

Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2015
Hello Hardforum! Pleasure to be here. I thank you all for the wonderful opportunity that hardforum even gives n00bs like me a chance to learn. Maybe you could help me.

I am a programming major and wish for some free alternatives to learning if possible. College is so expensive and even after serving in the military I can not afford the school of my dreams.

So perhaps some places that the underworld ( you educated people ) will know where I can go to learn.

What should I start with?

Thank you.
The thing I always suggest to people is that you find something that interests you --- in other words -- what would you enjoy working on? What tickles your fancy? That way you can have fun learning which will help in the learning process. A majority of people want to program, but don't necessarily know what they should work on and without a goal, it's hard to get going.

When people in my real life asked me the same question I always recommended something like a blackjack game. It doesn't need any fancy graphics. You can use plain text "8 - Heart", "A - Spade", etc. But it will require you to learn how to store data (which card has been played already and is available in the deck still.) Some logic puzzles (what if you bust? Double down? Split? Handling how much money you have, etc.)

It's a fairly comprehensive intro into programming, but its fairly easy rules.

I'm not sure what experience you really have, but working on things on your own is usually the best way to learn. When I hired programmers in the past, I always asked every applicant if they ever worked on their own projects at home. If they said "No, I only worked on programs I had to in my college course." Those people were easily overlooked and didn't know much at all. Learn on your own.

So if I was going to suggest my blackjack program, then the next question is? What platform? Browser? Desktop application? Dos screen? etc Then you can work on solving those problems before you even get into the app.