Upgrading laptop from Win8.1 to 10 always causes repairs


Fully [H]
Feb 24, 2005
So I am taking my Dell M6500 and upgrading it from Win8.1 to 10 and when I do, it gets about 25% through the install and then starts "attempting repairs". It sits there for a while and then comes up and says that the repair failed.

Anyone know what I could do to get it to work?

Here are the specs that I can remember offhand:

Core i7 860
8gb ram
Nvidia Quadro FX 3800m (I have checked and this is on the list of compatible cards)
500gb 5400rpm drive
120gb SSD

Some sites have said that it could be the SSD causing the problem but I don't understand how since I installed it on an SSD on my main pc without issue. So far I have been trying for a week in order to get this to work and it is constantly pissing me off.
I have done a clean install of 8.1 and then tried to upgrade to 10 with no luck. I finally found my older win8 install file so I will use that for a clean install and then go through all of the updates before I try 10 again. I did try the media creation tool to do a clean install of 10 but with no luck.

Edit: Is it possible that it is going through the repair attempt because its trying to find drivers for some hardware that is on the system? After the last install, there are some drivers that I can't seem to locate for 4 things on the system, one of which I know deals with the finger print scanner on the system.
I have done a clean install of 8.1 and then tried to upgrade to 10 with no luck. I finally found my older win8 install file so I will use that for a clean install and then go through all of the updates before I try 10 again. I did try the media creation tool to do a clean install of 10 but with no luck.

Edit: Is it possible that it is going through the repair attempt because its trying to find drivers for some hardware that is on the system? After the last install, there are some drivers that I can't seem to locate for 4 things on the system, one of which I know deals with the finger print scanner on the system.

When you say clean install, do you mean with Windows 8.1 media, activate and then install the upgrade well saving nothing? Recently, I upgraded an HP machine that would fail if the drivers for Windows 7 were installed before the upgrade was done.
right now I did a clean install of Win8 and what I plan on doing is updating everything and finding the drivers for whatever hardware I may be missing. Once done with all of that, then try going to Win10 again.
right now I did a clean install of Win8 and what I plan on doing is updating everything and finding the drivers for whatever hardware I may be missing. Once done with all of that, then try going to Win10 again.

I strongly recommend just getting it to Windows 8.1 and then doing the upgrade with nothing saved. Do not install any drivers unless you have to because that could be causing the problem.
Just an FYI, when you do a clean install of 8 or 8.1 you do not need to install any updates. I went from clean 8 (not 8.1) to 10 without installing anything other than Windows.
Just an FYI, when you do a clean install of 8 or 8.1 you do not need to install any updates. I went from clean 8 (not 8.1) to 10 without installing anything other than Windows.

That is strange considering you officially can only upgrade from Windows 7 with SP1 and Windows 8.1 only. I will have to test this out next time I get a chance.
bigdogchris is right. It gave me the option when I first installed 8 to go right to 10
So I had installed win8, went through all the updates. Then upgraded to 8.1 and all of the updates after that. The system popped up asking if I wanted to go to win10, so I said yes and waited as it went through windows update and downloaded the file and just like before, when it got to 25% installed, it restarted and went to "attempting repairs". As I am writing this, it has been doing that for a few minutes and shortly it will pop up asking if I want to go back to 8.1 or attempt another repair.

If I select to go back, the OS will be gone. I just don't understand what is happening.