SSD Price predictions


Limp Gawd
Apr 7, 2006
The short supply of the Intel G2 SSD has driven prices up this past week. OCZ is offering a $30 rebate gift card on their Vertex drives. The vertex drives, which having very different specifications, are the only thing the Intel drives have in terms of direct market-pressure competition.

Now that the Intel parts have gone up in price, do we expect that OCZ will let their rebate program expire, and allow their parts to creep upwards in price?

What impact do we expect the 22 Oct. Windows 7 release to have on SSD demand/availability/price?
Only enthusiasts will most likely buy SSDs at this point as well as when Win7 releases. You'd be hard pressed to convince the average consumer to drop 300 dollars on only 80GB.
Only enthusiasts will most likely buy SSDs at this point as well as when Win7 releases. You'd be hard pressed to convince the average consumer to drop 300 dollars on only 80GB.

Businesses as well. I've been putting the x25's in systems for a long time now.
Only enthusiasts will most likely buy SSDs at this point as well as when Win7 releases. You'd be hard pressed to convince the average consumer to drop 300 dollars on only 80GB.

To be fair it should be more like $200-220 for 80GB and $330 or less for 120GB... But high demand and short supply of the Intel drives has lead to price gouging for the time being. I wouldn't have bought an 80GB X25-M drive for $300 but I'm ready to buy it the second it's anywhere near $220 again ('specially now that I've got access to Win7 RTM so I can avoid an unnecessary re-install come October).

I don't expect the official release of Win7 to do much with regards towards pricing, enthusiasts are a minuscule part of the market and they're the only ones that would suddenly cause a buying frenzy of SSD on Oct. 22... If anything you might see some of them in short supply again at that date (if they're still not in short supply already).

Before all these hold ups people were speculating prices would've gone down by then but it seems very unlikely right now. I doubt OCZ and others are gonna let their rebates lapse for now tho, even if Intel drives continue to be hard to find, they know they're barely hanging in... A lot of people (myself included) will opt for an 80GB X25-M G2 even if it actually costs more per GB because they don't need a whole lot of space for their OS drive so they just want something fast and cheap. If the 60GB Vertex drives were $40 cheaper or so I'd be considering that tho 60GB is a wee bit tight.
Oh, like the second post in this thread? :D

To be fair, outside of enthusiasts (and even amongst them), there's a big gap between perception and reality when it comes to SSD right now... The reality is anyone could easily benefit from and notice the performance improvement an SSD has on daily computing, once prices start to settle it's a better upgrade than anything short of adding RAM to a system with less than 2GB. The perception is that they're still a luxury item and that you really don't need them. It might be true, but the average user doesn't need a quad core (or a dual core in some cases) or more than 2GB of RAM and many will still pay for it when they buy a mid-range laptop.

Obviously the only real issue right now is price vs size, and until we see 160GB-250GB drives selling for what an 80-120GB drive costs today they won't be mainstream... Because explaining why he should use one drive for apps and the other drive for storage to the average user is way more trouble than it's worth. :p (and laptops make the majority of sales these days anyay) SSD are definitely gonna explode into the mainstream sometime soon tho, it's probably the biggest tangible leap in performance since dual-cores and RAM prices started to plummet a couple years ago, probably more so. I wan't wait 'till they're significantly cheaper so I can get a larger one on the desktop and move whatever I'm using then to my netbook, or so I can upgrade my sister's laptop (she tends to kill the HD in whatever laptop she's using within 2 years of getting it, w/o fail).
i hope we see 320GB SATA6.0 500MB/s drives for $200 in about 2 years as thats when my next full upgrade time frame is planned for.
[LYL]Homer;1034562058 said:
$229 at 9am pdt.

Which means the price is unchanged since my posting, because the price I quoted was after the $30 rebate.
Newegg seems to have raised the price on the old G1 80GB X25-M; that I really didn't see coming, since they had lowered it to the G2's MSRP since Intel announced the G2 a while back... And they've deactivated all listings for any G2 drives, I dunno if they actually sold 'em out (doubt it) or what the heck is going on. Clearly the first price hike was part of their automated system but the rest of what they've been doing thru the day makes much less sense to me.

Guess I'll just ride it out for now and wait 'till people stop freaking out over availability, tho MWave is supposedly getting 'em in again on Friday... Yeah, I'll probably end up checking their page obsessively on my phone come Friday.
Newegg seems to have raised the price on the old G1 80GB X25-M; that I really didn't see coming, since they had lowered it to the G2's MSRP since Intel announced the G2 a while back... And they've deactivated all listings for any G2 drives, I dunno if they actually sold 'em out (doubt it) or what the heck is going on. Clearly the first price hike was part of their automated system but the rest of what they've been doing thru the day makes much less sense to me.

Guess I'll just ride it out for now and wait 'till people stop freaking out over availability, tho MWave is supposedly getting 'em in again on Friday... Yeah, I'll probably end up checking their page obsessively on my phone come Friday.

Doesn't appear there is an automated system:

There's human scum behind this fiasco.