Stuffed Cat Quadrotor Video of the Day

Too bad!!! Looks like he killed his cat to do all this. Just like the way we sedate live rats and nail them on tray before dissecting them.
this puts a whole new perspective on the the phrase "when pigs fly..."
You'll have to think about your next pets now to fit your build. I imagine most cats would have to go mini itx at the most!
He should get someone with a truck to come over and videotape him driving over the cat-rotor, then fly it up to the heavens... Throw in some harp music and it'd be golden. Would be alot more entertaining than watching it just bob around in the air.

Or at least show it chasing a dog around the neighborhood...
Now this is the way to mess with annoying pigeons.

OMG Flying Cat!!! Let's get out of here....

Pigeon problem solved.
The person who did this needs to check into a hospital to get an evaluation done. It's only funny to people because they have not had pet cat die or put to sleep. I doubt the cat is his because no sane person would do this to an animal they loved dearly or this would make him insane.
Way to ruin an afternoon.

Need a hug? You obviously do since youre the only person to ever have a loved pet die :rolleyes::rolleyes: Man up. I have had dearly loved pets die in my arms and I think this guys idea is excellent.
550 flying cats would make for a strange airforce.

I wish he had used a fake stuffed cat. That would have been funnier for me. I like my cats so yeah.

Funny ass idea but....