the real games


[H]F Junkie
Sep 13, 2009
OK, first off, sure, this is a troll thread. I want people's reactions and opinions.

What do you feel is the most serious game to date in each of the following categories. The game that defines the genre, that the pro's play.

I'll go first;

FPS - Counterstrike

Hack and Slash - M&B Warband

RTS - Starcraft

MMO - EVE Online

Flight Sim - flightgear (bombable mod)

Browser game - Travian
I don't have a problem with your list. All of those games are pretty good.
lol, I like the highway to flameville

I really thought this would elicit more response. I was hoping to learn something.

Feel free to add categories folks.
One thing your list has going for it (with the exception of M&B which I have never played so I cannot comment on it) is that they're all games; not interactive movies (nothing against them of course) or interactive success simulators (I have everything against them, though).

I'd replace Counterstrike with Quake, though. That's in terms of being a gameplay archetype, not professional play.
Yeah, I expected a Quake/unreal contingent, do you think twitch is a genre unto itself? I never got that into it so am perhaps not qualified to judge.
Call of Duty needs to be on that list.

It was bound to happen. Let's move on now that we've gone there...
City Builder - Not Simcity 5 (hah!)
Large Scale FPS - BF2
MMO - DAoC (pre-ToA) / WoW (middle of BC Era)
Browser game - Pooh Baseball
Puzzle - Bejeweled 3 (In any of the timed-Blitz type modes)

Having played so many games, it is very difficult to decide on *one* game to define a genre, and "most serious" is a strange title to give. Is it the game that I personally acted the most serious about? the most requiring of dedicated time? biggest emotional response to winning/losing? content / theme ?

Out of any title, the one that covers most of those "serious" tones in that last paragraph would be Xenogears on PS1. It was the most enjoyable single player experience I've ever had in a game.
I have only played CS from that list, and only for about 1 hour.
I would replace Eve with Ultima Online and CS with Battlefield though.
FPS - Quake

RTS - Starcraft / Command and Conquer

Adventure - Myst

MMO - Everquest

ARPG - Diablo

RPG - Baulders Gate

Space Sim - Freespace

Flight Sim - Jane's FA 18

Strategy - Lords of the Realm II
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RTS: Homeworld 2
Flight Sim: IL2 1946
Hack & Slash: Severance Blade of Darkness (although I haven't played it since 2003, not sure if it runs fine on newer hardware or anything above XP).
pro's play travian?

I don't know about it now but I played it back in 2009, my alliance took the World Wonder and I was the waves engineer :D . this is the plan of one of my first waves attack where my job was to stay on the pc for 4-10 hours to enter players accounts and send attacks at a very specific time (clean defenses then destroy + lots of dummy attacks) so they all arrive within less than a minute. there is nothing really pro about any of this since there is sites that can calculate everything.

my job was also to save the alliance members from those attacks where the trick is to make the reinforcements reach after the cleaning attacks and before the catapults attacks.
imagine that you have an account (village) that you worked on and even paid real money everyday for more than 8 months to get destroyed completely!

the good players are those who can put more time in the game and real money to charge more gold. the worst thing in the game is that even if you close the internet and the computer your village is still there and others can attack it, that's why I used to start my attacks after midnight. I lost my village after 6 months from the server start (server lasts for 1 year) and continued working through others accounts.
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I would have to argue that the FPS genre should be either owned by Quake or split into as many as three sub categories. You have Quake which is essentially where multi player FPS gaming really took off from. Then CS comes along and gives you the a more strategic alternative. The third category I think is a little more questionable, but I think the original BF series really started the large gaming areas for FPS that added importance to things other than simply being a good marksman (flying, tanking, as well as the class capabilities).
I would have to argue that the FPS genre should be either owned by Quake or split into as many as three sub categories. You have Quake which is essentially where multi player FPS gaming really took off from. Then CS comes along and gives you the a more strategic alternative. The third category I think is a little more questionable, but I think the original BF series really started the large gaming areas for FPS that added importance to things other than simply being a good marksman (flying, tanking, as well as the class capabilities).

awesome post, this is the kind of discussion I was hoping for

@firas, good point, I had forgotten the pay to win aspects which do detract from the game as "serious" I think. I just remembered the sheer amount of time commitment, and my alarm going off at 02:20 in the morning to launch attacks at precisely 02:28:54

Yeah probably not the best choice, but the game shot MMOs into the stratosphere. Before WoW games were lucky to have 300k US subscribers (hell a lot lasted with 75-100k like AO). Now games like SWTOR are considered failures for only having 700-1000k subs. EverQuest has far more memories and greater difficulty, but WoW made MMOs popular to everybody.
I don't think the question was about which are most popular, but most played by "professional" gamers. I'm going to have to add Path of Exile to the list for hack and slash RPG, in that case.
Perhaps "pros" was a poor choice of words. I think what I am going for here is what games are held in high regard for quality of play. Most folks are of course going to just dump in their favorite games. To clarify, I don't even play all the games in my list, and none of them really well. I have played a little CS and Warband, but I'm not "good". I have seen the folks that are good and they are fucking amazing. I have not played a modern variant of StarCraft, but I do know that the high level competitive scene is heavy indeed.

EVE I have never played, but I am simply in awe of the depth and serious nature of that game. I recognize that WoW was important for the genre.

Educate me, does another MMO have shit like this go down?
Strategy - Lords of the Realm II

OMG I LOVED THAT GAME!!!!! God I wish that was on iPad or something to play again, I still remember playing the first one on 28.8K

FPS - Quake 3 (Pros & Not Pros this was the best one)
RTS - Starcraft (No Doubt)
Adventure - Leisure Suit Larry / Kings Quest
MMO - Everquest/WoW
ARPG - Diablo/Titan's Quest
RPG - Ultima
Space Sim - Wing Commander
Flight Sim - IDK
Strategy - Lords of the Realm 1 / Civ
FPS - Wolf3d
RTS - Warcraft 1
Adventure - DOTT
MMO - Maple Story
ARPG - Diablo 1
RPG - Quest For Glory
Space Sim - Space Invaders
Flight Sim - 1944
Strategy - Monopoly

BTW: My list is a lie. I just trying to put the oldest games that I played in each cat
Sadly, FPS is about dead as dirt. CSGO split the community and CS as a whole has died off greatly since the "golden" era of 1.6 & Source (which was about 4-5 years ago).

Hows tribes?
Doesn't pro mean, professional, as in, they get funds and most of their income from playing it? People always talk about "pro" gaming stuff, but there probably isn't that many people funding their lifestyle with Counterstrike (queue people saying about "pro players" who live on a possible $5k somehow :p)...

However, games like WoW and EVE and Secondlife may have lots of pros...:p
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FPS MP: Quake 3 / Live
RTS: Starcraft / BW / SC2

No current genres I care about. RPG is the sucks.
The Longest Journey is the greatest adventure game to me. I almost compare all adventure games to it. But to be honest, so few adventure games are released that there isn't much chance of it being overtaken in a long time.

Side Note: There are so many genres, and genre mash-ups that picking a single game is hard to pick a clear winner without listing all genres including the weird ones.
The Longest Journey is the greatest adventure game to me. I almost compare all adventure games to it. But to be honest, so few adventure games are released that there isn't much chance of it being overtaken in a long time.

Side Note: There are so many genres, and genre mash-ups that picking a single game is hard to pick a clear winner without listing all genres including the weird ones.

of course

The purpose of the thread was to stimulate conversation, I had not even heard of "the longest journey" before, but now I am looking it up.

Shadow of Chernobyl freaked me out, it is sitting there, I have not finished it. There is certainly an honorable mention required...but how to categorize it?