
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Jubilant Tesla Model 3 owner Amit says the Autopilot feature that enables the car to self-drive; saved his life by avoiding an accident. When another car entered his lane on I-95, the Autopilot feature in his Tesla Model 3 emitted an audible alarm and swerved to the left to avoid the accident. Amit says his Tesla was able to recenter itself in the lane before he was able to react. He said his hands were at the bottom of the steering wheel at the time.

I remember passing the silver car and all of a sudden the car made the audible alarm sound and my car swerved to the left. I was holding the lower portion for the steering wheel and felt the car wheel jerk left. I was sure I was about to smash into the barrier. Before I could even take over, the car was back in the lane." "Before I can disengage it was back in the middle. I did end up taking over because when I felt the car swerve I was looking ahead and didn't notice the right side car come into my lane."
Jubilant Tesla Model 3 owner Amit says the Autopilot feature that enables the car to self-drive; saved his life by avoiding an accident. When another car entered his lane on I-95, the Autopilot feature in his Tesla Model 3 emitted an audible alarm and swerved to the left to avoid the accident. Amit says his Tesla was able to recenter itself in the lane before he was able to react. He said his hands were at the bottom of the steering wheel at the time.

I remember passing the silver car and all of a sudden the car made the audible alarm sound and my car swerved to the left. I was holding the lower portion for the steering wheel and felt the car wheel jerk left. I was sure I was about to smash into the barrier. Before I could even take over, the car was back in the lane." "Before I can disengage it was back in the middle. I did end up taking over because when I felt the car swerve I was looking ahead and didn't notice the right side car come into my lane."

Interesting to hear a positive side to the "Autopilot".
Yea... hundreds of people die each week on our roads in Hondas, Toyotas, Fords, Chevys, Benzs, etc.... but only people driving Teslas make the news.

Its how it all works though. How many people would click on the weekly report of traffic deaths on the nearest interstate versus any "driver dies in tesla".

I would imagine it would be the same thing if power steering or ABS brakes were to be invented now with the internet already in full swing like it is.
Amit says his Tesla was able to recenter itself in the lane before he was able to react. He said his hands were at the bottom of the steering wheel at the time.
Aka I was driving and autopilot avoided a car that was merging normally while I wasn't paying attention.
Looks interesting but it did seem Quite aggressive

I guess it at least seen the car this time
Thats fair, im lazy and didnt watch the vid.

Car with likely badly set up side view mirrors tries to merge with the tesla in their blind spot. Tesla doesn't crash. Hurray.

It's stuff that a bajillion people handle daily without catastrophe and would just require a modicum of attention.
It's stuff that a bajillion people handle daily without catastrophe and would just require a modicum of attention.
I think what you mean is a horn honk from an attentive driver would have alerted the other driver to stop merging vs the car swerving semi-eradically to avoid the incident.
Too bad it's still buggy and can send you places you don't want to be. Danny Duncan, although quite a clown, has a recent video where he lets his Tesla autopilot merge into an oncoming traffic turning lane. Video also looks kind of sketch to me.. hmmm.. almost looks like he slows down when he gets right next to that Corolla. Either he was suspicious that the driver was about to do something weird, or wanted to stage a video. Keep right, and pass left... and when you pass left, press the damn pedal ffs.
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Darwin would be very upset by this news. This guy should not be on the road if he's not paying attention.
Too bad it's still buggy and can send you places you don't want to be. Danny Duncan, although quite a clown, has a recent video where he lets his Tesla autopilot merge into an oncoming traffic turning lane. Video also looks kind of sketch to me.. hmmm.. almost looks like he slows down when he gets right next to that Corolla. Either he was suspicious that the driver was about to do something weird, or wanted to stage a video. Keep right, and pass left... and when you pass left, press the damn pedal ffs.
I kinda see where you're getting at with the pause moment, he is clearly gaining at a normal speed moments before but honestly thats nothing. His speed was perfectly normal and the fact is the Toyota driver made a sudden lane without indicators flashing as well. This all adds up to simple bad driving habits and no, you do not need to mash the pedal to just exist in the left hand lane. Thats just poor driving practice and gains nothing but poor fuel economy.
Does anyone notice how crazy the Tesla moves are? It's very very jerky. Had the conditions been a little worse the Telsa veered more violently then necessary and could have crashed.
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I kinda see where you're getting at with the pause moment, he is clearly gaining at a normal speed moments before but honestly thats nothing. His speed was perfectly normal and the fact is the Toyota driver made a sudden lane without indicators flashing as well. This all adds up to simple bad driving habits and no, you do not need to mash the pedal to just exist in the left hand lane. Thats just poor driving practice and gains nothing but poor fuel economy.

I'm not saying mash the pedal. I'm saying press on it instead of acting like everyone behind you is on a Sunday cruise at all times. Plus this Tesla doesn't use fuel and accelerates much faster with less effort than a car that does use fuel. I get it that the public roadways are not a race track, but pull that shit in NJ and you're going to have extreme anxiety when someone is riding your bumper in a few seconds.
Does anyone notice how crazy the Tesla moves are? It's very very jerky. Had the conditions been a little worse the Telsa would of crashed itself.
Tesla has Electronic Stability Control. At no point was it near crashing nor would it have crashed if "conditions" had been worse.
Does anyone notice how crazy the Tesla moves are? It's very very jerky. Had the conditions been a little worse the Telsa would of crashed itself.

Why do you think a Tesla is not aware of road conditions? I don't have one, but I'd assume assessing things like traction to be paramount for a driver assist feature.
Also, your command of English is rather embarrassing, ok, maybe it might not be your first language - it's not mine either - but still you can do better than "would of crashed".
I see a video of a person NOT paying attention to the road and relying on the car to save him.

This "occurrence" is something most drivers should be acutely aware of whenever passing ANY car and is typical of most morning traffic commutes. I avoid these idiots doing blind lane changes about 1-2x a month with use of a horn or by proactively looking to see the cues of a person wanting to lane change (straddling the line, head turns of the driver etc).
Computer will always have faster reaction time than a human. Just common sense

That's the entire justification for autonomous driving.

Computers never get tired, drunk or distracted, and they always react within milliseconds. That is their advantage.

Their disadvantage is their difficulty in interpreting the world around them. Give any road a half an inch coating of snow, just enough to obscure the lines on the road. A human driver has no problem with these conditions (unless they happen to live down south, in which case a single snowflake causes everyone to freak out and forget how to drive.) An autonomous driving system - however - is now completely thrown off. It is trained to use the lines to identify where to be on the road, and can't make the same kind of decisions with incomplete information as a human can. Same thing with dirt roads.

So, each system has its positives and its negatives.

I'd argue that as it stands today, an autonomous driver is better and safer than a human driver on average, but can't come even remotely close to touching a human driver at their best. You know, when they are alert, obeying all rules of the road, not distracted, not drunk or high, etc.

Maybe AI will improve to the point where this is no longer the case at some point. Time will tell.
Why do you think a Tesla is not aware of road conditions? I don't have one, but I'd assume assessing things like traction to be paramount for a driver assist feature.

Because it's not. Traction control systems work by responding after wheels start to slip, they're not aware of road conditions and making predictions based off of them.

Also, your command of English is rather embarrassing, ok, maybe it might not be your first language - it's not mine either - but still you can do better than "would of crashed".

Maybe the fact that English is not your first language makes you unaware that you're coming off super douchey here.
I dont think the tesla swerving like it did so close to a barrier is the best move for it. I dont think the car knows the conditions of tyre wear, potholes nor the condition of that section of road with all the drains in it. I have always been taught never to swerve like that when an obstacle comes your way.

Would the autopilot disengage if it was an attentive driver grabbed the wheel in that time? I couldnt see that ending well
If the Tesla's sensors detected both the distance to the divider and the merging car and was able to swerve safely, maintain equal distance without hitting either and then break; I'm impressed.

Initially I thought the Tesla had hit the center divider when swerving.
Idiot was in the left lane, hanging in the blind spot of that car...which was clearly overtaking the one ahead of it. This fairly screams that Mr. Amit displayed a dismaying amount of incompetence behind the wheel. No doubt his tesla will "save" him again and again. I'd rather he get some feedback about his driving style and techniques, like bent sheet metal, which would have him re-examine the role of a driver on a road amongst other cars.

The worst part? He doesn't think he'd have a share of blame if there'd been an accident.
Idiot was in the left lane, hanging in the blind spot of that car...which was clearly overtaking the one ahead of it. This fairly screams that Mr. Amit displayed a dismaying amount of incompetence behind the wheel. No doubt his tesla will "save" him again and again. I'd rather he get some feedback about his driving style and techniques, like bent sheet metal, which would have him re-examine the role of a driver on a road amongst other cars.

The worst part? He doesn't think he'd have a share of blame if there'd been an accident.

Wrong. Watch the video again. Tesla was gaining distance on the car in the right lane.
Idiot was in the left lane, hanging in the blind spot of that car...which was clearly overtaking the one ahead of it. This fairly screams that Mr. Amit displayed a dismaying amount of incompetence behind the wheel. No doubt his tesla will "save" him again and again. I'd rather he get some feedback about his driving style and techniques, like bent sheet metal, which would have him re-examine the role of a driver on a road amongst other cars.

The worst part? He doesn't think he'd have a share of blame if there'd been an accident.

He was in the passing lane driving at a faster pace than the car on the right. It was the driver that merged into the left lane who was at fault here. I didn't like how the Tesla swerved although, most people would've just tapped on their brakes to permit the terrible lane-changer to move forward. It's much easier to bleed off speed than to swerve and maintain nearly same speed considering the situation.

True, I don't know what's behind the Tesla and perhaps that led to the decision making of swerving and what not.

Not impressed either way.
I suspect all the posters with negative comments towards the progress of the Tesla AI driving would not be impressed if their infant kid took it's first steps and fell after the first step.
How unthinkable a Massachusetts license plate driver not using a turn signal.
Wrong. Watch the video again. Tesla was gaining distance on the car in the right lane.

Based on what I see from all the Tesla drivers around here, I strongly suspect this guy had been camping in the passing lane, and the other car was fed up.

The Toyota straight up brake-checked the Tesla on purpose. People don't do that unprovoked. I think there's a reason we only see 8 sec of video.
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So that makes the Tesla driver in the wrong some how?

The Tesla owner said he remembers passing the Toyota. This doesn't tell me he was sitting there cruising in his blind spot.