The Evoluent Mouse-Friendly Keyboard


Oct 23, 2005
Howdy all,

I'm not big into the particulars of a keyboard. My mushy capped Logitech EX110 works for me. ;) But I saw this Evoluent Mouse-Friendly Keyboard, from the makers of the vertical mice, and thought it was worth mentioning. It moves the keypad to the left hand side of the keyboard, allowing the mouse to sit closer to the center line of your workstation.


I know this isn't ground breaking but it sounds like a great idea to me. I'm using my mouse constantly at work and typing with just my left hand. I reach over to use the keypad quite often. This could easily be adapted for gaming with tons extra commands at your fingertips.

Just sharing a good product.

it's OK but you can buy a compact keyboard without number pad anyway, and a separate number pad to put wherever you want
Or a Microsoft X6 with a detachable num pad that can be moved to either the left or right.
good idea, but I notice the numeric pad has no separation from the regular keys. lots of people orient their hands based on the left edges of the keys. No doubt they would learn to compensate but it would likely be annoying to start with.