So if you have slow load times in Fallout 4


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 9, 2006
Give this mod a look. In particular if you have a high spec system with an SSD and are using the ultra high rez textures. It really seems to do the trick.

I was perplexed with this game because while it runs good, load times are slow, particularly loading from interior to exterior in the dense cities. I'm talking like 30+ seconds. Ok that's console shit. I have an XP941 SSD on a high end system, load times are supposed to be next to nothing and are in most games.

This mod fixes it. The long interior->exterior times went from 30+ to like 3 or less seconds.

What it does, surprisingly, is removes the FPS cap during loading. Yes really. For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to tie loading to FPS. I have no idea why. It auto re-enables it once you are loaded so that the physics don't blow up.

I haven't tested it long term, but so far works great and makes the load times acceptable.

So if you have a good system, particularly with an SSD, give it a look it might help you out since Bethesda apparantly has howler monkeys make coding decisions for their engine.
If this works, I might just kiss you. ;) I've tried a few things, and nothing has worked so far.
I have heard of games that cap their loading screen on their loading screen animation (ME2, if you replaced the loading animation with static images, the game would load almost instantaneously).

Never heard of games cap their progress on FPS...
I never had an issue with FO4 until I loaded the new res pack. It always loaded ok when I did my first play-through.
-- edit 2 --
never give up never surrender

i hope you can use it


I found the same.

But, I'm thinking about trying this one:

We'll see though. I've borked my ME2 install at least half a dozen times due to "fiddling"....
The mods just involve replacing some movie files in the original install with alternative ones. The one I used was simply a Mass effect logo and my load times (this is on an SSD) drastically dropped to sometimes not even 1 or 2 seconds long. It was a massive improvement.