Upgrade my 24" display or keep it?


Sep 21, 2005
Hey guys I got a Samsung 245bw that I purchased back in 2007 and I am trying to see if there is a better display since it is now 2012. The 245bw has given me almost zero issues; no dead pixels and tolerable CCFL bleeding. My only gripe is that the monitor has a banding problem on certain games. It doesn't matter if I have v-sync on or off it will still produce banding on these games (i.e. Dirt, Batman:AS, Witcher). Is it worth trying to get a new display or should I just live with what I have now? My budget is $400 and I mostly use my monitor for gaming.
Vsync has nothing to do with banding in games usually the monitor doesn't either. Some games will band regardless of the display.

If you get >60fps in games and turn off V-Sync the game will tear and some games tear regardless of the frame rate. V-Sync syncs the games FPS with your monitors max refresh rate (60hz) which is why many games cap out @60fps. If you like your display keep your money.