"Total War: Rome II" Developers on Female Generals: "Don’t Like It? Don’t Play It"

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Aug 20, 2006
Total War: Rome II’s developers have dismissed criticism by fans questioning why they are changing the demographics of a years-old title: according to Steam reviews and comments on the game’s discussion forum, at least 50% of the generals now comprise women, among other attempts at “rewriting history for sociopolitical purposes.” While some fans are poking fun at the controversy, suggesting the characters are merely transitioning, others are organizing boycotts and demanding Creative Assembly’s apology.

When the developer was called out for changing the game and that the company was trying to utilize historical revisionism to change demographics, Creative Assembly’s Ella McConnell responded by saying that their games are “historically authentic” not “historically accurate.” It all started back in August of 2018, when forum posts began popping up questioning why so many of their generals and leaders were magically turning into women.
Ok, I won't plan to play it then.

There are still 4369071324 other games without historical revisionists I can enjoy.

Civilization 6 is a prime example: Women leaders as needed, but not a ridiculous, disproportionate, historically inaccurate silliness.
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Creative Assembly’s Ella McConnell responded by saying that their games are “historically authentic” not “historically accurate.”

Hanna Noballis?

Maybe they could develop AI that doesn't suck? Nah, more female Roman generals is what is needed. That will help sell the expansions they keep putting out, beyond the stand alone stuff they're doing now like Atilla and Thrones of Britannia. More stuff I'll pick up at firesale prices years down the road if ever. Same now for TW:Warhammer3

Genius AI:
Total War: Rome II’s developers have dismissed criticism by fans questioning why they are changing the demographics of a years-old title: according to Steam reviews and comments on the game’s discussion forum, at least 50% of the generals now comprise women, among other attempts at “rewriting history for sociopolitical purposes.” While some fans are poking fun at the controversy, suggesting the characters are merely transitioning, others are organizing boycotts and demanding Creative Assembly’s apology.

When the developer was called out for changing the game and that the company was trying to utilize historical revisionism to change demographics, Creative Assembly’s Ella McConnell responded by saying that their games are “historically authentic” not “historically accurate.” It all started back in August of 2018, when forum posts began popping up questioning why so many of their generals and leaders were magically turning into women.

Hey, I'll take that challenge.
will buy it when it goes to 1.99

other than that no thank you

women were
not generals in rome during ancient times

whats next i wont say on here , gender bender generals?
Couldn't stand it , had to look at the twitter feed of the the dev/writer Ella who pushed this.

All I needed to see was answered in one picture she had on there.

couldnt they just allow people to pick and choose their avatars without making a big deal out of it. Provide a few women and just be done with it. If a man or woman wants a female avatar, fine, pick one and enjoy the game on your end. Who cares.

They could just as easy make it to where if you don't want to see women or hear women during a multiplayer game, well, then you don't have to see or hear women. It takes just a button within the game. Easy to do.

They could really make this a none issue instead of forcing this on people and losing sales.

Every sale is important to game companies. They all ad up.
Are you implying that the core audience for a historical based strategy war game isn't a flock of pink haired , semi transexual , gender fluid , soy eating protesters ?

What , what would ever give you that idea ?

What is it you're babbling about? "Soy eating protestors"? Do you read what you wrote before clicking "Post Reply"?
couldnt they just allow people to pick and choose their avatars without making a big deal out of it.

They could just as easy make it to where if you dont want to see women or hear women in your game, you don't see women. It takes just a button.

They could really make this a none issue unstead of forcing this on people and losing sales.

Every sale is important to game companies. They all ad up.

It seems like they did just make some changes without really publicizing them. Then, some of the community flipped out, which prompted this reply.
The Total War games have never really focused too much on being historically accurate so, whatever. Still, CA isn't exactly on the best terms with their community at the best of times, their reaction could have been a hell of a lot better.
I’m confused, did they add more Generals or did they change everything about them other than units? (i.e history, face, voices, etc.)

If they changed current generals that’s stupid, if they added them why is this a thing?

Even if they did force a gender change (which is hilarious) its not a big deal, just incredibly strange and dumb.
I don't care, other than that the response from the developer was intentionally offensive. To me, that, rather than the other game stuff, was (is) the issue here.
If they added additional alternative leaders fine. If your only choice is Julia Caesar or Maria Antony, screw em. Add Xena Empress of Rome and you might get additional buyers.
Some snowflakes whining about "historical revisionism" is quite rich taken into account their love for "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth".

For some reason the link in the article gives "502: Bad Gateway". Wonder why :confused:

I don't know why regressives like you have such a problem with the phrase 'alternative facts'. Then again, a slavish faith in corporate media probably precludes any kind of deeper understanding of media manipulation.

I can present a series of facts, emphasizing certain points, diminishing others, and leaving out others altogether to tell a story that has little connection to the truth. This seems the most common method a warping perception in mainstream media. Therefore a set of 'alternative facts' can present a different, and possible far more accurate accounting of events.

Nevermind, I forgot who I was speaking to. Go back to the media gods to find out what you should be outraged about today.


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Whenever I see gender-swapped people in Japanese anime, games, etc, it's always been explained as "Alternate history." This "historically authentic" explanation is utter BS. If you want to make it that way, do alternate reality.

If they really want to continue down this road, they better make things equal and have female soldiers getting slaughtered in the gameplay. Otherwise, sexism.

The Total War games have never really focused too much on being historically accurate so, whatever. Still, CA isn't exactly on the best terms with their community at the best of times, their reaction could have been a hell of a lot better.

There's sacrificing historical accuracy for the sake of making better gameplay, and then there's sacrificing historical accuracy to make a political statement. The former is fine, the latter is not.
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Looks like some trolls invaded the Total War forums and a moderator went off on them. :)
This is so pathetic. Soon history books will be changed to say half of the founding fathers were mothers so that the feelings of women wont be hurt.

It seems to me that if women and girl's precious psyches can't take history, maybe they shouldn't leave the house lest their feelings get hurt.

Maybe a patriarchy developed over time because the females just couldn't hack it out here in reality with the rest of us?

Sorry to any fine women (like my wonderful wife), who have to watch as others in your sex denigrate you as fragile flowers who can't hack it in the real world.
eventually they will learn to appease the crowd that actually has the finances to buy the game, vs the loud poor SJW crowd that doesnt buy shit.
I don't mind the female generals, but I'd have hoped they put in the effort to patch the game first... Still a bunch of bugs floating out there.
What the fuck is supposed to be the difference between historically authentic and accurate? I’d assume it’s more of reeenactment status?

I have no fucking clue man. If you look up 'authentic' on thesaurus.com the first synonym listed is 'accurate.' Do they really think there is a meaningful difference by using that terminology? Even legally?

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