Umbra Kickstarter looks sick! CryEngine ARPG.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Umbra (PC and Linux) is a CryEngine based ARPG game. Here is it's Kickstarter page. Because it is using the CryEngine development tools, it absolutely looks stunning! I have not seen an ARPG look this good! There are a series of videos that the developers have put out to showcase their work. The original Kickstarter video looks like standard ARPG fare, but there is a much better video out that shows new ideas for the ARPG genre.

In this video the team shows off how your spells can change the environment to create walls or destroy enemies with the environment. I think that this is the sickest thing I've seen in an ARPG! The environment looks as nice as any Crysis game I've seen. The amount of detail on the trees, rocks, etc is ridiculous! Megascans looks like PBR tech to me. To be exact the resource page for it says so. PBR was added to Warframe and really upped the visual quality for that game. PBR runs really well on low / medium quality PCs to appeal to a wider audience. As you can see it looks terrific!

The game has a player built Housing system where you kill monsters, complete missions / zones, etc and get rewards that you can add to your customized home. This is showcased in this video where a dispatched monster's head is hung above a fireplace that you unlocked by completing an objective. Of course there are many asymmetrical armor sets to complete. Weapons are fully customizable with you having the choice of hilt, blade, decorations, etc.

Finally the game play has many Magicka type ideas incorporated. You can create situations where enemies are funneled through a wet environment such as a pool of water, and then your lightning skills will electrocute all enemies within the pool. Of course this works great when it rains. You can freeze enemies, run to a safe distance, then use fire to unfreeze them. Fire can be spread on the ground and is ineffective if use on enemies in water.

Melee attacks create rage. If you focus on this only then your magic and stamina stats will deplete. This effects important attributes such as defense. ;) Likewise using only spells will diminish your Rage bar. So there is a balance that has to be struck to maintain a healthy character. Also the weapon that you choose isn't held back by the type of spells you want to use. So you can grab a greataxe and toss fireballs if you like.

Really surprised that there wasn't an Umbra thread already. As of today the Kickstarter is at $170,000 / $225,000 funded with 20 days to go. Really looking forward to this title and I figured that others would also. :)

Here is a link to some screenshots of the game from the official website.
The game looks promising. I don't know how $225,000 will be anywhere close to enough money to get this game to market, but I wish them all the best!
I just like aRPG's in general. I hope this one is excellent and succeeds, along with co-op of course.
I don't know about that. Steam Greenlight and unknown studio are both red flags for me. I'll put this on my watch list, I may pick it up if it comes out.
I don't know about that. Steam Greenlight and unknown studio are both red flags for me. I'll put this on my watch list, I may pick it up if it comes out.

What's wrong with Steam Greenlight?

Unknown studio may be a diamond in the rough. Wild card.
I'm a little surprised the game has only raised 170k at this point. Between the popularity of this genre, graphics, elemental/action game play and fully customizable weapons I'm surprised this game hasn't blown up.
The game looks promising. I don't know how $225,000 will be anywhere close to enough money to get this game to market, but I wish them all the best!

I don't know either. 225k wont cut it unless the developers are getting compensated a percentage of sales profits instead of a salary.
I wouldn't donate any money towards it. There are plenty of great arpg's already and I don't see anything special enough about this one to differentiate what is already a saturated genre.
The only way I would ever donate to any of these kickstarter stuff if I get stock I have no intention on making some else wealthy.

Game looks great hope it comes to market.
lol stock.

btw it sounds like they have been making it awhile so 225k sounds more like the money needed for the final push rather than full development

opposed to something like Star Citizen which was just an idea and had no real development done.

looking through the tiers it sounds like you can already play it in some form, there is a play the GDC 2015 build in one of the tiers.
opposed to something like Star Citizen which was just an idea and had no real development done.

It's not looking very promising is it? Too bad. It's all ambition and not much else seemingly.
I don't know either. 225k wont cut it unless the developers are getting compensated a percentage of sales profits instead of a salary.
They've already announced stretch goals will be coming. Plus, they made it this far with unknown level of funding. Who knows how far from completion they are ...
They've already announced stretch goals will be coming. Plus, they made it this far with unknown level of funding. Who knows how far from completion they are ...

also they are likely close to a state where they can offer it on steam for early access, once it hits alpha which means more money would come in from that.

the game looks promising.
It's looking great.

I'd rather not blow hundreds of dollars on an in game ship, but the game sounds solid from what people have been saying. Not my cup of tea though in terms of genre.
I know I must be in the minority here, but I wish they would venture out and try a different theme. Every RPG doesn't have to be a fantasy setting. I wish there were more sci fi RPGs. What has there been the past few years aside from Fallout 3/NV & Mass Effect? Just Wasteland?

On the other hand, plenty of fantasy themed RPGs. AAA games, smaller studios and even a horde of crappy games that should never have been created. :p So its rather hard for me to get behind this. Especially when AAA titles like Witcher 3 and Dragon Age have just recently come out.

BTW, does the Witcher 2 count as an action RPG?
Looks like it got funded. :)

A Diablo 3 streamer named Natsuma_z is going to playtest the game on 6/6/2015. Here is the message from his stream.

Saturday 6/6 at 10PM CET/4PM EST we will be taking a First Exclusive Look at Umbra Technical Prototype! Together with the Creator on skype to answer any question! For more information about the game:
So Shadow of Mordor was a arpg?

In this case I think this game have a huge challenge to reach the quality in combat to meet Shadow of Mordor. Because like for the Withcher 3, I've quit(One of the reason btw) because the combat system is so obsolete compare to SOM.

Maybe I'm wrong because looking at the camera, maybe the game could be good with a combat system that does not reach SOM.
I backed it... seems a bit low but I hope it goes through. It looks amazing as it is.

I think ARPGs refer to top down/bird view games like Diablo. Although, the name doesn't really suggest it... I don't think I've seen many games referred to as such without it being that way.
I'm a little surprised the game has only raised 170k at this point. Between the popularity of this genre, graphics, elemental/action game play and fully customizable weapons I'm surprised this game hasn't blown up.

That's because consumers have finally smartened up and don't throw their money away at ideas. Ship a product and people will buy it. The crowdfunding fad is coming to an end, finally.
This looks good, but I'm done with kickstarting games. It's funded, that's good enough for me. I'll check it out next year when it (supposedly) releases.
So Shadow of Mordor was a arpg?

In this case I think this game have a huge challenge to reach the quality in combat to meet Shadow of Mordor. Because like for the Withcher 3, I've quit(One of the reason btw) because the combat system is so obsolete compare to SOM.

Maybe I'm wrong because looking at the camera, maybe the game could be good with a combat system that does not reach SOM.


I don't think you know what a good combat system is...
So Shadow of Mordor was a arpg?

In this case I think this game have a huge challenge to reach the quality in combat to meet Shadow of Mordor. Because like for the Withcher 3, I've quit(One of the reason btw) because the combat system is so obsolete compare to SOM.

Maybe I'm wrong because looking at the camera, maybe the game could be good with a combat system that does not reach SOM.

Are you serious?

I honestly do not get any of the love people have for this or Batman style/AC combat, it's about the most mind numbingly boring combat systems, counter counter counter.

There's a reason they have to throw literally DOZENS of enemies at you all at once, becaus eit's so easy and has little to no depth to it.

Severance, Dark Souls, those are far more interesting combat systems with actual depth to thoem an dhow they work.
I actually like a few games that is based on the Arkham combat system... Sleeping Dogs and SoM, but I don't actually like the Arkham games, because of the combat and the detective mode.... is that weird?

And that video about how SoM combat is terrible, it doesn't really portray SoM's combat in it's entirety. There are bosses that are immune to jumping over them, and it can royally screw you. That video is the equivalent of "videogames is just pressing buttons."
Well, just basing it on the Kickstarter video, it looks like they've got a lot of assets in place already. Would need to look into it a bit more to be sure, but maybe they just need the $200K to finish off what they've already completed a decent portion of.
Backed for $15. I'll probably increase my pledge later to alpha access.. but that's enough for now.
That's because consumers have finally smartened up and don't throw their money away at ideas. Ship a product and people will buy it. The crowdfunding fad is coming to an end, finally.

Things may be slowing down but it is not going to stop unless something drastic happens. This model has been successful. As long as devs keep the trust and deliver the products people will continue to back them.

This month I've added Bard's Tale and now Umbra.That brings me to eleven games I've backed. I've gotten six of them so far. Of those six, one was a disappointment, one was OK, the other four exceeded my expectations and have expansions and more content on the way..some of it for free.

The rest are actively being worked on and still look like they are worth my money....oh god when will the horror end! I can't believe they let me back them and gave me extra goodies and the complete game for less than it will sell for at release The inhumanity!!!!! :eek:

ok except for Torment I went a little over the retail price for that one.
dang, I hate with a passion top down games... always makes me feel like Im falling. No chance of going first person I suppose??
Things may be slowing down but it is not going to stop unless something drastic happens.

There is no point trying to reason with Thuleman, he has been an avid and irrational hater of the kickstarter model since the very beginning. In his two dimensional obtuse mind universally praised games like Divinity Original Sin, Wasteland 2, Shadownrun Returns, Elite Dangerous and Pillars of Eternity all would have been developed and published at some point, despite those sub-genres being veritable wastelands for almost two decades. :rolleyes:

My theory as to why Umbra hasn't experienced a gold rush in funding has nothing to do with crowdfunding losing momentum and legitimacy, but simply that the dev team standing behind it are an unknown quantity. If this was being helmed by say Bill Roper, or former Diablo 2 devs, I guarantee you that they would have millions in pledges by now.