Super EPIC Tron Light Show Dance

I think I have seen something exactly like this on America's Got Talent. They have dark track suits on with flourescent paint and they light them up with blacklight spots.
I think I have seen something exactly like this on America's Got Talent. They have dark track suits on with flourescent paint and they light them up with blacklight spots.

This one is done with EL wire, lots of micro-controllers, wireless transmitters, and sequencing software / hardware. From what research I've done after several dancer friends started pinging me yesterday with "Tim, Tim, Tim... we need you to do this for us" it's pretty straight forward.
This group was on AGT last season, and called ILuminate. It's done as above poster said, with a programmer who programs the entire show to go with the choreography.
Team iLuminate was much better than this japanese crew. I saw this at and can't believe this group rip off Team iLuminate and did it worse.
A well choreographed illusion... even if one of their stage hands / non-illuminated dancers got caught towards the end picking a lit dancer up.
Ok, gotta admit. I skipped by it a few times because I never cared for tron. Finally I broke down and clicked it and that was pretty damn neat.
A well choreographed illusion... even if one of their stage hands / non-illuminated dancers got caught towards the end picking a lit dancer up.

Having worked stage shows, it's really really hard to not be seen. Takes lots of practice for hand placement, getting on / off stage. Timing is usually pretty tight. All in all, they did a good job. Being the engineer I am, I was more caught up the tech behind it. My dancer friends are still hounding me to work with them on a set. It would be quite different as they are Tribal Fusion bellydancers. Not sure we'd do it all in the dark as the visuals are so much a part of what they do. I have some ideas tho. It involves lots of Arduinos ;)
I remember Team iLuminate did one where it was a fighting game theme on AGT. I'm sure it's on youtube somewhere.
iLuminate is far better. The breaks/lulls in the show absolutely kill it. iLuminate kept the pace up, and make it far more entertaining as a whole. Also the light sequencing that iLuminate does is better. This video needs to have the suits strobe a bit more often, it's a good effect for this kind of lighting IMO.
I did martial arts for many years. We used to put on shows to bad we couldn't do something like this with martial arts choreographed fights. i think it would look awesome.
I did martial arts for many years. We used to put on shows to bad we couldn't do something like this with martial arts choreographed fights. i think it would look awesome.

Exactly this. I could see some neat looking effects very anime inspired created with this style of dance.
cool... was I the only person who get annoyed by the asian guy saying "wow" over and over?
It's pretty good. I'm guessing the dancers are all wearing NVGs behind their red mask.
While this video was fun to watch since I haven't ever seen anything like it before, it seems like something with limited appeal. Once it's been done a few times the novelty is pretty old. If this group is copying some other group as the other posters in this thread are implying, then this type of performance is definitely at the tail end of it's 15 minutes.
Woulda been cooler if they were all fat, like this guy:


I might just be jaded but i thought the one in the OP executed their version better. The illuminati were people dacing while wearing light suits, take out the lights and they will look like a normal dance routine. I watched a couple more of their videos and while they do make some use of it, it mostly just shows them as moving disco lights.

The one in the OP was all about making the lights dance, the people were secondary. In most of it, there were more people on stage than there are visible dancers. I count atleast 12 people in the big crowd near the end even tho you see only 8, and in the middle part, there were 7 people in light suits pretending to be the same dancer. Those moves wouldn't work without the suits :cool:
I might just be jaded but i thought the one in the OP executed their version better. The illuminati were people dacing while wearing light suits, take out the lights and they will look like a normal dance routine. I watched a couple more of their videos and while they do make some use of it, it mostly just shows them as moving disco lights.

The one in the OP was all about making the lights dance, the people were secondary. In most of it, there were more people on stage than there are visible dancers. I count atleast 12 people in the big crowd near the end even tho you see only 8, and in the middle part, there were 7 people in light suits pretending to be the same dancer. Those moves wouldn't work without the suits :cool:

My thoughts exactly. The timing and synchronization of the lighting made it all the more impressive. Not saying there was anything wrong with the dancing, but the impressive part was how it worked with the timing and the lights.
I made a suit similar to this (i run about 150ft of el wire), but getting them all in sync like that probably requires an outside wireless controller. It's pretty impressive just from the tech stand point though, would love to see how they all got it set up. Not my best suit, but will give you an idea: