Transferring files from PS3

Probably a USB stick that is formatted with NTFS (FAT has a 4GB file limit).

Just select options on the movie then do a copy.
If its something you bought on PSN, I'd imagine they try to make you keep it on your PS3. Maybe not though. Put in a thumbdrive and see if you have an option to copy it over. If its something you or someone else put there (see: originated from a computer) then yes, you can put it back onto an external drive and transfer it to a computer.
PS3 doesn't support NTFS.

I wonder if it would kill them to actually add support for today's pretty much 100% used format for modern external drives... I got a PS3 without realizing that myself, and found out that, pretty much, their new models are impossible to externally backup if you have a lot of data that includes really large files.
Plug the Hard Drive into your PC?

That might cause problems when you plug it back into the PS3. If youre not careful it will just reformat the drive.

Also the disk isn't in fat32. Its a modified version of it, which allows big files, which some systems wont read, because its got some kind of encryption, which wont be read straight out the box. If its from the PSstore it will be in MNV format too.

tversity? (streaming)