VM moves hosts for no reason Hyper-V


[H]F Junkie
Feb 16, 2003
So we've had a VM for the past couple of weeks just randomly decide to move from one host to the other in our Hyper-V environment. Logs don't seem to show anything that would suggest why it's moving. We just all of a sudden notice it's MAC drop off and then come back on the new host. There's no regular day(s), no regular hour(s) for this. It's very strange. Have any of you ever seen this before?

The screenshot below shows the kick off of the event. The errors are after. There's nothing going on to trigger the move before 9:14:12PM
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Is the live migration causing issues? What are all of the errors in the log? I don't know hyper-v, but, my guess would be something like heatbeat loss (failover type scenario), load based migration (moving high workload VM to a lesser used hypervisor), or hardware issue.
Any log messages on the destination server showing why it started the accept of the migration
So there are no logs on the destination either. We are thinking it's lining up with a VSS process going on.
Weird, I havent had any issues with HyperV....have ~200 HV servers here, but we dont use live migration at all on any of them (each host just runs 2 VMs)