Thick Lazy Zeroed drive can I expand it on the fly without affecting data

Mar 27, 2012
I've done it on a machine powered off, was wondering if I can do it on a machine that is powered on currently is 750gb f: drive and I need to double the size. Without affecting the data on the drive or powering it off. Esx 5.5

Edit: major doh moment. meant 750gb
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I've done it before, no issues. Only time I've had to shut it down was to break the 2TB barrier. Those splunk servers just suck up disk...
ok thanks ND40oz. I take your word for it but if a few more people can confirm that would be great. I don't want pie on my face and people going wtf happened in the middle of the day.
I will say the box I did it on wouldn't have affected anything in production, so I didn't give it a second thought. You could also storage vmotion it to thin provisioned and then expand it if it really doesn't need to be thick.
Almost all of our VMs are thick provisioned (lazy zero) and we do disk expansions constantly without issues.
Thanks guys, what about thin provisioned on the fly. I've always done these things with the vm off. I've inherited a few machines this morning with the log files getting too big, and the machines can't be powered off for another 3 days.
Thanks guys, what about thin provisioned on the fly. I've always done these things with the vm off. I've inherited a few machines this morning with the log files getting too big, and the machines can't be powered off for another 3 days.

Had no issues with Server 2008 R2 Std or Enter. (using them in production and while they were in use)
Have never had a problem on 2008+, or given it much thought.

Was kind of confused why this was a question and was wondering if I was missing something.
haha, me too markwo! "I must've missed something, this can cause problems?"
Yes, no issues. Only issue is with older guests with RDMs and ESXi 5.1 or below.

Trying to extend C: online may cause the VM to hard shut down. Learned that the hard way. Can't find the KB on it right now.
With server 2008 I've seen a lockup if you rescan, but no issues if you just refresh volumes.