Super Nerd Van

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Now THIS is a van I would own. Well, maybe not “own” but definitely drive. Alright, I probably wouldn’t drive this either but I would definitely leave this mobile man-cave in my garage.
You kidding? I would so drive that. Freackin sweet! :p

Just think of all the chicks I could get with that... :eek: :eek: :(
That's a nice van there. But the driver and passenger in the front seat wouldn't be able to interact with the people in the back if I'm looking at the pictures right. The big screen is on a wall that cut the back completely off from the front.

I'd like to see some front seat shots. Too bad I don't see any on the site's photo gallery.
I wonder if Nerd Van has a video camera on the front so they can see where they're going via the TV :D
That's more like a limo built in a van chassis. The 32 inch screen deploys up and down, so if the passengers want to interact with the driver they can.

All that money for the car, and they can only afford Vista Home Premium????? Why not ultimate?
Considering its a Brabus vehicle, expect an astronomic price tag. All it is a 32 inch tv with a ps3 and some fancy seats.

For the price of this thing you can get yourself a nice home-theater set up.
Considering its a Brabus vehicle, expect an astronomic price tag. All it is a 32 inch tv with a ps3 and some fancy seats.

For the price of this thing you can get yourself a nice home-theater set up.

I'm guessing $600,000 - $1,000,000

That is just a guess though.
That thing is AMAZING! I want one....I just need to find someone to drive me around now.
What strikes me as hilarious is all the pics of the swanky interior and the last one is of an umbrella holder, I mean who made that decision. There had to be something more worthwhile to photograph.
wow, impressive!! I do hope that he has those windows tinted though!!!
I'm guessing $600,000 - $1,000,000

That is just a guess though.

Holy cow...that much? What all did they put in there to make it cost that much. Granted I have no experience whatsoever when it comes to Brabus. :p