The Division - officially announced for PC!

I might be up for doing the incursion tonight if the usual suspects on my friends list are on. Not feeling too great about randos sometimes.

I am up to something like 170+ on scavenging and I was running 1 purple kneepad because of a high 90 scavenging + a mod slot with another bit of scavenging on top of it. Not that it matters, I'm routinely made into swiss cheese by both NPC and rogues in the DZ.
I got some a few surprisingly good drops in the DZ over the past day or so, the best were a HE First Wave M1A and a Striker's chest armor.

same here i had a decent night in the DZ saturday night. i got a HE RPK-74 (among many other HE items but the RPK was on my list) and a set of Nomad gloves. the gloves came from a supply drop which was surprising because so far supply drops have been nothing but junk. my group also stumbled upon another player's dropped first wave M1A but i already have a socom M1A so i let someone else pick it up. not bad for only playing a couple hours in the DZ.

And I finally completed the incursion yesterday with a random group. It's pretty tough even on hard, but we did it. We stayed over on the right by those generators and you need to clear the drones and snipers first. Work top down. And then its a little easier to manage ground level.

i've found the hands-down best strategy, for me, is working through the entire incursion from the pit. i've done it ~10 times this way. i think i'm at a point where i wouldn't mind battling it out from the floor just for something new and a bigger challenge. this is on hard mode, challenge mode hasn't worked out so well for me :D
Do the enemies follow you down in the pit, or do you have to pop your head out up the ramps and take them out? What's the general strategy from working down there?
Little trick for the incursion. If you like the right side platform. Have one person stand against the rail on the second cover slot so that he is between the apc lined up with the pillar. If no one moves past him closer to the apc save for when you have to plant the bomb. All of the rockets will hit the pillar and you should have a much easier time.

Also personally, I don't like the pit but it does have its upsides, much easier to control the incoming mobs. The only downside it takes a bit longer to clear as you have to work to get LOS on your enemies.
Do the enemies follow you down in the pit, or do you have to pop your head out up the ramps and take them out? What's the general strategy from working down there?

Some of the enemies will come down there to kill you but you're going to have to peek out and shoot most of the others.

Send me a friend request and u'll run it with you.

Uplay: Solhokuten
Same here, running SLI and huge amounts of CTD's in the Incursion. Sure I get a CTD every once in awhile elsewhere, but I seem to crash at least once per Falcon Lost attempt. Something is not right in there.

Eh, last night and today.... Ive been getting weird FPS drops and stutters. I will have to check new drivers and other application updates and report back to see if they are still happening.
I managed to get 4 Sentry's pieces equipped and we tore through Warrensgate Power Plant mission. I've got 4 Sentry's and 2 Nomad's equipped currenty. Here's my guy as it stands now. Now I can really feel that I have a better chance to do the Incursion on challenging.

FInally, FINALLY!!! successfully completed FL on hard last night. Ran with a group I had run with in the past and failed...this time we were little smarter, a little better geared and a little luckier. All of us were having occasional "DELTA" dropouts but we managed to push on through despite that. Only took two tries :)
Since I finally got to level 30 single player, been trying more DZ and Weekly assignment stuff, I'm only running something like 110 on the public "Gear-o-meter" (not sure what it's called) but yeah I'm like a weak baby in the dark zone trying to take out NPCs and such. Have run with a few random people but nobody ever seems to have a mic. Still not geared up enough for the incursion mission in the bottom right of the map.

"accelerus" on uplay if you feel like adding me :)
Just spent 150,000 or so DZ credits on a GS 204 print in the DZ. Crafted four in a row losing 4 HE DT in the process, NOT ONE OF THEM IS BETTER THAN MY 182. In fact, since getting all my 182 gear I haven't crafted any gear or weapons even remotely worth keeping. So far I'm still carrying a GS 163 rifle because I have crafted 14 attempts using a 182 print and none of them were even remotely better than my 163.

Massive, why the fuck does it feel like you made me get a second job and I'm working for minimum wage? The loot drops are shit, crafting is shit, I'm so close to uninstalling.
Since I finally got to level 30 single player, been trying more DZ and Weekly assignment stuff, I'm only running something like 110 on the public "Gear-o-meter" (not sure what it's called) but yeah I'm like a weak baby in the dark zone trying to take out NPCs and such. Have run with a few random people but nobody ever seems to have a mic. Still not geared up enough for the incursion mission in the bottom right of the map.

"accelerus" on uplay if you feel like adding me :)

I think "gear rank" is a pretty universal term for it. I got a bunch of randos on my friends list now and I wish there was a feature to create groups or nicknames or something. That we need yet another launcher/friendslist/etc. is annoying at best (and a rant for another time).

Just spent 150,000 or so DZ credits on a GS 204 print in the DZ. Crafted four in a row losing 4 HE DT in the process, NOT ONE OF THEM IS BETTER THAN MY 182. In fact, since getting all my 182 gear I haven't crafted any gear or weapons even remotely worth keeping. So far I'm still carrying a GS 163 rifle because I have crafted 14 attempts using a 182 print and none of them were even remotely better than my 163.

Massive, why the fuck does it feel like you made me get a second job and I'm working for minimum wage? The loot drops are shit, crafting is shit, I'm so close to uninstalling.

I actually caught the live "state of the game" broadcast this morning and is it me or are they very clumsy and ill-equipped to talk about the actual state of the game? The RNG is pretty rough most times so I feel your pain - but none of the actual meaningful topics were discussed, instead, we get some "compensation" and promises of fixes sometime soon. Sometime... whenever? The guy with the French Canadian accent is alright, the other guy... not so much.

As for the compensation:
- if you were affected by the backpack bug or the missing characters bug pre-1.1, you will get 500 PxC + some HE crafting materials
- for everyone else, since they messed up the daily missions immediately prior to 1.1, you will get 150 PxC by logging in this coming weekend

I think both are yet to be confirmed, but were announced.
I've taken a break, switched over to dark souls 3. Just playing this game I have to wonder what I was accomplishing. (since it is a game, obviously nothing, but...)

The fun parts of the game are in growing a character. After 30/GS 180 though it kind of stops. To improve you just have to do lots of shit that is no longer fun.

The RNG is shitty. I wish for RNG that they had an overall RNG and then an individual RNG per slots. So that if the overall RNG was high you would probably have a good gun, vs stats that are just everywhere.
This makes pretty much even "good" stuff you craft to be useless.
I think "gear rank" is a pretty universal term for it. I got a bunch of randos on my friends list now and I wish there was a feature to create groups or nicknames or something. That we need yet another launcher/friendslist/etc. is annoying at best (and a rant for another time).

I actually caught the live "state of the game" broadcast this morning and is it me or are they very clumsy and ill-equipped to talk about the actual state of the game? The RNG is pretty rough most times so I feel your pain - but none of the actual meaningful topics were discussed, instead, we get some "compensation" and promises of fixes sometime soon. Sometime... whenever? The guy with the French Canadian accent is alright, the other guy... not so much.

As for the compensation:
- if you were affected by the backpack bug or the missing characters bug pre-1.1, you will get 500 PxC + some HE crafting materials
- for everyone else, since they messed up the daily missions immediately prior to 1.1, you will get 150 PxC by logging in this coming weekend

I think both are yet to be confirmed, but were announced.

Saw something on Reddit which is pretty comical, one of the guys at Massive (Hamish) was live streaming while playing the game. Everyone cringed because the group he was playing with were using exploits.

And the economy, supposedly the person tasked with developing the game economy was previously employed as a mobile gaming developer.

Steam peaked at around 35,000 players yesterday, and it was at 22k last time I looked.

I wish they'd add regional filters too, but that would make their player base look more dilute so they won't touch doing that with a ten foot pole. I'm just tired of seeing the chat flooded with Korean language characters, and teaming up with people who don't have a mic or can't speak english. No offense to them.
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I've taken a break, switched over to dark souls 3. Just playing this game I have to wonder what I was accomplishing. (since it is a game, obviously nothing, but...)

The fun parts of the game are in growing a character. After 30/GS 180 though it kind of stops. To improve you just have to do lots of shit that is no longer fun.

The RNG is shitty. I wish for RNG that they had an overall RNG and then an individual RNG per slots. So that if the overall RNG was high you would probably have a good gun, vs stats that are just everywhere.
This makes pretty much even "good" stuff you craft to be useless.

All of this.

I got to 40 hours and the 41st hour felt like a chore.

Not saying this wasn't worth a buy (it totally was), but the current state of exploits and pure shit endgame 'content' (if you can even call it that) just made me finally uninstall.
jmaker totally saved the day last night. I kept trying to get pick up groups to do the Challenging daily at Warrensgate. I invited him since we lost 2 guys from bailing and he came to the rescue. Whatever gear you got J it's badass because you were mowing shit down! lol

I've yet to complete FL with ANY group, hope to get a chance to do it.
Yeah I posted a picture of my gear up above. The 4 Sentry set is badass. I would work to try to get those first.

I was rolling with M44 rifle and the Pakhan. I love that thing. Just fire in quick short bursts at their head and its deadly. Combine that with pulse and it's amazing.

You guys made it halfway through, so I was more than glad to help.

I'm not burned out on this game. I love it still. I say try different weapons, try a skill power build. I don't think I've used half if the weapons in this game yet.

I don't get why people are crafting the same weapon 50 times and complaining about not getting their perfect roll. Three was about my limit on one gun. How about build around what you rolled instead.
Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because thousands of people just spent the X days just to obtain the gear they have, and all they want is a decent weapon roll. Why should everyone have to start that grind over again just to compliment 1 weapon which most likely has shit stats and talents. I'm not even talking about searching for a God roll.

Take BF4, everyone had to grind to get unlocks, but the progress was constant and observable if a player invested the time. TD is just pure RNG, with the odds stacked in favor of the house. I like the core game, but the economy is just too much like a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance for a decent roll.
I've taken a break...

I am here also. I've over 300 hrs in the game now and it is starting to bore me. The things I enjoy about the game keep getting nerfed, where as the glitching and cheating just seems to be spreading. I've done several runs of Falcon Lost on Hard, but haven't attempted Challenge yet. Consequently I have "decent" gear, but not game breaking like the exploiters I keep running into in the DZ.

Making so much critical code client side was a bad move. I think this game is going to be a fight for the Devs from start to finish, and that is disappointing because this game has so much potential. That hardly means I'm giving up on it, but my faith they are going to pull a rabbit out of the hat is dwindling.

I'll still be on to do Dailys and Assignments, but I may not be logging the same amount of hours for a bit.


I saw this quote on Reddit and it cracked me up, "The loot in this game is like you get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get something you need."

Yellow is the new purple. I did a DZ run and ending up not even wanting to extract half the yellows. Fucked up and accidentally deconstructed my First Wave M1A which had awesome stats, started using a GS 163 SRS A1 with worse stats that I got from challenge mode. Earned enough pxc to buy GS 182 custom M44 prints with better stats than the SRS. Rolled 7 of them, consuming all my weapons related mats in the process. Not one of them had improved stats, and the talents were flat out crap.

It's like I have a second job I have to work before I can just play the ofking game.

I hear you on this. I don't get into "grind", and this game is grindy. Now for me there is tolerable grindiness and untolerable. They haven't reached tolerable for me yet. The Divtech is getting better... IF you can find Gear Sets with good stats AND Scavanging. Not so much if you can't. Crafting materials on the other hand are the new PITA. Even when you do have everything you need, RNG makes sure you waste most of it before you get something even decent, let alone desired.

I love the recreation of NY, but they're don't make use of most of it after rank 30... and I love the mixture of genres that hasn't really been done before. But since it hasn't been done before theDevs seem to have a lot to learn about end game, balance, coding against cheaters / glitchers, and appreciating their fanbase. I hope they step up, it seems like they are trying, but as always it never seems fast enough.

If the second free update it just another wave based "big room", I'm probably done. If the paid DLC isn't a noticable upgrade over the free, then I'm likely out for good unless they make up for it with legitimately fun & rewarding mechanics.
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Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because thousands of people just spent the X days just to obtain the gear they have, and all they want is a decent weapon roll. Why should everyone have to start that grind over again just to compliment 1 weapon which most likely has shit stats and talents. I'm not even talking about searching for a God roll.

Take BF4, everyone had to grind to get unlocks, but the progress was constant and observable if a player invested the time. TD is just pure RNG, with the odds stacked in favor of the house. I like the core game, but the economy is just too much like a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance for a decent roll.

different strokes for different folks. i like that it's extremely difficult to get the 'perfect gear'. if it were easy then everyone would have the best possible gear. that would be boring to me.
FINALLY completed Falcon Lost tonight with a group of Korean dudes. Just did a random PUG and got lucky. I couldn't understand a word they said but god damn they dominated it. :)
Wow, that's ridiculous. Maybe even I'll take a break from the game. I wouldn't even go into the DZ now with that glitch out there.
This is by far the most egregious. If properly done, you can kill the APC in 1 or 2 shots.
You also have access to infinite money and crafting mats.

You can also use Netlimiter to get unlimited Phoenix Credits and other various items from the Reward Vendor.

The game is 100% broken.
I tried the Competent talent bug and it works, I couldn't get it to reliably trigger, and it seemed to reset if I switched weapons or fast traveled. I won't be using it, so I'm not bothered, it's just annoying that like DPS/health calculation, yet another thing is broken.

The trick with messing with your network settings is just exposing more client vs server interaction, and it's disappointing of course that it continues to persist.
This is the game which taught me why so many people glitch. At this point I'm almost inclined to join in, any form of progress of my character's stats came to a screeching halt once I got my GS 182 gear, between the crafting nerf and "yellow is the new purple" drops. No matter what I craft now it sucks, and every time I've tried incursion one or more players always drops out, even when we are winning. Besides tbat, I'm not convinced that gear sets are necessarily better. Literally the only progress my character has made since the patch is DZ ranking, literally.

No bull shit, this game made me think of how well executed the battlefield series has been for the most part. Especially the stand outs in the series. I hated unlocks in battlefield, but they never made me feel like I was wasting my time in a futile effort. I always knew the exact quality of any item I had to grind for, I always knew exactly how many points I had to grind, always knew exactly where the finish line was.

TD makes me feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick a field goal. I mean what the fuck are they thinking, they don't want the players to gear up quickly but their content is limited and they have installed bullet sponge enemies. Wtf, do they expect people to do? Pump 5 mags into the head of every enemy, or stay in the sliver of game real estate with enemies that are moderately easy to kill. Nothing in this game seems to be well thought out, beyond the core.
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I might get an alt character up to 30. My DZ experiences are 50-50, getting ganked like crazy, or just grinding away at rank while hitting already pillaged DT boxes (and from the couple of gankings I have no DZ keys now, haha).

Overall I think the best would be to scale back time in this game and see what happens. Diablo 3 took a long time to get fun again, so maybe this will too.
I've taken a break, switched over to dark souls 3. Just playing this game I have to wonder what I was accomplishing. (since it is a game, obviously nothing, but...)

The fun parts of the game are in growing a character. After 30/GS 180 though it kind of stops. To improve you just have to do lots of shit that is no longer fun.

The RNG is shitty. I wish for RNG that they had an overall RNG and then an individual RNG per slots. So that if the overall RNG was high you would probably have a good gun, vs stats that are just everywhere.
This makes pretty much even "good" stuff you craft to be useless.

I am here also. I've over 300 hrs in the game now and it is starting to bore me. The things I enjoy about the game keep getting nerfed, where as the glitching and cheating just seems to be spreading. I've done several runs of Falcon Lost on Hard, but haven't attempted Challenge yet. Consequently I have "decent" gear, but not game breaking like the exploiters I keep running into in the DZ.

Making so much critical code client side was a bad move. I think this game is going to be a fight for the Devs from start to finish, and that is disappointing because this game has so much potential. That hardly means I'm giving up on it, but my faith they are going to pull a rabbit out of the hat is dwindling.

I'll still be on to do Dailys and Assignments, but I may not be logging the same amount of hours for a bit.

Funny seeing these posts this week, I too am taking a break. Haven't played since doing the Dailys Sunday, had been playing at least a couple hours per day up to this point. The grind is just not fun and that's not including all the exploits and bugs you have to deal with. I'll probably be back if there are major changes. Leveling 1-30 and transitioning from purple gear to high-ends was a blast and definitely worth the price of the game. After that, meh.
One last rant, would someone please explain to me exactly what the devs were trying to accomplish with named weapons? Ooh look, a weapon with a name. But the damage stats suck. But they have fixed stats? The damage stats suck. But they can be used situationally? So can the other weapons.. But they have cool Mexican drug lord skins.......
Dz level 30 = 135,575 points
DZ level 50 = 623,525 points
DZ level 75 = 2,102,525 points

It's a grind simulator, and the people who are rewarded the most are the rogues and glitchers. For them the DZ ranks just fly by while they lol fest on their merry way.

I'm at.DZ level 53 right now, but I want 75 so I can buy decent prints. It's like setting out to walk across a deset, and coming to the realization that you're not even a third of the way across.

The people who maxed out must literally have no life outside of a monitor.
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Dz level 30 = 135,575 points
DZ level 50 = 623,525 points
DZ level 75 = 2,102,525 points

It's a grind simulator, and the people who are rewarded the most are the rogues and glitchers. For them the DZ ranks just fly by while they lol fest on their merry way.

I'm at.DZ level 53 right now, but I want 75 so I can buy decent prints. It's like setting out to walk across a deset, and coming to the realization that you're not even a third of the way across.

The people who maxed out must literally have no life outside of a monitor.

I mean, I''m disappointed in this game too, but I think you need to take a few breathes and step away from your computer for a few hours.
Dz level 30 = 135,575 points
DZ level 50 = 623,525 points
DZ level 75 = 2,102,525 points

It's a grind simulator, and the people who are rewarded the most are the rogues and glitchers. For them the DZ ranks just fly by while they lol fest on their merry way.

I'm at.DZ level 53 right now, but I want 75 so I can buy decent prints. It's like setting out to walk across a deset, and coming to the realization that you're not even a third of the way across.

The people who maxed out must literally have no life outside of a monitor.
I can literally kill everything in the DZ with 1 shot and I'm still stuck at DZ 73. lol
Wow, that's ridiculous. Maybe even I'll take a break from the game. I wouldn't even go into the DZ now with that glitch out there.

that was my fist thought too but i had a surprisingly awesome experience in the DZ last night. good group, good boss running, decent loot. we may have just been lucky.

No bull shit, this game made me think of how well executed the battlefield series has been for the most part. Especially the stand outs in the series. I hated unlocks in battlefield, but they never made me feel like I was wasting my time in a futile effort. I always knew the exact quality of any item I had to grind for, I always knew exactly how many points I had to grind, always knew exactly where the finish line was.

TD makes me feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick a field goal. I mean what the fuck are they thinking, they don't want the players to gear up quickly but their content is limited and they have installed bullet sponge enemies. Wtf, do they expect people to do? Pump 5 mags into the head of every enemy, or stay in the sliver of game real estate with enemies that are moderately easy to kill. Nothing in this game seems to be well thought out, beyond the core.

Dz level 30 = 135,575 points
DZ level 50 = 623,525 points
DZ level 75 = 2,102,525 points

It's a grind simulator, and the people who are rewarded the most are the rogues and glitchers. For them the DZ ranks just fly by while they lol fest on their merry way.

I'm at.DZ level 53 right now, but I want 75 so I can buy decent prints. It's like setting out to walk across a deset, and coming to the realization that you're not even a third of the way across.

The people who maxed out must literally have no life outside of a monitor.

it sounds like this isn't the kind of game you like playing. i say that sincerely. it doesn't sound like you enjoy the RNG aspects or the grind all that much.

i saw that pop up on the ubisoft forums and reddit last night. when they were relevant, i did the bullet king thing for about 2 hours and the hornet thing for about an hour and a half. that was enough for me to realize i have no desire in participating in any of these glitches that pop up. i would just be robbing myself of the game experience.
Better watch out guys, Ubisoft is going to "punish" you if you utilize exploits... :LOL: :rolleyes: