Tom's Hardware says 290x doesn't do well against 780 at 3840x2160...

For today, they allowed certain card comparisons to be shown in public, it's a tease. I don't fall for teases so easily, I'd rather do it right at launch.

these teases could be misleading which is why I don't put much stock until the final no holds barred review with no restrictions
these teases could be misleading which is why I don't put much stock until the final no holds barred review with no restrictions

I'd rather spend my time and concentrate on getting the testing and performance right for the launch, rather than cobbling together a few numbers in a hurry just for a story.
There will be a big push for 4k next year, it will take a couple of years to drop but its coming. Knowing that card right now can make them playable 'even if it 30fps' is great news for the future itself. Once pricr drop it will be more common than surround gaming.

Since game will be stuck with current gen dor the next 8+ years, iam pretty sure in 2-3 years it will make some of those game playable at 60fps on a single card (the most demanding one's)
I'm pretty sure you read that wrong

it doesn't JUST do well against a 780 means it does well against other cards as well, not JUST the 780, that sounds like he is insinuating that it does well against a titan as well as the 780
Hello Brent.

Is there a chance of seeing the GTX 770 and R9 280X next to the R9 290X, GTX TITAN and the GTX 780 in the apples-to-apples section of your upcoming review, while covering the more common resolutions (1440/1080p)?

//Subscribed to thread.
Yep I agree... I can see how someone could misread that, but he clearly means the R9 290X destroys the 780, evidenced by the supplied benchmarks.
some might think it's dickish to set up shop at the hotel across the street from NV's press event, leeching guests over to take a look at your new product. but i have to say i like the tenacity and competitiveness :cool:
these teases could be misleading

Ya think?

The specifications for the tease were very specific...two specific games at a specific (very high) resolution. I'm sure those were conditions AMD knew they were going to have a significant advantage in.
I'd rather spend my time and concentrate on getting the testing and performance right for the launch, rather than cobbling together a few numbers in a hurry just for a story.

Any chance of being able to reveal what the first day would be when this article might be published? ;)
these teases could be misleading which is why I don't put much stock until the final no holds barred review with no restrictions

I don't think they're necesarily that misleading. I mean, maybe they cherrpicked the games that have a 15% advantage instead of an 8% advantage, but that isn't that big a deal.

My problem is that there's a point where teases stop building anticipation with people, and just start annoying the hell out of them, and I passed that point about 3 days ago.
I've had my 6950 for about 1.5yrs now. What I really want to know is if any of these new cards will solidly beat 2x6950s.

Because it'd be WAY cheaper for me to just throw for a used 6950 vs getting a new card, even though I know single cards are always the hassle-free options.
I'm mostly interested in the 4K numbers. I don't envision a lot of people gaming at 1080p rushing out to buy a $650 video card. It's a brand new card, might as well see how future-proof it is.

Also, it's going to take two of these to game at 4K.
talk about settting up a test.
He said that was AMD requirements so maybe it doesn't do to good at other resolutions.
Its not a good sign when you compare on their terms.
talk about settting up a test.
He said that was AMD requirements so maybe it doesn't do to good at other resolutions.
Its not a good sign when you compare on their terms.

Both companies have done stuff like this with previews. It's all about marketing. 4K is the "new thing" right now. Showing their card can do 4K gaming at semi-decent frame rates "proves how powerful it is" and showing it doing better than a competitors card is just part of it. If the 290x matched the Titan at 4K then it wouldn't really serve their purposes to the show it. It's all set up to be free PR from hardware sites.
I've had my 6950 for about 1.5yrs now. What I really want to know is if any of these new cards will solidly beat 2x6950s.

Because it'd be WAY cheaper for me to just throw for a used 6950 vs getting a new card, even though I know single cards are always the hassle-free options.

Well, I'm going to do a rough estimation here.

A Radeon HD 6950 is roughly equivalent to a Radeon HD 7850 (roughly an R9 270 re-brand) in some games:
Now, having two 6950s in Crossfire, assuming maybe 1.5 to 2 times the framerate, is roughly equivalent to... between a single Radeon HD 7970 and a single Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition:
Therefore, that puts a CrossfireX HD 6950 setup right up there with a single R9 280X for $299, with lower load power consumption than two HD 6950s in Crossfire.

So, to answer your original question:
Yes, the Radeon R9 290 and R9 290X will most likely beat a CrossfireX 6950 setup.​
I'm excited about this card and want it, but going from 3 780gtxs it will most likely bit Change my gaming experience, gonna sit this round out and do full upgrade when Haswell-E hits.
However, the last paragraph leaves some questions:

"There’s not much more I can say at this point, except that I have several cards tested at 3840x2160, and R9 290X doesn’t just do well against the GeForce GTX 780…"

What do you guys think??

I think that somebody doesn't know what the heck they're talking about.


As for knowing whether it's Tom's HW or PCTuning who can't figure out how to properly benchmark a video card will probably have to wait until more reviews get published.
As for knowing whether it's Tom's HW or PCTuning who can't figure out how to properly benchmark a video card will probably have to wait until more reviews get published.
You've probably read and placed the "just" at the wrong part of the sentence.

What's been said at Tom's is probably meant to be this:
AMD's R9 290X doesn’t just do well against the GeForce GTX 780… but also against the GTX TITAN.

On the other hand, it's been noted several hours ago that deliveries of GTX 780 Ti boards have already started going out to review sites.
That's probably NVIDIA's attempt at raining all over AMD's parade just in time for their (the latter's) launch.

We'll see.
On the other hand, it's been noted several hours ago that deliveries of GTX 780 Ti boards have already started going out to review sites.
That's probably NVIDIA's attempt at raining all over AMD's parade just in time for their (the latter's) launch.

We'll see.

I think your post is correct in its entirety but this last part, I think, is the reason for AMD's delay. Seems very much like they suspected/got wind of the NV card drop and deliberately hedged/fudged the date to prevent having their thunder stoled.
Seems very much like they suspected/got wind of the NV card drop and deliberately hedged/fudged the date to prevent having their thunder stoled.
I think so too.

Still, would be nice to see the GTX 780 Ti's numbers the same day we (finally) get the R9 290/X's.
I think your post is correct in its entirety but this last part, I think, is the reason for AMD's delay. Seems very much like they suspected/got wind of the NV card drop and deliberately hedged/fudged the date to prevent having their thunder stoled.

The risk in waiting, though, is review sites including the 780 Ti in their 290X launch reviews. So if it beats the 780 across the board but ties or loses to the 780 Ti, it's going to come off worse than if the reviews had only had the 780 in them. Launch reviews carry a lot of weight even long after they have been superseded because launch reviews bubble to the top when someone googles "xxxx review".
I think your post is correct in its entirety but this last part, I think, is the reason for AMD's delay. Seems very much like they suspected/got wind of the NV card drop and deliberately hedged/fudged the date to prevent having their thunder stoled.

There's no delay, Brent said it himself a few days ago. NDA was always TBD. Plus it seems like reviewers only recently got cards you can't expect them to get a full review ready in only a few days unless it is rushed.
Didn't anandtech say that only bioshock infinite was allowed? Then Toms says Bioshock and Tomb Raider. Also I don't get any of the titles etc since it seems like the R290 beats the 780 in pretty much every test. But does this means it will not beat the Titan? The higher memory could be important at high resolutions like 4K. If that is the case I wonder if the 780 Ti is going to be a 6GB card?

Anyhow where is the titan killer we were promised. I assume if it really was going to kill the titan they would have allowed it to bench mark against the titan. Or does it only kill the titan in a mantle title?
They benchmarked against the card which will be priced closer, apparently to the $650-ish of the 780 rather than the $999 of the Titan. I wondering if 290X ends up competitive with Titan, if then they will drop the Titan to $650 with the 780 Ti and release a Titan Ti at $999 to stay ahead of AMD's top single gpu. Guess we'll find out soon.
I think AMD is late because they are having a problem with the card. A glitch or some type of quality control problem.

AMD is late... Has to be a problem going on.
There's no delay, Brent said it himself a few days ago. NDA was always TBD. Plus it seems like reviewers only recently got cards you can't expect them to get a full review ready in only a few days unless it is rushed.

You are correct. What I meant to write was "perceived delay"/tight-lippedness around the exact date.
Additionally, they could be stuck deciding on a price. Though at this point no matter what they do it seems Nvidia could easily rain on their parade by manipulating the price point of titan and 780 Ti.
typical for AMD to sit with their thumb up their ass.

We aint afeared of no conroe.

Additionally, they could be stuck deciding on a price. Though at this point no matter what they do it seems Nvidia could easily rain on their parade by manipulating the price point of titan and 780 Ti.

They aren't stuck on the price, any company can always lower the price so what then AMD can turn around and do the same. AMD likely has a smaller chip and that means it's cheaper for them to produce so Nvidia can never out lower the price on AMD. There is also no known delay AMD never stated it was going to release on the 15th.. Also if AMD has a faster cheaper GPU I think they might spring for profit this time and let Nvidia keep high prices.
They aren't stuck on the price, any company can always lower the price so what then AMD can turn around and do the same. AMD likely has a smaller chip and that means it's cheaper for them to produce so Nvidia can never out lower the price on AMD. There is also no known delay AMD never stated it was going to release on the 15th.. Also if AMD has a faster cheaper GPU I think they might spring for profit this time and let Nvidia keep high prices.

Precisely. No one one knows the price/performance value of these unreleased cards. For all we know, the 290x could be $500+550 (I'm praying) . I don't imagine Nvidia releasing the 780ti at that price; more likely at the current 780 price. So, even if the 780TI is Nvidia's fastest card, how much faster than TItan could it be? Nvidia might have a trick up their sleeve in the P/P department; but, based on current prices, I don't see it.

Titan still the fastest

From what I understand, Nvidia has essentially stated that 780ti will be their fastest card. I'm not sure though.

What's the point of getting a Titan again? Nvidia itself keeps making it a moot product (aside for use in certain scenarios/applications)
NV said the 780 Ti is the best GPU they've built. I assume that means it's also the fastest, but it may not be, depends how you read into that statement.

Either way... there's already pre OC'd 780 that best the Titan so why even release the 780 Ti if it was slower? I expect it'll be at least 10-15% faster than a stock 780 which would put it ahead of Titan slightly.
290x edges out 780
nvidia releases 780 ti to compete
Titan still the fastest

umm titain is about 10-15% faster then a 780.

you really think they would release a 780ti to still be slower then a titan.

im betting the 780ti is faster then a titan.
umm titain is about 10-15% faster then a really think they would release a 780ti to still be slower then a titan.

So the main question here is, where does this leave NVidia's product stack since the Titan will be 1000$ and perform worse than this theoretical 780ti you mention? You could be correct but it would be very strange. 780ti is a price competitive card with the 290X, yet it's faster than the Nvidia Halo card? That doesn't make much sense. But, i've seen stranger things happen. We'll see I guess.
So the main question here is, where does this leave NVidia's product stack since the Titan will be 1000$ and perform worse than this theoretical 780ti you mention? You could be correct but it would be very strange. 780ti is a price competitive card with the 290X, yet it's faster than the Nvidia Halo card? That doesn't make much sense. But, i've seen stranger things happen. We'll see I guess.

It doesn't matter NVidia can just stop producing the titan. Or they can lower the price. I think they will do the former. The titan is sort of a special edition card, it didn't even fit anywhere in any product stack ever it was never formally part of any generation, it wasn't 600 or 700 series. I think it was meant to be a premium product that would only last for a limited amount of time. For a glorious 6 months or whatever for a mere $1000 you could own a product that was so great it didn't even have a number. lol It was just the %$&*#@ Titan. With obscene amount of ram. And I think NVidia knows this and did it on purpose and they would not lower the price because they want to make sure titan owners feel they are in an exclusive club. They will just replace it with a faster product that is less expensive and discontinue producing the titan.

Heck just for collectors or for the name I wouldn't be surprised if the titan continues to sell long past when a superior card is produced cheaper. Humans do this all the time.
So the main question here is, where does this leave NVidia's product stack since the Titan will be 1000$ and perform worse than this theoretical 780ti you mention? You could be correct but it would be very strange. 780ti is a price competitive card with the 290X, yet it's faster than the Nvidia Halo card? That doesn't make much sense. But, i've seen stranger things happen. We'll see I guess.

your forgetting the titan serves 2 different demographics. gamers and a direct computer card.

regardless of what you think of the titan and its prices. its still a great cheap card for direct compute.