Transfer text messages from android to android, can I simply drag and drop?


Jun 22, 2011
Hey [H] Forum. Is there a way to transfer text messages from one android device to another, without using 3rd party apps? I know if I wanted to backup pictures, I could plug my smartphone into my PC and back them up, and transfer it to another phone by simply dragging and dropping the photos. I'm wondering if theres a simpler way to do this with text messages? I tried using those 3rd party apps but its extremely clunky and didn't even detect my phone. I'm guessing because it's a free app.

Please help. Thanks in advanced.
Every phone manufacturer has a different default app it uses for messaging,each of which uses various files or formats. so it's probably not going to be as easy drag and drop.
There is no way to do it without a 3rd party app.

There are a large number of apps on the Play Store that will do it. I used SMS Backup and Restore for a long time. Then I decided I simply don't care about saving texts anymore. :p
I've used SMSBackup too and boy was my mom surprised when her new phone had like 1000 new messages.
Thanks guys. I went ahead and used SMS Backup and Restore. Cheers and happy new year
IMO it's pretty ridiculous that Android doesn't have a way to back up and restore messages considering how integrated it is with all the other Google services. What better way to mine more of your personal data than to "backup" all your texts? Seriously... mine away if switching phones was made easier.
IMO it's pretty ridiculous that Android doesn't have a way to back up and restore messages considering how integrated it is with all the other Google services. What better way to mine more of your personal data than to "backup" all your texts? Seriously... mine away if switching phones was made easier.

It was easy when Hangouts had SMS integration...and still is easy with Google Voice....but nope, Google giveth and now Google thinks what everyone really wants is 10 unfinished apps instead of just one or two.