The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

Article still says that amd cards can't turn off v sync.... <.< which is factually wrong.

You weren't able at the time of testing.... but it is feasible. >.>
Article still says that amd cards can't turn off v sync.... <.< which is factually wrong.

You weren't able at the time of testing.... but it is feasible. >.>

That's true, I just had to add the disable Vsync line under Display in the Skyrim.ini file, it immediately turned off Vsync and I could see 100+ fps at certain places with my MSI 6970.
You may just be surprised at what you see!



Vsync off = crazy physics in some indoor situations. I couldn't stand it. In taverns in sounded like someone was popping corn. I could barely hear the dialogue over that shit.
Can somebody explain this for me:

560 Ti @ stock "Ultra" settings

560 Ti @ same settings, but shadow detail set to "high"

Radeon 5850 @ stock "Ultra" Settings

Radeon 5850 @ same settings, but shadow detail set to "high"


Now granted I've been out of the loop for a couple of years but shouldnt' a 560 Ti be at least AS fast as a 5850? Generally speaking, the Ti does provide faster and smoother (and less buggy) gameplay for me, but these random slowdowns happen at least once or twice per dungeon in very specific spots/views, and also in a lot of stores. The plunge in FPS is accompanied by a godawful mouse lag, too. All of this is with vsync forced off, which I can verify is working by the 1000+ FPS I get on the main menu screen.

This is with the latest Forceware 290.36 (and Cat 11.11b for the 5850). Same results with 285.79.
Can somebody explain this for me

Shadows are very CPU intensive in this game which only utilizes 2 cores too, were those GPUs tested with the same CPU or not? Because for example if the 560 was paired with an AMD CPU and the 5850 was paired with a sandy bridge, that would explain the difference.
Shadows are very CPU intensive in this game which only utilizes 2 cores too, were those GPUs tested with the same CPU or not? Because for example if the 560 was paired with an AMD CPU and the 5850 was paired with a sandy bridge, that would explain the difference.

Just installed Skyrim on the rig in my sig last night (4.2Ghz i7-920), and it is definitely using 4 threads.
Just installed Skyrim on the rig in my sig last night (4.2Ghz i7-920), and it is definitely using 4 threads.

The game itself has over 20threads of execution, however only 4-5 ever see any real load. Of those, the total workload adds up to about 2 full execution streams. It's hardly an even balance either. The amount of workload on these execution threads does not seem to scale/change with the number of execution units on your machine. This is not a heavily parallelized workload, mostly "optimized" (the most grossly misused term in PC gaming/hardware today..) for dual core.

It makes sense, they are world/story builders, not engine developers. Gamebyro hasn't been under development for a while, so they took what they had with Oblivion (and Fallout) as a base and slapped on the bare essentials necessary to make this game. That did not include a full engine redesign to support parallelization.

As others have said, windows will spread the load of those execution threads across many cores, however the total load doesn't change outside of the jump from single to dual. Ie. "Half load on 4 cores is logically equivalent to full load on 2 cores".
The game itself has over 20threads of execution, however only 4-5 ever see any real load. Of those, the total workload adds up to about 2 full execution streams. It's hardly an even balance either. The amount of workload on these execution threads does not seem to scale/change with the number of execution units on your machine. This is not a heavily parallelized workload, mostly "optimized" (the most grossly misused term in PC gaming/hardware today..) for dual core.

It makes sense, they are world/story builders, not engine developers. Gamebyro hasn't been under development for a while, so they took what they had with Oblivion (and Fallout) as a base and slapped on the bare essentials necessary to make this game. That did not include a full engine redesign to support parallelization.

As others have said, windows will spread the load of those execution threads across many cores, however the total load doesn't change outside of the jump from single to dual. Ie. "Half load on 4 cores is logically equivalent to full load on 2 cores".

Full or close to full load on two cores is generally going to give a lot choppier experience then less loaded 4 cores. It is a latency thing. Switching between 2 threads on one core is going to introduce latency when compared to running 2 threads on 2 cores (one thread per core).

The more switching there is, the more latency is going to be introduced.
plz help. i put the vsync line in my ini but still it is active.i forced vsync off in ccc but its still active.WTF

skyrim doesnt care if i write this anti vsync line in my ini.

(anyway i am done with it,lvl 57 and all quests solved. NEXT ONE XD)
plz help. i put the vsync line in my ini but still it is active.i forced vsync off in ccc but its still active.WTF

skyrim doesnt care if i write this anti vsync line in my ini.

(anyway i am done with it,lvl 57 and all quests solved. NEXT ONE XD)

There are two ini files for Skyrim, the fix must be in the correct one. Further it has to be in the correct "section" of the ini. I believe it's Skyrim.ini, and the line must go immediately under the [Display] heading. Some digging should yield more precise instructions.
not sure what my fps are, but the game runs smooth at 1080 set to ultra.
the only tweak i have done is vsync off. I am OCing my cpu by 400mhz.
I dont feel the need to run fraps if i dont notice any fps dropping, but that is just me.
Does anyone have an issue with vendors only having 2-8 gold? its really annoying, i have to wait till the next day before they have any gold, even try reloading saved game.
This is my favorite elderscrolls. I play way to much. just ask my wife :)