMware, such as vmware.exe. What am I missing here?

Edit 2:
Found out how to use the web interface. So do you have to use the web interface to manage VMware Server or is there a console that I'm missing?

Edit 3:
Ahh, it uses a Remote Console. I'm getting it now...

I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that I downloaded the new Vista version of the SMP console client and find it t be a bit faster than the Linux client.

The Vista client doesn’t need the babysitting the current Linux client seem to require.;)

I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that I downloaded the new Vista version of the SMP console client and find it t be a bit faster than the Linux client.

The Vista client doesn’t need the babysitting the current Linux client seem to require.;)

Is Linux not pulling down the 2605 units like it used to?

Even if not used for folding, this is still something that has been bugging me for some time so I'm glad to have finally figured it out. I get Server 2k8 for free through my school so I'm going to be doing some messing around with it just because I can. I get to play with VMware and Server 2k8 at the same time so it's a double win.

Is Linux not pulling down the 2605 units like it used to?

Even if not used for folding, this is still something that has been bugging me for some time so I'm glad to have finally figured it out. I get Server 2k8 for free through my school so I'm going to be doing some messing around with it just because I can. I get to play with VMware and Server 2k8 at the same time so it's a double win.

The big advantage with Linux used to be you would "usually" get the new core however I haven't seen any work units in quite a while that use the new core.

With the console GPU client they are finally sending the new(er) that was the standard for the tray client.

Me....I just try to keep on keeping on;)
