Street Fighter 4 Thread

Got my copy at Best Buy. They had plenty of them. I'd forgot that this game's only $40 brand new. Can't beat that.
He's still top tier anyhow.

So, does that mean I have to choose the lowest tier to be a good player? Really sick of cry babies whining about Sagat. In SSFIV his power and damage got nerfed, so now there are no excuses.
So, does that mean I have to choose the lowest tier to be a good player? Really sick of cry babies whining about Sagat. In SSFIV his power and damage got nerfed, so now there are no excuses.

Stick to him. The issue with SF4 is that there are boatloads of people that would only play Sagat because he was so much better than everyone else. It was like Jin in Tekken 4 all over again. People didn't play with him because they liked the character, they just liked how powerful he was. As long as they really toned him back (or toned everyone else up), it's all good.

I'm sure there we be some other almighty character in this one for people to abuse :p

Personally, I'm not a fan of any character that can combo into their ultra. That's just wrong.
So, does that mean I have to choose the lowest tier to be a good player? Really sick of cry babies whining about Sagat. In SSFIV his power and damage got nerfed, so now there are no excuses.

No. How does that mean you have to choose a low tier char? I'm saying that sagat is STILL a great char in the game. Theres a vid out there that shows utilizing angry scar in combos for massive damage. Shit was crazy.

So what, he got nerfed, there were nerfs across the board. Overall, the game is just more competitive now. If you like the character, stick with him. Cammy's cannon spike got nerfed, and now all of them only do 100 damage. But I'll still stick with her. She got crappy new counter ultra compare dto the tiger cannon which is very useful, but whatever, I like cammy still.
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So, does that mean I have to choose the lowest tier to be a good player? Really sick of cry babies whining about Sagat. In SSFIV his power and damage got nerfed, so now there are no excuses.

No it doesn't at all. Nothing wrong with picking one of the better characters. But on the other hand, you should be willing to admit, that your character was over powered and had an advantage over most of cast, and a rather LARGE advantage at that.

The way I see it, play who you want. But then don't gripe if you pick one of the weaker characters and constantly lose. It's your own damn fault for not picking a top tier. On the other hand, if you pick a top tier, play the game knowing you have an inherent advantage over the other people regardless of skill.

Sagat was so over powered, that there was little reason not to use him, he was just broken. So yes, people can honestly claim that you started off the round with an inherent advantage and a better character, and this would be 100% true. On the other hand, nothing is stopping them from picking that character as well.

And this is why, given enough time, fighting games always end up with the same few characters being used, and the rest not getting played.

He's still top tier in this one, even with the nerf hes still, so far, a lot better then the rest of the cast.

And, other then the Alpha series, he's always been one of the best, and always a ton of extremely lop sided matches in his behavior. So a lot of people go into any game knowing that.
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Played for a few tonight. Loving the changes so far thinking ibuki for an alt seems easy to combo.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I got in a fair number of games last night. T. Hawk is a solid character. It's weird not being able to condor dive when jumping backwards, but the new spire move is great for getting in close. His grab really seems to have no range at first (in practice mode), but in gameplay it seems to have the same range as Zangief. The EX version seems to work like a vacuum.
Dudley is strong for sure. Tons of chain combos, EX moves that can be linked into his ultra. In general he just had a huge strong arsenal of moves that are all pretty safe.

Adon desperately needs some kind of kick special attack to end attack strings, do block damage, and doesn't leave him unsafe. His normal attacks are still pretty solid, but when attacking, your only real combo ender is the rising jaguar...which can only land from really close. I get the feeling Adon players are going to be throw happy to keep people from just turtling up.

The only returning character I messed with was Chun Li...and her new ultra is GODLIKE. Any time anyone is in the air anywhere near you they're going to get lit up. It can be combo'd off of her b+MK sequence, too. Now if you miss even a fast poke she can B+MK, B+MK, rising air kick, Ultra. I'm not a fan of combos into an ultra, but she really did need something better.

Oh, yeah - Bison's new Ultra is a much easier combo to land after his air MP, MP combo. Now you don't have to start your charging the instant you leave the ground or deal with that zany motion. I miss his old combo constantly and the new one should fix that.
Enjoying NOT playing as Sagat and giving a different type of char like T.Hawk a go. Having a good time.
Ok am I just getting lucky here or did all the flowchart kens leave? I've gone up against 2 kens and no ryu's in 2 nights.
I've encountered more Kens than other characters...however at least 1/2 have been good players working the kicks, kara throw, etc.
Lost of people are choosing the new characters, which is cool.
I honestly really like T. Hawk as a character. His grab's better than 'Gief's IMO.
I really like adon but it feels like he lacks a major way to do good damage. Thats too bad cause I don't really like the rest of the new chars. Juri is alright, but i'm not feeling it. I'll eventually find a new char though.

I haven't played online that much, but theres so much variety from what i've played. More rose, fei long, and sakura from what i've played. That's very nice and refreshing from ken/sagat/balrog/ryu
Played for a few tonight. Loving the changes so far thinking ibuki for an alt seems easy to combo.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Some of Ibukis combos are easy as all hell because they are target combos, which don't really take any skill. Thing about Ibuki is she's been hit or miss as to how good she actually is.

Here entire advanced game revolves around mix ups, kunai throws after a knock down, and mind games. And you MUST be able to to do all the harder combos off a hit confirm.

I've ran into some crazy Hakan players though.
Are all the characters available from the beginning for VS play or do you have to unlock them in arcade mode again?
Are all the characters available from the beginning for VS play or do you have to unlock them in arcade mode again?

Everyone is there right away, which is cool. Plus, as you play the characters more (in any mode) you unlock colors/taunts/sayings/badges etc.
It's much better than having to play Survival mode and that nonsense.

I've played maybe 50 matches online. While Dudley is good on paper, I still have yet to lose to one. Most of the better players I've run into have been sticking to the older characters, which can be a little lame. I've played a few decent T. Hawks and Ibukis. I encountered one guy who was a killer with Adon and Cody. In fact, I saw a boatload of potential in Cody after watching this guy.
I am maining Guy. He is real fun. I used to use Cammy and he is very similar.

Add me on Live: Flippr

Hopefully I will be on tonight.
Anyone run into some Sagats yet? Not a single one. I did play the CPU one and he was still doing pretty hefty damage, although his Ultra didn't seem quite as overpowering. No Zangiefs yet either.

So far I've run into lots of Ken (shocker!), Ibuki, Guile, Seth, Ryu, T. Hawk, Blanka, and a couple of Guys, Dee Jays, and Codys.
Been definitely having fun last night with T.Hawk. Crossing up Fierce+down and getting easy 360s, also Diving into 360s 720s, with some luck crossing that up as well. Seems like his best 1 frame atm is LP, LP, FP.

Im still learning how to play him decently, but hes fun.
A fun mix-up with T. Hawk after you get a knockdown is to dive right in front of them so that you're landing right as they get up. You can go for a grab, a rising hawk, a spire (which will go over ducking people), or a backdash. It makes for a great mix-up.
For sure. Ive been able to noob win quite a few matches with T.Hawk, and even his relative newness has let me win against some competent players, but when i play someone really good i am nowhere near proficient enough with T.Hawk yet to make a serious challenge. But hes fun so ima stick with him through the bad and good. Im so used to playing someone like Sagat who can supress from a distance, and turtling, that im struggling with playstyle to adapt to the close attacks required by T. Hawk.
Well after playing with this SF4 SE stick I can play better but I've got to figure out away to replace these damn buttons.

Because they suck.
Cody is the new go to easy mode scrub character IMO. c. Jab, c. Jab, c. Strong, Criminal Upper ad nauseum...
Enjoying Makoto, but it's hard to get in for chokes with no parry and her super slow walk. Her damage and stun is good though.

REALLY enjoy Sakura now. She's still an uphill climb in several matches, but she's much better. Ryu is stil most nerfed, and I think Guile or maybe M. Bison gets Most Improved.

...oh, and Balrog is still insane lol.
...oh, and Balrog is still insane lol.

Yeah, he still has all of those links into the EX headbutt into his Ultra. He's up there with Sagat as far as turning a lost cause into a win. One jab can suddently become a 50% damage combo.

For sure. Ive been able to noob win quite a few matches with T.Hawk, and even his relative newness has let me win against some competent players, but when i play someone really good i am nowhere near proficient enough with T.Hawk yet to make a serious challenge. But hes fun so ima stick with him through the bad and good. Im so used to playing someone like Sagat who can supress from a distance, and turtling, that im struggling with playstyle to adapt to the close attacks required by T. Hawk.

With T. Hawk, one of the coolest features is his reach. His standing MP, HP, MK, and HK are all VERY long range move. The standing MP has crazy priority, too. With zone-out characters, don't be afraid to trade hits with your normal attacks. You'll win the damage exchanges. Also, the EX Spire will go through projectiles and is a solid set-up for a big slam or ultra. Probably the biggest thing I've noticed is that his grab will snatch limbs almost like King's giant swing in Tekken. If anyone's poking close to you, the EX and jab versions of the typhoon will grab people from a much longer distance than you might expect.
Domingo, whats your take on Juri. Played with her for an hour or so last night. Seemed relatively easy to pick up. Feels like a fun character to play but couple fights seemed up hill.
I haven't played Juri myself, but it seemed like she was wide open every time she did anything. I remember being hit by several moves that were getting Marvel vs. Capcom-like combo numbers...but they didn't really do much damage. Her animation and movement is a little disorienting at first. Kind of like Makoto.
Of the new people I saw the most long-range potential in Cody and Guy. Both of them seemed like beasts in the right hands.
Just got the game today, decided to pick up guy. That dude is seriously awesome. I'll be switching between him and viper.
Played last night and raped almost everyone with Sagat. Still pretty solid. Suprised I didnt get bombed with hate mails.
Played last night and raped almost everyone with Sagat. Still pretty solid. Suprised I didnt get bombed with hate mails.

Yeah, i moved back to Sagat as my main. Hes just still that good. I was hoping to main T.Hawk, but after lotso playing and shoryuken reading, im convinced he will only ever be middle tier. He also has some very bad matchups against certain folk.

Might change around chars again once the Top Tiers become more clear.
Played last night and raped almost everyone with Sagat. Still pretty solid. Suprised I didnt get bombed with hate mails.

He's still top tier, the nerfs weren't that bad.

Of the new people I saw the most long-range potential in Cody and Guy

Cody is going to be up there, Dudley is looking great as well. Guy, it's way to early to tell. He's a lot slower then he once was, he's got his target combo and can convert it into a lot of great things. So far he rapes shotos, but there are some characters he has issues with.

Makoto, has changed. And this doesn't look like it's for the best.

Ibuki, who knows, probably will turn out ok.

Juri, well, I don't think she'll do that good.
I'm still going to stick with Guy, I've always liked him since Final Fight. Guy/Viper combo.. BEAST!! I'll switch back to viper if I get sick of shenanigans.. I can start doing them myself if I switch to viper hah.
As far as Sagat nerf goes, his standing low kick doesnt combo anymore, it just does a small double leg kick. No longer trade + F hk + f hk link anymore. I can tell his hits doesnt do massive damage anymore, im gonna miss that one.
I am still sticking with gouken as my main, but I fought a hard makoto and juri today. Skin 12 really sucks, at least on gouken.
Yo, I'm playing on PS3. If anyone wants to get a good regular fight in, add me on PSN.
PSN Name: tizzao