Upcoming Mobile GPUs?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 11, 2008
It looks like I'm once again going mobile for work starting in December through most of 2020 and will need to get a gaming laptop. I understand this is a bit crystal ball, but are there any mobile GPUs coming expected to notably increase performance? I know Navi is on the horizon later this year, and would expect 7nm will be a big win, but have heard virtually nothing about the mobile variants.

Reason I ask is, right now, there are a number of very good deals on remaining supply laptops with Pascal-based cards and am wondering if I should jump on one or wait. My budget is around $1300-1500, and this would purely be a personal-use laptop i.e. I won't need to port it around apart from (hopefully infrequent) moves between corporate apartments, and I don't really care about extra weight. I've looked at laptops with RTX 20xx, but the price on those for the performance you get vs. Pascal is absurd.
I'd jump on a Pascal laptop, a mobile 1080 still performs fantastic at 1440p. I thought about upgrading to an RTX 2080 in my Sager but the performance difference is so little...
Definitely looking at a Pascal-based GPU laptop. I'd be willing to stretch if there was a significant performance difference from Pascal, but prices on RTX laptops are obnoxiously expensive for the marginal performance boost they provide (and I could care less about ray-tracing). My question boils down to this: over the next 6-8 months, will there be any major shifts in GPU performance due to the release of a new mobile chip(s) e.g. Navi?

I don't need the laptop until later this year around December, but am thinking if there's not anything fabulous coming up in the next year, that means there's no point for me waiting since there seems to be less and less stock of Pascal-based laptops.