Titanfall To Remain Exclusive To PC and Xbox Consoles For Life

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According Electronic Arts' CFO, Titanfall will be exclusive to the PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One for the life of the title. Good news for Microsoft but kind of a bummer for PS3 / PS4 owners.

"In the case of Titanfall, it's a brand new IP and it's exclusive only for the life of the title on Xbox One and Xbox 360 and PC," Jorgensen said. EA decided to push Titanfall into the next-gen launch window when it saw major titles such as Watch Dogs and The Crew were delayed. It's due out on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC on March 11 – and nowhere else, ever.
I guess PS4 owners will just have to enjoy it on the superior system.
Every time I see this game I get really interested in it because it looks amazing. Then I remember it is a Effing EA game and therefore blacklisted from ever being bought.
Knowing EA they will dump the dedicated servers after a couple of years anyway.
Every time I see this game I get really interested in it because it looks amazing. Then I remember it is a Effing EA game and therefore blacklisted from ever being bought.

Yup, Im not buying BF4. I broke my ban on EA with BF3 and it was a meh game, then I decided second chance with Sim City they really screwed me and that was the last time. Not getting titanfall or BF4. Though it seems like PC + PS4 is the best option as you will most likely get more games and it will be cheaper lol. Seems like 360 only has console exclusive but it will come out to PC but none of the first party sony games will ever come out for PS and PC.
I don't understand: "EA decided to push Titanfall into the next-gen launch window when it saw major titles such as Watch Dogs and The Crew were delayed"

if it was pushed to the next-gen launch window then it would come out in November with the Xbox 360 not March 2014
That be need rename to Titanfall To Remain Exclusive To PC Origin and Xbox Bone For Life.
Even more reason why the best 1-2 punch as a gamer is a Sony console and PC.
Is Titanfall supposed to be a big deal.

It's the first title from the duo that helmed Infinity Ward and making modern warfare COD a thing before they split with Activision and apparently pulled a lot of IW talent into their new development company. Even though Titanfall was funded and will be published by EA the developer is ostensibly independent and allowed to do it's own thing with minimal EA influence.
still don't think this Title is going to be as big as some would like us to think.
Microsoft probably plunked down some dollars to make it a console exclusive. The xbox one's halo.
It's the first title from the duo that helmed Infinity Ward and making modern warfare COD a thing before they split with Activision and apparently pulled a lot of IW talent into their new development company. Even though Titanfall was funded and will be published by EA the developer is ostensibly independent and allowed to do it's own thing with minimal EA influence.

so was Bioware
and Westwood
and Origin
and well you get the idea
EA is behind Titanfall?
Well damn. That sucks.
I was REALLY looking forward to playing it on my pc after seeing some of the gameplay videos on YouTube.
We all know how EA games work on PC anymore, shit.
EA is behind Titanfall?
Well damn. That sucks.
I was REALLY looking forward to playing it on my pc after seeing some of the gameplay videos on YouTube.
We all know how EA games work on PC anymore, shit.

THIS. Gawd damnit, I somehow missed that Titanfall was an EA game. Damnit, I was really looking forward to it. Alas, now my poor PC won't get to enjoy running what looks to be an extremely fun game.
EA is behind Titanfall?
Well damn. That sucks.
I was REALLY looking forward to playing it on my pc after seeing some of the gameplay videos on YouTube.
We all know how EA games work on PC anymore, shit.

Yep its too bad. I boycotted EA when they destroyed Westwood years ago.

I really like the game or the concept of the game but I will not give that company any of my money.
While its lame and all its also not a big deal.
This happens all the time so who cares.
Honestly the EA sucks on PC part is only kind of true. Rockstar Games (GTA4!>!>!) blow much more ass and they even make you wait to play the garbage.
my issue with EA games like this is the MASSIVE amount of DLC they make and end up splintering the game
If the game is good, i will buy it, not full price though. EA has burned too many bridges for that.
Glad to see the PC get some love.
If you didn't learn your lesson with any of the countless EA FUBARs on pc and just HAVE to order Titanfall....
Preorder your Origin key via Amazon because if its unplayable Amazon will give you back your money where EA will tell you to go f*ck yourself
The last game I bought from EA that actually ran correctly on my PC was Madden 08. Then again it pretty much isn't EA anymore after all the patches, mods and upgrades from the now defunct Football Junkies and current Football Idiots forum members.
God bless geeks and nerds with a passion to keep the obsolete alive!
Titanfall to remain xbox/pc "for life.

not a problem. they supposedly will have DLC for it.

in 6 months new for the ps4...titanfall Deluxe/GOTY edition, get all of titanfall and it's DLC in one game, all new all improved....

there titanfall 1 for all systems.

if it is successful titanfall's sequel would be for ps4 too- provided MS doesn't pay for all of it.
As long as it is coming out for PC, I'm OK with this.
While its lame and all its also not a big deal.
This happens all the time so who cares.

I do and I don't care. It's EA and I won't touch it regardless (there is literally nothing EA can possibly do to get me to touch it, and if there were, I would still just pirate it, because EA sucks).

But I continue to not understand why this is legal. In general it's not legal to make your business partners sign contracts saying they can't do business with your competitor. Intel did this to AMD and got in huge trouble for it. MS should get in similar trouble here (and Sony should too when they do the same thing, because they both do it... Nintendo too, if they ever actually decide to make games again).
Not buying a word of this shit. It's going to be out "for the life of the title?" What constitutes as the "life of the title?" Is it the two-year period they keep the servers running before they pull the plug? Is it after the inevitable sequel is released? I seriously doubt that TitanFall would only EVER be released for the two Xbox's and PC.