Suggestions / hlep for HTPC build?

Nov 7, 2003
Hi all, I've been eyeing the BlueRay drives and building myself an HTPC around it. I've replaced 3 DVD players in the past two years much to my dismay. I've bought supposed 'quality' from the likes of Samsung, Sony, and Toshiba, only to be p'od by all of them going bad (or just plain not working with some DVD copy protection schemes). I refuse to get burned again

So... I want an HTPC that can:

1. Play Blue Ray movies. Any suggestions for a good player? I do not need to record.
2. Can boot up / play a movie using only a remote. Will Windows Vista Ultimate support a a remote? If so, suggestions for a not-too-expensive remote?
3. Suggest a nice HTPC case, preferrably in the 100 to 150 range...
4. Decent motherboard with onboard HDMI or DVI & VGA out?
You're not. this is exactly what I needed. I don't spend as much time in the forums as I once did... thanks. Now how to close this thread... hmm.