That game that everyone hates, but you love...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 83233
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Also Doom III. Granted it absolutely requires the Duct tape mod to be playable without being annoying but the game oozes with heavy metal atmosphere.

Agree completely. I don't need the mod, but yeah, this game is actually among my favorites. A lot of people do seem to hate it, but I've found a few on here that like it when it comes up now and then. :cool:
I preferred Doom 3 the way it was originally. Armenius said that he stopped playing the BFG Edition because the always-on light ruined the experience. I tend to agree; I think having to choose between weapon and light when navigating through dark areas really added to the tension. Just like in Outlast where you can't see in the dark unless you raise your camcorder with night vision, which has limited battery power, or in Alien: Isolation where you have to bring up your motion tracker to detect where the alien is but doing so can attract it to your location.
"Gothic 3. people hate it because of stuttering and the chain stagger attacks and other flaws, but I loved it. Massive world, just tons and tons of content. Community patch to correct many problems."

I loved Gothic 3 as well. I got way more play time and enjoyment from it than any of the Bethesda games. True it was a little quirky, but man the content was over the top! So was the discovery and exploration. Combat was not bad either, once I got the hang of it.
I like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic but it good poor reviews. The way they used physics in the game was great. It was fun to kick enemies off ledges. Also, I have liked the Source engine ever since HL2.

I liked the recent Thief reboot. Everyone said it sucked. Storyline was terrible, but gameplay was fun. I did not play the prior games in the series, so my expectations were low. Worth it if you can get it for around $10. And if you like sneaking games.
I like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic but it good poor reviews. The way they used physics in the game was great. It was fun to kick enemies off ledges. Also, I have liked the Source engine ever since HL2.

Wasn't this actually one of the knocks against the gameplay design in how your boot and conveniently placed environmental objects ended up being more powerful than swords or magic.

That said I thought the game, and that aspect, was fun as well :p
I loved Dark Messiah. Played it again not too long ago.